My wife is 30

Chapter 448: Signature

Zhang Huaijin said with an ugly expression looking at the people in front of him.

"What the hell do you want to do? I have said this contract several times. I will never sign it. Don't disgust me here, can you?"

The contract is clearly here, and I will never sign it, no matter what the reason is,

Whether this contract is true or false, I am not a fool, I can tell at a glance.

In particular, opening a brokerage company and entertainment company in this area is very profitable on the surface, but there are too many twists and turns involved.

If you are not careful, it will have a huge impact. When there is a problem, who should say, the problem is very big.

But once one appears, it is a very bad thing for all people, and they are afraid that there will be problems accidentally.

The entire company will be completely buried, and a company can start at a few million yuan to become a real legal person.

But the situation is obvious here, which makes people feel surprised and embarrassed. No one can say anything.

Sometimes saying too much is of no use, Zhang Huaijin took a deep breath.

There was a bit of blankness in his eyes, he didn't even know what to say, but the situation was terrible now.

Ji Yu watched Zhang Huaijin walk over on his own initiative.Said immediately.

"Okay, you two don't look like this anymore. It's useless. Get out. Since he doesn't want to cooperate with you here, then don't follow him."

Zhang Huaijin has a very good temper. Generally, he will not take the initiative to show up when he meets any situation, no matter what the reason is.

But Zhang Huaijin's temper is here. He has a very good temper. If there is a huge problem, maybe someone has deliberately done something here.

Zhang Huaijin was about to say something more, when she saw someone walking forward voluntarily.

It was the same little girl before, and the little girl explained the conspiracy of the people clearly and plainly.

Maybe at first they would feel a little at a loss, but now they all know the same.

It is because of my last company secretary problem that many people think that they are a fool.

I feel that I can cheat money, but I don’t put people in my eyes.

Zhang Huaijin looked at the little girl in front of him and said hesitantly: "Little girl, is there anything you are looking for me now?"

This little girl had told herself a lot of news before, but she didn't know if it was of any use for him to come here this time.

The little girl thought for a while and said, "Yes, it is indeed a big problem to find you, especially you. You should also know that some of our people come to you to cooperate and come to pit your money for you."

"You should discuss it with your wife. When you really want to cooperate with others, you must ask what is your wife's situation."

There is a lot of experience in the monsoon, and I don't know what the problem is, but the current situation alone is hard to imagine.

If Monsoon feels that these people have problems, then it can only prove that they have many problems.

He even dared to pit on Zhang Huaijin's head brazenly.

The monsoon on the side nodded faintly, and said: "Once you are done, don't talk so much nonsense. Let's go. We don't welcome you here. I hope you can think about it yourself.

If you really cooperate, you must do what you should do in there.

It is okay to cooperate. It does not mean that it is like rejecting everyone's cooperation because it rejects everyone's cooperation.

This is obviously a very unreliable thing. It is easy to cause more things if you are not careful. The more you think about it, the more people feel that I am far away.

Obviously things are already like this, but it is really speechless.

The people on the side saw him say things so directly, and some people wanted to be cheeky here at first.

But I didn't expect the strong women to speak in person, and they could only fall into silence, what is the identity of the strong woman.

If you really say something here, it will be a very bad thing for everyone. No matter what the reason is, the current situation alone will make people feel very embarrassed.

Everyone is afraid of this problem. If you are not careful, you will encounter a bigger situation. Many people don’t understand why, but he thought about it carefully.

Zhang Huaijin stepped forward directly to look at the person in front of him.

He said: "What's the matter with you? Why don't you look so good looking at you? Are you thinking about something?"

As Zhang Huaijin thought, she turned her head and looked at Xue with a bit of daze on her face.

Their group of people has never been a good thing, and the situation is very bad when they encounter something.

No one can say more about what the situation is, but the more I think about it, the more people feel shocked. Even Zhang Huaijin feels speechless.

Seeing everyone staying here, Zhang Huaijin thought about it carefully and said.

"Okay, let's not talk so much nonsense in there, let's leave quickly, and go to their respective partners."

Many people around felt embarrassed, so they turned their heads and left.

Seeing that everyone was almost gone, Zhang Huaijin took the initiative to step forward and said with a smile.

"What the hell do you want to do now? I always think you guys have a big problem, don't you? What do you want to do?"

While thinking about it, I looked at the employees of the company. All the employees of the company stayed there at this time. Now the employees in the company fell silent in it.

It seems that I want to know what the situation is, and I seem to be worried about other things. Anyway, it makes people feel very speechless. After looking at the person carefully for a while, he smiled.

Anyway, the current situation is obvious here, if someone really wants to do something bad.

It would only make people feel even more ridiculous, Zhang Huaijin took a deep breath, with a bit of blankness and helplessness in his eyes.

In fact, many people will not take things to heart this time, but if they really don’t take things to heart, it’s simply not something a normal person would do.

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