My wife is 30

Chapter 539: Fermentation

Seeing that things on the Internet have fermented to this point, Zhang Huaijin can't even care about it.

But the evidence on the team leader's side has come out, and he put the evidence directly on the network.

As for the reporters who have been entangled with them, it would be better to just tell the truth directly through their mouths.

Zhang Huaijin has always done what he said, and immediately took the initiative to step forward. The reporters who felt that they were facing obstacles at first met with the boss of the company at this moment.

Zhang Huaijin immediately stood in front of the hall door, looked at the people in front of him and said very seriously.

"I know what you're here for. You've been here once before. As for the truth of the matter, I have already investigated it clearly. If you have any questions, just ask."

Zhang Huaijin smiled as she spoke.

The reporter on the side listened to his swearing words, and immediately nodded gently.

Said: "It turned out to be like this, I just feel a little speechless, boss, your identity is so honorable, why did you come out to publish a clarification now?"

"Did you do something in the middle, right? If not, you should respond quickly."

Indeed, what he said is correct. Sometimes, many people do not respond face-to-face when something goes wrong. They just sneak some small hands and feet behind their backs.

Strive to cover up the truth of the matter, or to make yourself less guilty.

Zhang Huaijin smiled faintly and said,

"I didn't intervene at all in this matter from beginning to end, but was resolved by professionals. If you don't believe it, let the captain tell you personally."

The captain walked over on his own initiative, just in time to see this large group of media reporters directly saying,

"We have all gone through the investigation of the turbulent case on the Internet. The woman who claimed to be the victim made up the matter."

"After surveillance video investigations, the senior men in Zhang Huaijin's wife's company did not disturb the woman in any way, but the woman made random guesses in there.

This result is the most terrifying result that people feel. At first they thought that your employees had no rights in the company.

There is no personality and so on, so it is said that things are fermenting very quickly, and even that male employees are particularly excessive and openly disturbing women in the company.

It seriously affected the development of the company, and even said that there were some people who were hard to listen to. They even wanted to use their own efforts to make Zhang Huaijin's entire company go bankrupt.

But now it seems that the situation is really special. I can't tell what the reason is, but I feel a little speechless and surprised.

Now the reporters next to him are also feeling a little dumbfounded. They thought they could receive today's revelation this time, but they didn't expect it to be like this.

Moreover, Zhang Huaijin looks innocent, so I can't tell what the reason is, but his company has always suffered from this innocent disaster.

What is going on, I can only say that they are too unlucky.

Seeing that the situation was already like this, Zhang Huaijin shook her head helplessly. She couldn't tell what it was because of it, but she felt quite angry.

That being the case, it would be better to say that through some other means, you may be able to find the truth of the matter, but now professional people have come out to clarify.

They are not good to say more, after all, they are all professionals, and they represent the law in this.

What these reporters fear most is these public officials, who can talk nonsense in front of others at will.

But in front of these public officials, he dared not say a word, he was almost a counselor, Zhang Huaijin shook his head silently, and then smiled.

"Well, do you reporters have anything else to say now? If there is nothing to say, then leave it alone. The question is very troublesome. I hope you can ask."

Sometimes things are really wrong. These reporters just listen to the wind and rain, which makes people feel very disgusting. To be honest, why do they do this?

Seeing the situation is already like this, Zhang Huaijin stroked her chin thoughtfully, but wanted to see these reporters.

Being able to explain to yourself what it looks like, these reporters originally felt a little special.

I don't know what the reporters think, it still has to be like this now.

But why is this attitude?What kind of reason is it?

Zhang Huaijin thought about it carefully for a while, but didn't find out why it was like this. As a result, while thinking about it, she looked over in surprise.

The problem is a bit troublesome, but why do they have to?I always feel that the situation is somewhat unreasonable.

After considering it carefully, he looked at one of the reporters in front of him and said directly.

"Who sent you reporters? I remember that I didn’t pay any money or even did anything else, but you reporters always showed up for the first time every time I encountered something. ,"

On weekdays, I am also very helpful to these reporters.

But the attitude of these media reporters is just a little surprising. What is the reason?Why do they have this attitude.

This can show that the problem is really troublesome. It's better to think of other ways. Maybe there are some special situations.

Zhang Huaijin frowned tightly. He had already realized that there was something wrong with the problem, but these reporters have been pretending to be like themselves.

The little reporter who was questioned by Zhang Huaijin just now was also a slicker, so he was shocked immediately.

He said straightforwardly: "Oh, it's useless. We reporters are hired for money. For the sake of slapping us in the face, I will tell you directly."

"Someone gave us a full 200,000 yuan for the media, and they wanted to come over and shoot you the whole time, just to make trouble for you. As for the person shooting is your dead opponent, a game company, you should understand."

Frowning while thinking.

Zhang Huaijin has realized that someone is targeting herself in the group, but it has always been said by her business partners.

But for the first time that these media actively spoke out, it really surprised you.

What is going on, now it seems that there may be some reasons that have to be said.

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