My wife is 30

Chapter 558 Panic

In fact, in the current data age, everyone’s information is almost gone, but the problem is also very bad.

I just don’t know what other people think, which makes Zhang Huaijin unconsciously suspicious. In that case, it’s better to use some other means.

It is inevitable that other people feel that something is not very reliable, and this time all the people present have received a text message.

He called his name not to cooperate with the person in his seat, and even said not to cooperate with himself.

They were also clear when they spoke, which made Zhang Huaijin feel a little dazed, and immediately looked up and said.

"If that's the case, why do they have to do this? I always feel that the problem is a little overwhelming."

The reason why people do this means that their situation is somewhat special.But where is the reason for this sometimes?

The situation itself makes people feel a little weird and can’t tell what the reason is, but since this is the case, it’s better to think simpler, don’t think about things so complicated,

But why are all people like this now?I can’t tell what it feels like, but I feel a bit at a loss

Even public officials such as the captain are nearby, and such things can happen.So if anything really develops,

It's almost self-evident what kind of result will be in the end, Zhang Huaijin rubs her temple,

I feel that my whole person is irritable to the extreme, and I don’t know what to do, but the problem now is very troublesome. I don’t know how to say it. If it’s normal,

Zhang Huaijin will definitely not talk nonsense

But now that public officials are there, some people dare to do this to themselves.So it is a kind of humiliation to public officials,

Of course, if you do this kind of thing in front of public officials, you can only say that they are really bold and can't tell what the reason is.

But sometimes what they do is that the weird diameter is so strange that they rub their temples while thinking.

But the current situation also makes people feel a bit special. It's better to see if there is any use in other methods.

It’s better to look at what others are saying, otherwise the attitude has always been like this, which will only make people feel even more confused.

Just when Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, something unexpected happened suddenly.

Some people at the scene rang their mobile phone to the maximum, but unexpectedly they suddenly rang again.

Zhang Huaijin also felt a little surprised, not knowing what to say, the situation now is a bit special.

I looked up, and when I was about to say something, I realized that something was not quite right. Some people were very sensitive to many situations. Now the voice of a text message was heard again.

It’s like a spy war drama, people can’t tell what the situation is, but thinking about it makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Some people dare to do this in public places, but what if it is placed in other places?Will you have the guts to see more excessive things? This is a provocation when someone in the legal society dares to do this.

Now that the legal society manages so much, it is provoking the bottom line of the law.

The whole person's attitude is indifferent, and he said directly.

"I'm too lazy to say something, Captain's matter this time. It's up to you to solve it,"

The face of the captain on the side is extremely cold. If it is placed under normal circumstances, no one will say anything, but the problem is like this.

I don’t know what to do at all. The more I think about it, the more people feel a little surprised. Since the situation has become so troublesome,

Then I don’t know what special result will be, and Zhang Huaijin was stunned in place without realizing it. If that’s the case, why do you have to do this

The captain nodded slightly, his face turned very gloomy and said.

"They must have the confidence to do this. If otherwise, whoever of them dared to do this, he must have been taught well."

They did this, otherwise they said that no one would dare to do anything. The more they thought about it, the more angry they became, and they just looked up.

In normal times, they may not care about this because it is a method often used in shopping malls, but now it seems that the situation always feels a bit special.

I don’t know what the reason is, why should someone do this?Dare to do this,

Have you thought about what other people will think about it?I have my own temple in my heart, so I said seriously, what do you think of the captain about this matter?

The captain’s face was ugly from the beginning. Since receiving this call, his face has always been ugly to the extreme.

I don't know what the reason is, but what is happening now is obviously beyond the bottom line of human beings, even going back and forth on the edge of the law.

He was on the verge of his tolerance limit, and he kept on temptation. To be honest, it made people feel very angry. I don’t know who is so courageous.

If he dares to do something like this, if he is so, he must be mentally prepared so as not to wait for someone to retaliate.

I didn't know anything at the beginning, but it would only make people feel more funny. The Lin family have always been wolf ambitions.

Now that they dare to do this, there are certain special methods. If it weren't for the Lin family, would they dare to do it?Dare not at all,

But now under the noses of public officials, they dare to do such illegal things and steal private information.

This is a very serious crime. If he is charged with a crime, can it be paid?

It would be better to say that those who dare to do this are too courageous. The more I think about it, the more people feel a little curious and shocked.

Why dare to do this?There must be some special reasons. Zhang Huaijin stroked her chin thoughtfully.

However, the man on the side looked ugly, just say.

"You don't need to take care of the matter this time. I just want to tell you the seriousness of the problem. You should go home first. As for the Lin family, I will personally visit."

The people of the Lin family are really bold now. They dare to do this in broad daylight. They don’t even put themselves and the law in their eyes.

Immediately he looked at him coldly, Zhang Huaijin also knew that he was feeling very uncomfortable, so he looked at him speechlessly and said.

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