My wife is 30

Chapter 503: Busy

As soon as Zhang Huaijin said this, the woman understood what he meant, nodded thoughtfully, and said.

"You want to use this contract as evidence and keep it, right? Then I understand what you mean. After that,

He touched his head directly, and laughed haha. He thought that this time Zhang Huaijin was deliberate.

Or I want to win people's sympathy, but now I think about it, maybe things are a little different.

Zhang Huaijin is a very shrewd person, and will not suffer at all when encountering many things.

It turned out that this time, I wanted to keep evidence of the enemy's crime.

I took a look at the change contract. Sure enough, there are many regulations on the contract. At first glance, there is no big problem.

But if you take a closer look or say that some people who are controversial, you can see that the problem is huge and that something else will easily happen.

And the problem is really bad, no one dares to say more about whether there is any problem with this contract.

If there are people who are deliberately asking for trouble, what effect will it have?

Moreover, things like contracts often require people to think about it.

But this person in the market is very clumsy. When signing a contract, he often wants to take a look at it.

Regarding the rest of the contract, it’s just a good look regardless of it, and it is easy to have some other problems.

Zhang Huaijin spoke to someone for a while, and then said with a smile.

"Recently, a lot of talents have appeared in our company. I thought about it carefully. Otherwise, let's promote the person first. I really don't want him from the previous manager."

While talking, he sighed deeply. Recently, there have been no good people in my company.

There is no such thing as a talented person to tell the truth, there is no contribution to the company in the company.

Instead, it has had a huge impact on the company’s development

Especially this supervisor, the situation will get worse some time ago, and I can't tell what the reason is.

But the situation is speechless and helpless. The problem is such an attitude, which makes people feel speechless to the extreme.

Zhang Huaijin thought about it carefully, then immediately looked up and smiled, and said,

"Do you have any thoughts about this new supervisor?"

I know a lot about the supervisors in the company, but the supervisors in the company are a bit too ignorant.

Who knows what the next situation will look like? It feels speechless to the extreme, and the current situation feels sufficient.

He glanced here and smiled immediately.

Said: "Usually, the people in our position are all related households, and there is someone behind the girl who instigated this matter, you don't all know about it."

I laughed loudly as I said,

There are indeed many affiliates in my company, and the problem is so huge that I can’t tell why.

But the situation makes people feel curious and shocked enough.

Zhang Huaijin looked up thoughtfully, Lin Tianxing was silent in it for so long

Could it be that Zhang Huaijin is not satisfied with this incident?Still have any other ideas.

She turned her head and looked over unconsciously. As soon as Zhang Huaijin said this, the person next to her nodded and said: ",

"I know what you said, and I know the problem is huge this time, and I can't tell what the reason is."

This time, people like them are not easy to provoke. The more they think about it, the more people feel very helpless. The whole person feels speechless to the extreme, and the situation is so bad.

Seeing that the situation has become the same now, the situation is really enough for people to think.

Zhang Huaijin sighed deeply, looked at the person immediately, and said.

"What the hell is going on now? Why do you have this attitude? Could it be that you don't care at all about who the owner of our company is?"

Don't you care about this time?They also feel a little speechless. Normal people should care about who the supervisor in their company is.

Moreover, his identity is special. Normal people should be very concerned about the identity of the supervisor in the company.

But the current situation makes people feel shocked and bad enough that they don't even know what to say.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Huaijin sighed deeply.

Lin Tianxing turned his head to look, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

Said: "Do you think I should react like this this time? You really think too much. No one can react to me.".

And this time, it is of no use to people, why should I care so much?

While talking, he scratched his head, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

In addition, the company's supervisors are not so easy to tell the truth, because they are afraid that some other problems will arise next.

On the contrary, it seems that the problem is even greater, and there is still a bit of shock. I think I understand, my wife.

I don’t care about many things about the company, especially the company’s situation this time, which is really very bad.

He was still paying attention to the issue of his contract one second before, but he started thinking like this the next second, which is really bad.

The more I thought about it, the more I shook my head. The problem is like this, I'm afraid that something else will happen.

If I can’t tell the reason, I’m afraid the problem will become very bad.

He sighed deeply and shook his head helplessly, while Lin Tianxing fell into deep thought.

He immediately said, “Let’s go to the company to see the situation first. There are not many employees in the company now, and it’s on holiday now, we might really find something...

There is no one in the company right now, and I deeply write down what will happen.

To be honest, it really makes you feel very speechless. The company is empty and empty, and the power supply inside is still turned off.

I will go to work formally tomorrow, so I clean up everything inside.

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