My wife is 30

Chapter 463: Cowardice

Seeing the situation is already like this, Zhang Huaijin frowned, glanced at the person, and said immediately.

"It's getting late, is there anyone cooking here?"

Usually, Monsoon cooks food as mentioned in it, but now the group of them don’t know anything about it.

Instead, just staying here inexplicably makes people feel very speechless.

He glanced at them and said immediately.

"In normal times, I should have cooked food, but you all know the current situation. It's not that simple, especially now that we have been working for so long."

Having done such a long time, it is very tiring for everyone, and even no one knows what to say.

Everyone wants to be here, do nothing, and stay silently in a daze.

Zhang Huaijin nodded thoughtfully. He could see the matter this time, and there was nothing to say, so he sighed and said immediately.

"Since you don't want to cook in there, let me cook it myself. I can see that you are very tired now."

She is also a person who can cook, so why let her do it by herself, instead of doing everything herself?This thing is really embarrassing.

Although it is said that the monsoon will cook, but he can't let him do everything, and this thing will appear unfair.

Seeing that the situation was already like this, Zhang Huaijin sighed deeply, and immediately prepared things and began to prepare to cook.

Zhang Huaijin saw a lot of ingredients from there, and immediately laughed. I have to say that the ingredients are very good now.

No one knows where these ingredients come from, but in terms of their materials and quality, it is really shocking.

Zhang Huaijin took the initiative to start cooking, and a bunch of people began to whisper in there.

"This time Zhang Huaijin personally cooks again. What you did this time in Ji Yu is really great. We all like him to cook here, but he never takes the initiative to do it."

After speaking, she sighed softly, with a bit of speechlessness in her eyes. This is a very frustrating thing for people.

The taste of cooking is very delicious, but she doesn't do it much, especially when it is rainy.

But everyone wanted to eat the food she cooked in it, so the current situation was even worse, even Zhang Huaijin was stunned.

I was cooking inside, and I could hear the mess he was saying in it, and I immediately smiled.

I have to say that when I was cooking here, the group of people outside them were also talking non-stop.

Things now make people feel very speechless. All of them like to eat their own meals.

He touched his chin, said nothing, took the initiative to step forward and said immediately.

"Since it's like this, let's take turns cooking here in the future. After all, it is a fair thing for us to take turns cooking."

It is not possible to let people cook just because who cooks delicious food, nor can they not let people cook because who cooks delicious food, just this thing makes people feel very curious.

As soon as he said this, some people expressed rejection, because some people did not cook at all.

Those poorly cooked meals are like killing pigs, making people feel more shocked as they think about it, and no one knows what to do.

"I don't think this is a good thing. The food she cooks is delicious or not. We can't do anything about it, right?"

If some people cook bad food there, but he has a great reputation, it would be hard to say anything.

After all, the current situation is really shocking to people. People say that food is their priority. If the food is not delicious, it is a very bad situation for people.

Seeing that things are already like this, Zhang Huaijin sighed deeply, looked at the crowd and said

"You are really too obsessed with food, and it shocked me."

When a normal person is cooking, no matter what it is, it shouldn't be what it is now, but the more I think about it, the more people feel very speechless.

Zhang Huaijin sighed deeply. When he was about to say something, a person walked over on his own initiative, and his face was very ugly.

"You still don't let some people cook there? Alas, some people cook too bad food, even I can't eat it anymore.

After speaking, he sighed deeply, it seemed that he was really poisoned by those people too deeply.

Because some people cook it is really delicious, but some people cook it is really rubbish, and they don’t even know what to say.

Zhang Huaijin saw what the people said, and then turned to look at the Jiyu next to him. Jiyu is usually the candidate to cook, but how can she always let her cook here?

, If you let the fans see it, you will feel that you are waiting for someone to bully them. What will happen then, and what will others say?Just another.

After all, the cooking alone is really surprising. At the beginning, everyone in the program group had already arranged it here.

But if things are really allowed to continue, the situation will only become even more shocking.

From the beginning to the end of this matter is to look at the attitude of Ji Yu alone. If he is willing to cook, he will cook. If he is not willing to cook, no one knows what to say.

"I am willing to continue to cook for everyone, and cooking is a very good thing, why am I not willing? The most enjoyable thing for a cook is to cook."

When he said that, he sighed deeply, with a bit of speechlessness in his eyes.

Although it feels embarrassing to say this matter, but I don't know how he makes people say it. If you don't cook, the situation will only get worse.

Because if you set up a person to cook, if you don’t cook, many people will completely forget themselves.

It's not good news for myself, so what Zhang Huaijin said about this matter is surprising.

In order to consolidate myself, I have to cook here, no matter what kind of attitude it is, it is surprising just to talk about the current reasons.

"You think he wants to cook here, so let him cook here alone. I don't think there is a big problem."

Some people want to cook here and then take some shots, but they don't have this opportunity at all. The current situation alone makes people feel speechless.

We don’t understand, the circles are around, but after listening carefully for a while, we find that something is not quite right.

It seems that Monsoon really wants to cook by herself. Now if she wants to cook, let him cook.

"Well, then all the cooking is left to you. If you don't want to do it yourself, you can tell us in advance."

He can't always let him work hard in it all by himself, knowing that everyone has watched a lot of work today, and he can't be allowed to work all by himself.

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