My wife is 30

Chapter 596 Rules

If it is other things, Zhang Huaijin can forgive, but there are things that cannot be forgiven.

I just came to participate in a variety show, but I didn't expect it to become an international problem.

Zhang Huaijin feels very angry, not knowing where the foreign kid comes from, and he doesn't give himself such a face at all.

However, a game is still being developed here. What kind of game class makes Zhang Huaijin feel really disgusting.

Zhang Huaijin usually meets a lot of people, but the most annoying thing is how powerful such people think they are.

It's just a trash, the monsoon eye on the side, watching him so angry, he whispered,

"Don't worry about him too much here, he is just a small anchor, and his whole life is like this,"

It's just a big anchor. He didn't expect him to be so arrogant. Maybe that person still doesn't know what kind of person Zhang Huaijin is.

But this must be made clear to Tom, and it must be made clear to him what kind of person he offended.

However, Tom put down his cell phone, glanced at Zhang Huaijin, then sneered.

"Don't you just want to put your airs in front of me? I tell you it has no effect. I know you are the president of a big company. I came here to provoke you on purpose."

Now, in a live variety show, he can make conditions to people in it. To be honest, it is an act of disrespect for people.

Zhang Huaijin smiled coldly and said directly.

"Do you think this can make me angry? It's ridiculous. I will never be angry. On the contrary, you are a kind of waste."

"You don't know how much I am worth. You are just an anchor. I can take you down in minutes,"

He immediately turned his head and left, but Tom next to him walked over.

"Now are you sure you have to fall out with me? If you say that if you fall out with me, you should know how difficult the problem is."

His words like this carry a vague threat. To be honest, it really makes people feel very angry. Zhang Huaijin has also met many people.

But I didn't expect that he would be constantly threatening himself in it. It was really disgusting to the extreme, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt angry.

He looked directly at the probe and said.

"Yes, I'm threatening you inside now. Just now, you have insulted people in our country in front of you. People in our country don't know how to play games at all. But I am a comprehensive business model. Who are you? Don't you know, would you dare to humiliate me here?"

Zhang Huaijin’s most annoying is this kind of person. She doesn’t have the abilities. He still mocks others here. To tell the truth, this kind of person is really ridiculous.

I don’t know why they did it. Even if it was for the effect of the show, he couldn’t say that.

I even said that no one in my entire country can play games. It's just a small game player, not even an e-sports player.

It's just a small anchor. Although he has a certain reputation in the game circle, this is not the reason for him to be arrogant in front of him.

Zhang Huaijin felt a little angry, and even didn't know what to say. Zhang Huaijin thought he had met many people.

But now this kind of person is really cheap and enough. Some things feel a bit disgusting. I don't know how this kind of person can sit in this position.

Then the more I think about it, the more I feel a little disgusted. It's probably because the ancestors have accumulated virtue to sit in this position.

While thinking about it, they glanced coldly, and they just sat back to the other guests' positions.

However, Tom next to him was cold with his face. He didn't expect the situation to become so bad.

Some people even mock themselves in front of them, but they have no way to mock them back.

Because I did say the wrong thing at the beginning, it was because I made the problem a lot higher.

But I used to say things in the live broadcast room. I didn't expect that I would be so angry when I was in front of others, which made people feel very embarrassed.

However, the people in the live broadcast room are dumbfounded. Many viewers are calling 66 because what Zhang Huaijin said is really too domineering.

Even if you can’t play games, so what?That is not to allow other people to operate in it, even if Zhang Huaijin is not very famous in other games.

But behind him, his own worth is also placed here, how much does Zhang Huaijin's wife have?

Everyone knows how much Zhang Huaijin owns, but this is not a reason for others to ridicule others here, and the situation is getting worse and worse.

Some people even don’t know how to say it. Many people just entered the live broadcast room and saw Zhang Huaijin with a cold face and yelling at people.

Some viewers are not willing to believe it at all, because what Zhang Huaijin said here is really too courageous.

The more people think about it, the more they feel a little shocked, but at the same time they don't know what to do, and at the same time, they feel that what Zhang Huaijin said here is really too right.

Because there are many people in this world who are too confident because of how powerful they are.

After having a certain fame and ability in his own circle, he began to venture into it, and he always thought that the entire territory under the sky belonged to him.

So you can be unscrupulous here, but it is precisely because of his dangerous thinking that the problem will become bad enough.

Now Tom has completely mentioned an iron plate. The director on the side, including the guests, was all dumbfounded, but the person next to him suddenly reacted.

Just say it directly.

"The situation is like this, I think you all feel very comfortable too, I don't know what other good scenes to watch next."

While thinking about it, he looked up directly, and the whole person felt a little at a loss. If it were placed under normal circumstances, perhaps other people would not say much.

But now it seems that the situation is very troublesome, and I can't even tell the reason, but I think the problem is really bad.

Especially Zhang Huaijin's temper is here, and here he is arrogant.

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