My wife is 30

Chapter 527 Contract

When he said that, he took the contract and looked at it directly, thinking that Zhang Huaijin was joking with himself in it.

Just to make myself hate the old man, and even want to cut off his intention to cooperate with him.

But when I can see the above evidence, I feel a little bit cold. What a joke, because the above evidence is all true

Qi Yu even the whole person was a little dazed, and immediately looked up at the past in disbelief.

Said: "What is going on? This old man and I have known each other for so long. He has never deceived me. Why did he cheat me this time."

The more I think about it, the more I feel shocked, and I can't even tell how to solve this problem. I have known the old man for seven or eight years and the relationship between the two people has always been good.

Why did you do such an excessive thing this time, and even want to use this routine to change your mind directly?

At that time, some misfortunes were thrown on my company. To be honest, I felt very surprised.

Don't even know what to say?If Monsoon really insists on going its own way, Zhang Huaijin insists on investing.

The final result will become worse, what will the investment result be.

Investment is nothing more than two results. Either you make a lot of money, or you fail directly. Every day, many people are paying attention to the stock market.

And many people will get rich overnight, or they may become particularly relaxed directly. Being poor is a normal thing.

But the problem is often not as simple as anyone imagined. What is it like now?

Zhang Huaijin fell into deep contemplation. Seeing the problem, she sighed deeply as she spoke.

He looked up directly.

"I understand what happened this time, it's just a little different, right? But why does he have to treat me that way."

I always feel that I don't know how to say it, the more I think about it, the more I feel the sound of ten bells, and I look up directly.

The problem shouldn’t be like this, Zhang Huaijin shouldn’t be like this, but why does this old man have to deceive himself here?

Could it be said that deceiving yourself will have any benefits?The more I thought about it, the more I was surprised.

What kind of thing is this? I am a little confused. Is it possible that this old man really lied to himself there? Where did the evidence come from?

He suddenly remembered this matter, and immediately looked at it with some seriousness. He was also a strong woman.

Why do you always listen to your own man?The matter this time is really bad, and we must find a way to solve it immediately.

At this moment, Zhang Huaijin from Zhang Huaijin came from outside the door, and he immediately walked forward and opened the door. As a result, the secretary rushed over in a hurry and said loudly.

"The boss's big business is not good. I told you that this time it was bad. I don't know how to say it. The old man reported on the Internet that your company does not pay wages.

"Moreover, there are girls who said that you are disturbing employees privately. This matter is really serious."

When Zhang Huaijin heard this, she was shocked, what a joke.

Could it be his own company, Zhang Huaijin walked.

Said: "This is something that happened in my company, or something."

But what people didn't expect was that the secretary shook his head and said.

"It's something in your boss's company, that is, your boss's big company has now emerged this time, and many people are talking about the network problems."

While talking, he sighed deeply. In fact, the problem is really bad. Sometimes, if what others say is true or false, I don’t know anything.

But netizens on the Internet believe in the aspect that speaks first, and they always feel the aspect that speaks recently.

Doing the right thing, otherwise why would someone take the initiative to stand up and complain.

In the future, many people held this idea, but they also felt a little speechless as a whole, and immediately looked up and said.

"First control the public opinion on the Internet, so that I can understand the ins and outs of things."

After speaking, I took my mobile phone and started surfing the Internet, but when I saw things on the Internet, I was a little bit dumbfounded.

Because the methods used by these people on the Internet are all some of the most common methods, excluding those on the Internet.

They are all tending to take the initiative to come over and tell the girl wronged, saying that a male senior in their company interrupted her, causing you to be a little bit dumbfounded.

It's not easy to tell whether this is true or not, but the girl said that she was interrupted to tell the truth, she really couldn't believe it.

Because this girl is not good-looking, even if others are looking for trouble with girls, they will definitely find a better-looking girl there.

It is absolutely impossible to find a woman who is not so good in it. To be honest, it is really not good for a woman to tell the truth, including all aspects of his appearance.

To be honest, it makes me sigh. I once sighed deeply and rolled my eyes at the person immediately. The problem is really bad, I can’t tell what the reason is.

Zhang Huaijin stabilized her thoughts and said directly,

"If you are joking with me, you might as well just tell me what's going on."

This girl looks like this, and the makeup is still so ugly. It's true that the company's senior executives will go blind to him.

I am also a man. Of course I know what men think. A man will definitely choose a better-looking person.

If you are not looking for a better-looking one, at least you should find someone who is similar. It is absolutely impossible to find a woman in this area. Therefore, a woman is looking for a woman, and a man is not starving.

So hungry, at least find a more normal one, to be honest.

At least she had to have long legs, but this woman was short and fat, and she said she was a senior in her company.

There was some improper behavior towards him.

The girl didn’t think it was ridiculous when she said it. Nowadays, many people on the Internet say in it,

This woman was lying, but it also had some not-so-good effects on the company, that is, some people had a rhythm in there.

Ji Yu on the side looked at the news above, and the whole person was also taken aback for a moment, and said somewhat speechlessly.

"You are joking with me. This is the latest thing that has appeared on the Internet. You are joking about what happened in our company."

The more I think about it, the more people feel very speechless, almost wanting to curse.

This thing is not very good for the company, and every company hopes that it is a hot search for good things.

But the current problem is obviously not right. I am not famous for good things at all this time.

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