My wife is 30

Chapter 575: Things

The lawyer on the side quickly discovered that something was not right, his home was illegally invaded, and his family completely disappeared.

I immediately picked up my cell phone, found Zhang Huaijin’s number here, and called immediately.

Said loudly: "Boss, things are terrible, my family suddenly disappeared, and a stranger broke into my house,"

When he said this, there was a bit of panic in his voice, and a bit of confusion for the time being.

Zhang Huaijin said that it’s impossible for anyone to target herself here. Last time, she was here to comfort herself deliberately.

But I didn’t expect that the people in my own family have already appeared. This kind of thing is that I don’t know where the people in my family have gone.

I hope that the people in my family will not have some security problems for the time being, otherwise the problems will only get worse.

The more I think about it, the more I feel a little troublesome, and I can’t help but turn around and leave. In fact, everyone knows the awfulness of the problem, but they don’t know what to say.

Everyone knew it clearly, but Zhang Huaijin was stunned for a moment. As soon as he picked up the phone, he heard about Lydia, and the more he thought about it, the more curious he became.

He just looked up and said, "You're joking with me, right? When did the people in your family have something happened in it?"

Zhang Huaijin couldn't believe it at all. If it were in peacetime, she might still think of something, but the problem now turns out to be like this.

Zhang Huaijin felt a little puzzled, the solution was like joking with herself, things would turn out to be like this.

I can’t tell what it feels like, the more I think about it, the more people feel a little shocked.

The person next to him bowed his head and said seriously: "That’s right, this is the case. The people in my family were really taken away, and because I took your case, I said I was caught in it. Threatened,"

When he spoke, his voice was full of horror. Zhang Huaijin didn't expect this incident to be so specific.

Immediately he touched his head thoughtfully. Someone thought about targeting himself.

It has even affected my own lawyers. To be honest, I feel shocked, and I can't even believe it, but now there are problems in the lawyer's home.

I have to take action to solve it, just say directly,

"Lawyer, don't be afraid, I will take someone over immediately,"

As soon as Zhang Huaijin put the phone down, the rainy season next to him was a little speechless.

"What are you doing? I have already told you who are you bringing over now. Don't let you talk about it, just settle this matter quickly. If you take care of this matter, what will happen is really not. for sure,"

When he speaks, there is a bit of worry in his tone, but also a bit of sorrow, because Ji Yu is a female

Moreover, he has been in this mall for such a long time, so he knew the importance of the problem, so there is no need to intervene at the scene.

It is because this matter has been out of control, Zhang Huaijin has offended too many people, and he has been asked to teach him several times.

If Ji Yu doesn’t let Zhang Huaijin stop quickly, maybe in the end all the companies will be backlashed, and in an instant he will become a pauper again.

Zhang Huaijin finally broke up, how could he become a pauper again? This is something that makes people feel very speechless.

I just don’t know what Zhang Huaijin would think. Zhang Huaijin thought about it for a while and said directly,

"You can tell me exactly what's going on, I feel a little surprised, I can't justify it,"

Why did things turn out to be so bad, unfortunately, the more I think about it, the more I feel some details,

If I put it in the past, I might not say much, but now that I think about it, I feel a bit unreasonable. I always feel that the situation is a bit special.

And why do they have to do this, and where is the reason?Can’t tell why, but if they dare to do so, it directly proves that the problem is not right.

Everyone is not a fool, why do you have to have such an attitude?Everyone knows clearly,

Sometimes saying so much will only make things worse.

Seeing that the situation has become like this, he frowned and said,

"Jiyu, what do you want to do? Right now, I don’t let me take action on this kind of thing, and don’t let me talk about that kind of thing. Now my lawyer has lost his family because of my case, and you don’t let me take action. Is this the past?

To be honest, it is really ridiculous. I don’t know why the attitude of Monsoon has changed so much recently. Many things have been insisted on not letting myself speak out.

But can some things be solved completely without taking action?It will only make people feel more speechless,

There are some things that can’t be done by hiding things. The things must be solved thoroughly to be able to live with peace of mind.

Otherwise, people have always been secretly starting to make trouble for themselves. Is this something normal people will accept?

If you dare to stumble yourself, then you must accept your own retribution, otherwise, saying that you always do this will make Zhang Huaijin impatient

Ji Yu on the side didn't expect Zhang Huaijin to be like this and immediately paused, and said silently.

"Okay, don't say so much here. I have told you several times before, don't let you intervene in this matter, do you have to intervene, right?"

I will ask you for the last time, what the two of them said was extremely serious, and they had a vague tendency to quarrel.

Zhang Huaijin paused, without any sorrow in his eyes, looked at Ji Yu with a little disappointment and said,

"Monsoon, what are you worried about? To be honest, I am really disappointed. I thought you would be brave."

To be honest, Zhang Huaijin didn't know how to say it. Under normal circumstances, Zhang Huaijin must have told people a clear question long ago, and it was really troublesome.

But now my wife has such an attitude, which makes Zhang Huaijin the most desperate place.

Sometimes it’s useless to say too much, but Zhang Huaijin doesn’t like the attitude of Monsoon at all, as if he really offended someone who was really serious.

The matter must be resolved, but my secretary and even my lawyer have been harmed into this way.

How can I stand by and watch?It's really ridiculous, and now no matter it is, everyone must come out and accept punishment.

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