My wife is 30

Chapter 567 Real Estate

But in some industries, this is not easy to touch, if you don't have enough ability and confidence.

Who would dare to enter this industry is a very huge problem in itself, so Zhang Huaijin would persuade his wife to be more cautious.

Monsoon itself is not the aspect of learning. If he has to do a similar industry, it will only make the problem worse.

Once he dares to enter an industry at will, then no one knows what to say, and I am afraid that the problem will become worse for people.

In fact, everyone knows it well, but this situation will only make people feel a little troublesome and speechless.

It would be better to look at what it looks like from other aspects. For special reasons, it is inevitable that there will be some more special results in the end, otherwise the situation has always been so dazed.

Moreover, I don't know much about this industry at all, and I have never understood this industry. Why do I still want to enter this industry?

This is a very powerful paradox. Who dares to enter this industry?To be honest, I feel a little angry, besides, it is for me to enter this industry.

What are the benefits?If you say that entering this industry will only make you very unlucky, everyone knows it well.

But Zhang Huaijin didn't know what to say, she always felt that her wife was too naive.

Do you think I can do it casually?Not at all.

Seeing what people said, Ji Yu immediately rolled his eyes weakly and said.

"What do you care about so much? I actually said let you enter this industry, then I let you enter this industry, and I said that there will be someone here to shelter you, no matter what the reason, Someone bless you this is the best result.

Seeing that everyone had already said this, Zhang Huaijin had no choice but to nod gently. Although he kept saying that someone must have himself here, he had no other way.

I don’t even know what the reason is, it always makes people feel that the situation is special, but I don’t know what to do.

Who the hell is, there must be oneself here, but Ji Yu has already said that now, so he nodded gently and said.

"That's okay, since you have to say that, then I have no way, I can only do the same as you said."

The more I think about it, the more people feel a little speechless, and I don't know how to describe it, if it is normal.Zhang Huaijin would never say anything more, but the current situation really makes people feel a little speechless, so she nodded gently

Real estate is a big pie. Everyone wants to eat it, but how can this collar be so delicious?

If you dare to say something more here, I'm afraid the problem will only get worse, and it's a bit speechless to look directly at people.

Said: "Since you have said that, I will do it in two days. The director will contact me."

It’s also a coincidence that within two days of the captain bringing himself over, the people over there began to contact him to tell the truth. This is a wonderful thing.

Because this is the biggest pancake in the entertainment industry recently, if you didn't like this industry very much, you would never enter this industry.

Because in this industry, it is really tempting to be honest, as long as individuals want to enter this industry to make a big pie.

Because an industry can make people make more money, including those stars who are all paid very high prices.

Zhang Huaijin often does similar things, so once someone invites herself to film, or invite herself to participate in a variety show.

Zhang Huaijin has always agreed, because he knows the benefits.

And you can make quotations like ordinary celebrities, and for yourself, there are only benefits and no harm.

While thinking about it, he took the initiative to look up, and looked up at the person in front of him, his face became a little ugly.

If it were placed under normal circumstances, Zhang Huaijin would definitely want to say something, but the current situation is very bad.

Zhang Huaijin also feels a little powerless, just hope that things can be made simpler

Especially since everyone wants to eat this pie, can you eat it again?It's simply impossible.

If this is the case, it is better to choose to turn around and leave.

Everyone knows well, who is what kind of person, can anyone buy a few in their hearts?The more I thought about it, the more people felt a little speechless, so I directly looked up at the past.

Before Zhang Huaijin had time to say anything, the man next to him said with a smile.

"You will know if you go out and see the situation with someone first, because the situation is very different, I think you should also know what's going on."

Zhang Huaijin looked at the stranger who suddenly broke into her home, and looked at her wife thoughtfully, always feeling that Ji Yu did something in it.

Moreover, the state of the person in the season is also weird, who knows what he is busy with every day.

People feel a bit at a loss, and can't tell what the reason is.

Ji Yu is busy with himself and he has always known many things, but now about some things, he is still busy with himself, which is a bit unreasonable.

Some things have been busy to tell the truth to myself, which is not something a normal person should do.

It will only make people feel a little angry and disgusted, besides, why do you conceal yourself?

Ji Yu looked at one of his favorite subordinates, walked towards him, and nodded gently.

"I don't have to say much if I have done it. Let me solve the matter first. Come here and teach him how to do real estate."

While talking, he looked up, what, real estate as soon as I heard someone talking about real estate in it.

I felt a bit annoying in an instant. This is real estate. This is not a mess. Normal people can know real estate. Besides, this thing is not easy to learn.

All those things are done by experienced talents. To be honest, whoever dares to do this kind of things does not have any experience.

It would only make people feel a little speechless, Zhang Huaijin gently raised his head and looked over, yawning somewhat ridiculously.

He smiled and said: "The situation is really bad, but I don't know why you have to say that, you did it."

Besides, Ji Yu concealed a lot of things from him, and he was in a state of ignorance, just like a fool.

I don't even know where he knows who else, which is really sad to say.

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