My wife is 30

Chapter 510 Steal

"What are you talking about in this game? Who leaked our secrets."

All around me are people who I trust very much, and I can’t tell who has leaked the secret. If someone leaks the secret,

He must be his own person, and I can't tell the reason, but if someone dared to leak the secret, then he must be nothing.

Moreover, plagiarism is a very serious matter in modern law. As long as it is a normal person, plagiarism is taboo.

And once it comes to plagiarism, he will almost be sentenced to severe punishment there, but now he has been plagiarized.

To be honest, Zhang Huaijin felt a little speechless. She didn't know who it was, and even dared to copy herself here, causing Zhang Huaijin to fall into deep contemplation unconsciously.

Who is it that plagiarized here, and even dared to plagiarize all the books,

Zhang Huaijin immediately said: "Which one of you has a script for this game? If there is a script, it would be simpler. If there is no small book, then we may have a big problem."

Especially in the current game, to be honest, the situation is really bad, just for fear that something similar will happen then.

When the game was made by itself, the corresponding evidence has been kept, as long as the individual knows that he made this game.

All the information for writing the game is in my hands, whether it is the background at the time or some other things.

It’s all in my own hands. To be honest, no one knows anything except myself. Even some senior executives in the company know nothing.

Immediately he laughed out and looked at the person.

Said: "You said what should we do about the current situation? Or go on the Internet and talk to people about the current situation."

I directly opened the Internet and took a look. I thought that the people on it should have some news.

Zhang Huaijin was stunned as soon as he opened the game and watched the past, because there is nothing to talk about in the game now.

I'm just talking about why I can't publish the game quickly. To be honest, it is really shocking.

Zhang Huaijin wanted to publish this game completely, but what if he couldn't publish it.

Zhang Huaijin directly issued a statement on it, telling everything about what happened.

At first, some people didn't know anything, but after watching what happened, they soon learned that the problem was bad, and Zhang Huaijin's game was completely stolen by others.

Including some of the above evidence, it is really famous, and it makes you feel very shocked the more you think about it,

Zhang Huaijin immediately raised her head and looked over, with a bit of helplessness in her heart.

Song Lin on the side looked at the game above, his face became a little ugly, and he said immediately.

"What the hell is going on? I always feel that the problem is a little bit wrong. It shouldn't be like this this time. How could they know our game."

Could it be someone from another company who appeared in the company?But the only people who know where their games are stored are under their own henchmen.

And there are a lot of people under my hand who are telling the truth. It's really hard to guess right now, and it's even harder to guess who lied to me.

What is the reason for being betrayed by others? To be honest, it really makes people feel very chilling.

Moreover, the person who betrayed himself still seems to have a certain relationship with him, otherwise it would be impossible to take the corresponding data from his own hands.

The more I thought about it, the more people felt shocked. After a deep sigh, he patted his shoulder lightly.

Said: "The production process of this game serves as evidence."

"At that time, it will be a very good thing for us. If you want to sue the game company, that's just a simple matter."

Besides, so many game companies can actually sue if one person wants to sue?

To be honest, it really makes people feel very bad, Zhang Huaijin sighed deeply, and immediately glanced at the person.

Anyway, I have some evidence, but for myself, the problem is not so bad now.

The evidence is all clear. What are you afraid of? Since you are not afraid of anything, why are you still worried about? Zhang Huaijin scratched her head and said immediately.

"Well, let's contact the game company on the Internet first, and then ask them some professional questions. If they can't answer it, just go and ask them for trouble."

Sometimes it's really impossible to say so much about it, but it actually has no effect at all.

Only the corresponding evidence can be provided here. Besides, it is said that this game was made by myself, and only I can know the key.

Like this kind of stealing their own games, the people who make products in the company, to be honest, really don’t have any skills. Stealing one’s work is regarded as stealing the work of others.

It’s like eating something that someone else has chewed, and then taking it over and eating it on the Internet one after another exploded. I didn’t expect the situation to be like this.

Someone stole the products from their game company there, or even copied it from scratch.

Many people have begun to scold others. Now, the awareness of copyright, including the awareness of anti-piracy, is getting higher and higher. Normal people will support genuine, but will hate piracy.

And what a huge benefit a game can bring to a game company. For example, which game published by Zhang Huaijin and his company is not always popular?

A game is very likely to be popular, and it is still popular now. To be honest, it has added a very popular game to the whole world.

Even every game he made was able to live abroad. To be honest, it was really shocking.

Someone must have the ability to make the game this way, and one game can feed a studio and countless employees.

But it is this huge benefit that forces someone to take risks here, and this time things are enough to make people feel speechless.

Who knows who is doing this kind of thing?It makes people feel speechless to the extreme,

The more I think about it, the more amazing it becomes. People on the Internet have investigated the pirated game company, all wanting to get an exact result from them.

Zhang Huaijin silently hooked the corners of her mouth while watching the movement on the Internet. This was the case, and she was afraid that someone might not know what's good or bad.

To be honest, the situation will only make people feel even more shocking. If someone really does not know what is good or bad, then it is not much to say.

This time it was obvious that someone had come to attack his company. If it weren't for this, it wouldn't be like this. It was simply speechless to the extreme.

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