My wife is 30

Chapter 522 Trouble

"You just want to find an excuse to trouble Wu Liang, right?"

Zhang Huaijin felt that the reason for the quarrel between the two of them was a bit blunt at the beginning, but he couldn't tell why.

With a flash of inspiration now, I suddenly understood why the two of them had quarreled, that is, Wu Liang deliberately made trouble in it.

If you don't want to be friends with someone, or if you think she doesn't have any use, just say it directly.

But he wanted to get a good reputation. To be honest, it made people feel funny. At the same time, he felt very speechless. He couldn't tell what was going on, but he felt a little helpless.

Under such circumstances, even wanting to achieve a good reputation is surprising.

Wu Liang on the side heard Zhang Huaijin say this and said, "Zhang Huaijin, what do you mean by this? Did you say that he deliberately made me bother to be friends with me?"

Really, the more I think about it, the more I feel surprised, my face is also shocked, and I don't even know how to say it.

Could it be that you are really making trouble for yourself here?But what does this look like.

To be honest, I feel very surprised, and at the same time I feel a little embarrassed and self-righteous friend, who turned out to be such a result, does it feel a little shameful.

Could it be said that their friendship is like this in their eyes, and there is no need for despicable existence?The more I think about it, the more disgusting

Looking disappointed, he said,

"Zhang Huaijin, is this true? You just want to deliberately find something with me, right? If it weren't for this, you would definitely not say it like this here."

At first, I felt something was wrong.

But I can’t tell when I think about it. I don’t know where the problem happened. I’ve seen a reminder of the scene.

Wu Liang clearly didn't want to be friends with him there, so he was looking for such a crappy excuse.

To be honest, it makes people feel disgusting, and at the same time it feels a bit funny. I don't know how to say it. Since I don't want to be friends with myself, I might as well just say it.

Why do you want to pretend to be here? I have been looking forward to it for a long time.

In the end, I didn't expect that I was just a joke. The more I thought about it, the more I felt distressed, and I only felt a little short of breath.

Zhang Huaijin patted him on the shoulder, then turned to look over and said.

"The situation is like this. At first, I didn't think I was convinced, but now I think about it carefully, it's probably because of this reason,"

"If not, how could he say that? He definitely doesn't want to be friends with you."

When other people see Zhang Huaijin saying this, they think that Zhang Huaijin is looking for trouble here, but if you think about it carefully, is it like this?

Whether it's like this, you can know at a glance, it's obvious that someone wants to deliberately sever relationship with others, if not, how dare he look like this.

Wu Liang didn't expect that he would say what he was thinking right away, and his mind flashed with surprise.

After thinking about it carefully, he nodded gently and said.

"You are right? I don't want to be friends with you anymore. Besides, why do I have to be friends with you? What are you?

Wu Liang didn't pretend until now. Instead, he directly stated the purpose of this appearance. To be honest, I feel a little bit incredulous.

But the situation is like this, sometimes the so-called friendship is nothing but a joke in the eyes of others.

But he took it seriously, Wu Liang took a deep breath and understood the problem this time, and immediately turned to look at Zhang Huaijin and said.

"Zhang Huaijin, the battle is over now. So what do you think should be done next? It's better to talk about the situation carefully. I always feel that something is wrong."

There are many people in Wu Liang’s company, who knows what his company will do now,

It is estimated that they are all ready, and brought people from the army in their hands to ask for trouble. To be honest, the problem is really bad.

It is very possible that the members of the Legion under one's hand will come and ask for trouble, but what kind of trouble will it be?What's the reason?

Zhang Huaijin nodded gently, with a bit of speechlessness in her heart, yes, this is the situation, and it is useless to say anything.

Now there is not much relationship between the two people, especially since the relationship has reached the climax, and I offend the person directly, and lock Wu Liang again.

To be honest, it makes people feel funny. Who can guarantee that nothing will happen next? He looked up and said seriously.

"The situation is like this. I don't say much. It's useless to say so much. That's the situation."

"Let's stop talking nonsense, just go over and see what plans the people in their company have."

No one in their company is easy to provoke, and it is so, so why do I have to talk so much nonsense?

It doesn't have any effect, but it seems that he is really ridiculous. It's better to look inside and see what it is like.

Then they might send someone to negotiate. If the negotiation is not successful, it is estimated that the battle will be launched completely.

A battle has just ended, and another battle is about to happen. To be honest, it makes people feel very irritable and helpless to fight.

This is a disgusting thing. No one wants to meet a fight here, but a fight is a fight.

Once it happens, there must be very huge casualties. Zhang Huaijin has now arrested Wu Liang. Who can guarantee that Wu Liang will not take action in it next time. The original problem is very bad.

Wu Liang's status in their company is also very honorable. Maybe the more he thinks about what will happen next, the more he feels very speechless.

He immediately looked up and said, "Wu Liang, will the people in your company come to rescue you? I think with your identity, the people in your company will never give up you easily, right? What?"

He spoke, with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes. Now I am really bad for his senses. I can’t tell why.

Perhaps it was just that Wu Liang insulted Wu Liang and made himself hate him.

Seeing him being silent in there, he probably had guessed the answer, and immediately stroked his chin thoughtfully.

If people from other companies really attack again, then you have to be prepared in advance, maybe you will start fighting soon

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