My wife is 30

Chapter 525 Temper

My wife had a big temper here again inexplicably.

God is a man, and he feels uncomfortable in his heart, but he can't get angry with his wife.

He looked up while thinking about it.

"Don't lose your temper at me here. It doesn't help. I will never admit my mistakes this time. It is absolutely impossible for me to cooperate with this old man."

This old man has great affection for his wife, but he wants to seek some benefits in his company.

How can there be such a simple thing, can it be said that my money is not worth it, and my own company was only able to start by relying on my wife from the beginning.

The wife doesn't know how long he has been busy behind, but does the old man want to change things so lightly?

How can there be such a simple thing, once many things are chosen, the corresponding price must be paid.

Zhang Huaijin said: "Why do you have to keep going and let me, an old man, cooperate."

"You all know that I don't like this old man at all. If you want me to cooperate, you can't justify."

To be honest, my situation is not as simple as my wife said she wanted.

Think you are in good condition?In fact, it’s not so good, it’s a bit bad, the employees in the company.Although it is possible to work there,

But I always feel a little unhappy, why do I have to do it for myself, is there any benefit to people?

I will never cooperate with this old man, no matter what the reason is.

I feel that this old man is a little bit wrong, and he is under a lot of pressure when talking to himself. To be honest, it makes people feel something is wrong.

He can be regarded as an adult man, and he can feel very clearly when he meets some things.

The old man didn't like him at all, and he had some thoughts outside the door to him. To be honest, it made people feel very emotional that he had nothing to do with this old man.

She had to murder herself here, but she was at a loss, but her wife just had to let herself cooperate with this old man.

What kind of reasons are applicable, and why should I cooperate with this old man here?

This is that there is no reason to cooperate with him, there are such simple things.

I am not here to help the poor, so I also want to make money, okay?The man Ji Yu looked at him was so cruel and ruthless.

He said directly.

"Didn't I tell you something? This thing he did was poverty alleviation work, and it was for other special reasons. He didn't have much money in his hands temporarily."

"You can only get some money from your hand in this way, but he really won't cheat you, please trust me."

Zhang Huaijin was stunned when she heard it, and then she smiled silently.This old man has to do poverty alleviation work here, what does it have to do with him?

Besides, I paid my own money, but this old man has gained a good reputation. How can there be such a simple thing?

Immediately shook his head, and said very stubbornly and seriously,

"If you want to make money, then I don't have any understanding. How much you want to donate is a normal thing for me,"

"But if you use this old man's words, it won't work. I don't have any kind of relationship or friendship with this old man. If you just let me defend him, it's a bit unreasonable. Why do I want to defend that old man What?"

She has nothing to do with him, and Zhang Huaijin also feels a little puzzling.

Ji Yu usually talks very well when he encounters some things. Why is he so stubborn about this matter?

If you don’t do this, there will be some results, once it is really speechless to the extreme,

Zhang Huaijin was also aware of the problem, something was not right, so she sighed deeply and said directly,

"I don't want to care about so much. I don't want to have any contact with this old man at all. I hope you can remember this, no matter what the reason is."

"I absolutely don't want to be with him, and I know that I don't like him at all. Why should I cooperate with him here? Even if I cooperate with him, there are certain reasons."

But now it seems that my wife is not in vain, what is going on, I have to let myself cooperate with him.

But the problem is really bad, I don't even know what to say.

They never looked there for a long time, and they didn't realize what the situation was like.

Ji Yu watched her unreasonably making trouble here,

"I will cooperate with him in private, and then solve this matter, I just hope you don't regret it."

After speaking, he turned his head and left.

Zhang Huaijin looked at her wife, which was obviously a little angry, and scratched her head thoughtfully.

In fact, Zhang Huaijin knew that he had done too much this time, but it was not easy to make money by himself.

Although in the eyes of others I am rich, or how it is, only I can know.

Setting up a company is actually a very difficult task. If something is not done well, it will cause very serious results, and others will not appreciate it.

Why does this old man have to do this now?

To be honest, it feels a bit emotional. Some things just can't be solved, so they can only think of other ways.

It turned out to be like this, so it's better to talk to this old man directly, maybe there will be some special reasons and explanations.

Obviously, the problem is so big, but why does my wife have to persecute me all the time.

I'm afraid this is a bit unreasonable. Some things can be said at will, but some things are impossible.

Obviously the problem is not that difficult, but he has to cooperate in it like this, which is a bit unreasonable.

Some things can be unreasonable in front of him, but some things must be clearly stated directly in there.

If you don't say it directly, what will happen in the end? The two people are likely to be upset.

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