My wife is 30

Chapter 561 Explanation

The captain was about to say something to Zhang Huaijin, so he found Zhang Huaijin poking out a head there.

Immediately, she waved to Zhang Huaijin nervously and said loudly.

"Are you a lunatic? What is the situation now, you dare to come out, do you know many people outside?"

He was extremely worried when he was yelling in there.

Zhang Huaijin knew that the captain was worried about herself, but she didn't know what to say, her face became a little ugly, and she looked up and said.

"Captain, I just noticed that someone was watching. I was in the building opposite. I don't know who it is. Can you check it out for me?"

I did not live in my own home today. Instead, I lived in a community. I also have a house in this community.

Today, those with their own hair and aura want to stay here, and then plan to go out to see other situations.

As a result, I didn't expect that things would turn out to be like this. The more I thought about it, the more disgusting it became.

Zhang Huaijin looked up, her face turned very ugly, she didn't know how to say it. If it were in normal times, Zhang Huaijin might not say much.

But the current problem makes people feel a little troublesome. Under normal circumstances, no one should say anything more, but why is the attitude like this now?

It made Zhang Huaijin feel a little at a loss. If it weren't for this, the situation might have become even worse. Zhang Huaijin just noticed that someone was approaching him here.

But where a person is, he is also in a state of dazed and ignorant. To be honest, he doesn't know who is in it.

It really makes people feel a little dumbfounded, but now it seems that there must be someone staying in it, as for where the person is.

It all depends on what happened to the captain. Although he said that he knew nothing now, it didn't mean that he really didn't know what the situation was.

On the contrary, it makes people feel a little speechless, and the more they think about it, the more disgusting they feel, so they just looked up at the beginning.

Zhang Huaijin wanted to say something more, but after thinking about it, there was no need for anything, because some people just turned against themselves.

But I didn't expect to make the matter so big that it even reached the stage of assassination.Zhang Huaijin felt a little puzzled as to what he did.

It would make others hate me so much, making people angry to the extreme. The captain on the side didn't expect Zhang Huaijin to say something amazing.

It's impossible. The surroundings are all arranged by me. People, especially the building on the opposite side, have already been checked.

There is no enemy at all, and now those old men of the Lin family are holding a ruined attitude.

I actually wanted to assassinate myself in it. To be honest, I felt quite speechless, but I felt quite angry, in any situation.

But now this situation makes people feel pretty bad to be honest, why does anyone have to do this.

What is the reason for this?Zhang Huaijin's face is a bit ugly, and she has encountered many things, but now this kind of thing makes people feel a bit speechless to be honest.

I always feel that something weird must have been reported by someone, and some thoughts that shouldn't be there, otherwise it would not be so bad.

The player on the other side didn't expect him to say this suddenly, so he was taken aback for a moment and said hesitantly.

"But we really have arranged people to conduct spot checks here. It is absolutely impossible for some other situations to arise, what are you kidding about."

"Whatever things we have here are arranged for comparison, clearly and clearly, it is absolutely impossible for someone to be alone here, it must be your mistake."

As soon as he thought about it, Zhang Huaijin looked at it. As soon as he heard someone say it, he knew the problem, something was wrong.

He nodded gently and said.

"You are asking someone to conduct a spot check. I can assure you that there are definitely people over there, although I don't know the reason."

But Zhang Huaijin should not be wrong about this. Sometimes people feel very keen, and saying so much is actually not so useful.

It's better to think of other ways to quickly solve this problem. Someone wants to assassinate themselves. To be honest, it feels quite ridiculous.

But this is an extremely realistic thing, and some people may not believe it, but Zhang Huaijin does feel a little unable to speak.

Some people even want to target themselves, so no matter what the situation, the current situation alone is shocking to the extreme.

Although I don't know why some people want to target themselves, but from the current situation, there should be some special reasons.

While thinking about it, he looked up, his eyes became a little ugly in the past.

Regarding the matter this time, Zhang Huaijin also thought about it for a long time, and didn't even understand what the reason was.

But after careful consideration, it became clear that the problem must be that someone did something else, otherwise the problem would never be that bad.

Sometimes the problem is like this. Someone must be doing something that shouldn't be done behind the scenes. Otherwise, you would never say that suddenly.

Some things are really not groundless, Zhang Huaijin also knows clearly, but now some people do it, obviously they are targeting themselves.

As for why Zhang Huaijin was aiming at herself here, this made Zhang Huaijin feel a little puzzled, and always felt that the situation was a bit special.

The captain on the other side led his team to another floor and just entered another floor.

Her face became a little ugly. There were people on this floor, but why did Zhang Huaijin say that someone in this room was peeping at him?

If your team members stare at a person or protect a person, they will give people a very special sense of security.

It is absolutely impossible for people to realize that they are nailed, and such a strong sense of peep makes people feel hard to imagine.

The situation summarized is a bit special. Zhang Huaijin touched her chin, and suddenly thought of something.

Although I have a house in this community, I haven't lived in it for a while.

Moreover, for a period of time, it was all cleaned by outsiders, and I couldn't tell what the reason was.

But he didn't check when he came in, and he didn't even search for the existence of anyone in his home.

The more I thought about it, the more people felt a little shocked, so I looked up and said.

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