My wife is 30

The 591th chapter shows off

But Zhang Huaijin fell silent unconsciously. Why did he have to be like this? Why did he always feel that the situation was a little bit wrong?

And they feel that they have never had a fan, but now they are all their fans on the Internet.

And there are many people talking to themselves here, and they are cooperating with their reasons for doing so.

To be honest, I felt shocked to the extreme. I didn't expect that this time the matter would be so serious. After careful consideration, I said in a low voice.

"As employees, are any of you looking at something on the Internet? People on the Internet now have that kind of view, come and look at us, what do you think?

While talking, Zhang Huaijin looked at the past hesitantly, and the whole person fell into deep thought.

This is the problem now, that is, I am afraid of similar situations. In that case, it is better to think of other ways.

I don't know why other people have to do this, and what is the reason for doing so.

To be honest, it feels quite surprising, but there is no other way. After all, things are always going to change, and there is nothing I can do.

The more I thought about it, the more people felt a little shocked. I couldn't believe it at all. I looked up at his own person and then at the teammates next to him.

The whole person felt a little speechless, and now those people on the Internet are praising what they said.

But what's the use of saying good things to yourself, and this time a lot of people are saying good things for themselves

I always feel that the situation is a little bit wrong, and I don't seem to be doing anything, so why is someone saying nice things to me.

What is the reason?I'm afraid it's a bit unreasonable, and people fall into deep silence unconsciously.

The secretary on the side said: "I just analyzed the things on the network and found that those things on the network are really untrustworthy."

And some people are saying these things, it will only make passers-by feel more disgusted, so I think the situation is a bit wrong this time, the boss.

There are still people here who want to target their company bosses, otherwise, why are there so many people suddenly this time?

Come out and support your boss and company?It makes people feel a bit unreasonable, and what is the reason for supporting themselves,

What is the purpose?I never thought I would have so many fans on the Internet.

Zhang Huaijin nodded gently.

Just said directly: "Then you don't have to worry too much. I must know everything about this time. The only thing I have to do now is to go to the Internet and ask what is going on. You don't have to worry too much."

After receiving Zhang Huaijin, she walked directly outside the door, took out her mobile phone and started to check there, and looked at some of the conditions, to be honest, the situation was really strange.

Zhang Huaijin was also aware of the abnormality. The person calling the person over there was from the surveillance department. Zhang Huaijin watched there for a while.

He said: "Can you help me check the source of the comments on my network? If you find it, can you tell me it conveniently."

He didn't have much to do with that person, and to be honest, he had never had any contact, which made people feel a little ridiculous.

The other person watched Zhang Huaijin speak like this, and suddenly paused, then said seriously.

"You can first look at the current situation on the Internet. Then summarize the comments, and I will go over it later."

After speaking, he just turned his head and left. The attitude of the whole person was very calm, like him.

On the contrary, it made people feel a little admiring, Zhang Huaijin also nodded gently, never expecting to be like this.

Falling into speechlessness, Zhang Huaijin would never say much if it were placed in normal times.

But the current situation is not right. Zhang Huaijin has long realized that the problem is very troublesome, and someone has targeted him in it.

But I didn't expect the situation to be like this, the more I thought about it, the more people felt a little speechless, so I directly looked up.

His face became very cold and said: "The situation is terrible, I don't know why you have to say that, and to say that, I am afraid it is very wrong."

To be honest, if you put it in a normal person, you will definitely get angry here, but the problem is very different now.

Seeing that the problem has become worse, Zhang Huaijin yawned softly, and the whole person felt a little speechless.

Why must someone deliberately find trouble here, and where is the purpose of finding trouble?

It makes people feel a little speechless, but also feels a little unbelievable. There is always someone who is very deliberately asking for trouble.

But what they are doing now makes people feel a little angry as they think about it.

Seeing that the problem had become so bad, Zhang Huaijin looked up afterwards.

Before there was time to say more, someone next to Zhang Huaijin looked at Zhang Huaijin, and finally whispered.

"Boss, please take a look at the comments that we have investigated on our network. Some of these comments are all naval forces. It seems that someone bought the naval forces and praised you here."

I don’t know what you think should be done this time?When he said this, the whole person felt a little surprised.

It also makes people feel a little bit incredulous, and I don't even want to understand what this is all about.

But there is no way. Sometimes this kind of person has to figure things out, otherwise, what will the end result be?

Everyone is also in a state of ignorance, which inevitably makes things more troublesome and speechless.

Now that the situation has become like this, it's better to think of other ways.

Someone even buys a navy for himself on the Internet, but he is indeed in a dazed and ignorant attitude.

I didn't expect anyone to buy a navy for myself on the Internet. I was really shocked.

Besides, I don’t know anyone at all. Why do others have to buy naval forces for themselves on the Internet? It is difficult to achieve that their brains are wrong.

After thinking about it for a while, he said thoughtfully: "I remember I didn't know anyone? But why do you have to buy it for me here."

And the purpose of buying turned out to be to wash himself, could it be said that Ji Yu bought himself a navy before sneaking.

Or what kind of special circumstances are there, otherwise it would be extremely shocking to say that this is the case.

Zhang Huaijin looked there for a while, but didn't realize what it was all about.

But it was really hard. I didn't expect it to be so serious.

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