My wife is 30

Chapter 583 Settlement

To be honest, no one expected this time that the company would have thought of so many monster moths.

Everyone felt a little surprised and thought about it for a while.

Then he said: "Okay, this time the games in the group company have been stolen, so please contact the people in the other company first."

Some people dare to do this, there must be a certain reason, and there must be a backer instructing them to do so.

Otherwise, how could they have such a huge blow, the more people think about it, the more ridiculous, there are many people in this world.

But there are very few people who can be so bold to tell the truth, and Zhang Huaijin is also a little surprised, what is the reason why they dare to be so arrogant.

But after thinking about it, I feel that there is nothing to say, because there are too many arrogant people in this world.

Zhang Huaijin also felt a little embarrassed, looked up at the person, and said immediately.

"The situation is like this now, and I don't bother to say too much. But as the person in charge of our company, I think you should understand the problem."

The person in charge of the branch immediately nodded slightly and said, "Then I will arrange things immediately."

After speaking, he turned his head and left, always full of surprises in his heart. I thought I was just the head of a small company and would not be reused by the big boss.

But now it seems that the big boss has this idea of ​​using himself. After all, he just appreciates the many things that happened before any boss.

If it is said that he does not want to respect himself, this is also a normal thing, but now think about it carefully, now he can treat himself like this.

It is a great way out for myself, and to be honest, I feel quite emotional, in that case.

I definitely can't let people disappointed. If it is to disappoint people, this is the most irresponsible thing. I looked up while thinking about it.

However, the lawyer on the side raised his head slightly, and looked at him silently.

"Then what should I do with the people in my family? Don't care about the people in my family? Although I know that Zhang Huaijin can't ignore it."

But she just felt a little nervous in her heart. I heard that what this group of people like most is the trouble of finding people here, and she hasn't done anything at all.

To be honest, he couldn't guarantee that Zhang Huaijin would just choose to abandon himself, anyway, there are not so many lawyers in the world.

It is normal for Zhang Huaijin not to be with her, but she doesn't know whether it is true or false, or what it looks like.

It will inevitably make the problem worse. Everyone actually knows that the problem is also very troublesome, but they have never expected how troublesome it is.

It's just that the current problem has become very numb, and I just don't know what Zhang Huaijin will do?The more I think about it, the more I feel a little at a loss,

Seeing that this person was so worried, he immediately said a little speechlessly,

"Okay, don't say so much here, it's useless, you also know what kind of person I am, don't you understand what I mean now?"

To be honest, it makes people feel a little ridiculous, thinking that they have seen a lot of amazing people, but they do it, and to be honest, it makes people feel a bit disgusting.

It’s absolutely impossible for me to abandon lawyers, no matter what, and lawyers already have so much control in it.

If I really abandon her, then I really don’t do what people do.

While thinking about it, he smiled lightly and looked up directly. Everyone knew what happened this time.

But Zhang Huaijin already knew the problem, but Zhang Huaijin didn't think about what to do. He left gently while thinking.

Still looking at everyone, the whole person fell into a deep silence, and everyone felt that the problem was a bit wrong from the beginning.

But I didn't expect things to be so bad, which made people feel a little puzzled.

Now that the lawyer’s family has arrested the person, let’s rescue the lawyer’s family first.

This is the most critical thing, they directly contact their subordinates while thinking about it.

At this moment, a subordinate next to him said, "The people from the company opposite to the boss suddenly came over, saying that they are discussing this matter with you. What do you think should be done?"

When he said this, his voice was very serious, as if he was discussing something.

People felt a little puzzled, but Zhang Huaijin was shocked when he heard it and looked up directly.

Said: "So that's the case. I thought there was a special situation. In that case, I won't talk too much nonsense. You all know the problem. Isn't it useless to say so much?

What they said went straight outside. To be honest, they really felt quite speechless. They didn't expect this time to be so important.

In this case, it was passed directly at the beginning, and a more precise method is to directly resolve the complaint.

When I talked about it in person, there were some other problems, which made people feel a little anxious.

Zhang Huaijin walked out directly without time to say more.

The person next to him walked over directly.

While watching Zhang Huaijin stay here, she said with a cold smile.

"Zhang Huaijin, your game is indeed pirated by us. Now you can set a price and sell this game to me privately. What do you think?"

"As long as you sell this game to me, everything else is easy to say."

When he said this, the lion opened his mouth and gave a very special feeling.

Zhang Huaijin immediately frowned slightly and said, "You said you want to cooperate with me, then I will cooperate with you? Why are you so powerful."

To be honest, Zhang Huaijin also met a lot of people, but now this kind of person feels a bit special, and the reason is that it makes people feel very angry.

At the same time, he also felt a little disgusting. In that case, what exactly did he want to do, and the current affairs alone made Zhang Huaijin feel a little puzzled.

Immediately he shook his head and said, "I don't care what you think about other things, but it's not that simple now. You stole our company's game. You think the problem will be that simple."

While talking, Zhang Huaijin looked at someone, and rolled his eyes speechlessly. It was not that simple.

But now listening to someone speaks, it’s pretty awesome, as if I didn’t do anything wrong.

Zhang Huaijin feels even more disgusted. What is the reason for doing this? It always makes people feel that the situation is a bit special.

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