My wife is 30

Chapter 599

The hostess took a look at her program and then said.

"This Tom provokes you, what do you think? What else do you want to say to him? After all, he is a foreign country, so he is frustrated in this, I am afraid it is not very good Right."

The person who smiled slightly while the host was talking was someone from a foreign country.

But if you are not from your own country, then don't be arrogant in front of yourself. As a result, something happened directly with the principal. To be honest, it really makes people feel quite funny.

Some people have such an attitude, and they really think how powerful they are, but the result is a complete trash. In fact, everyone knows it well.

This time Tom was only taken out and flogged and mocked.

Zhang Huaijin smiled slightly and said directly.

"I don't care about other things, but now this Tom has touched my bottom line. I originally wanted to promote a new type of game, but he disturbed my mood."

Zhang Huaijin also knew that the host wanted to get some words out of her mouth and then make news headlines straight down, so she didn't say that she gave him one.

Sure enough, the host's interest came back immediately, said.

"I don't know what kind of game your company has developed, so let's take a look at it."

While thinking about it, I looked up and looked over. The whole person felt a little curious. There were many companies in his hands, and everyone in his company was very good.

Who knows what company he has made this time, or even what game he has made, makes people unconsciously curious.

Zhang Huaijin took out her own things, and finally was put up and said with a smile.

"This time the situation is also very normal. You can take a look at our game first. It is really a very good game. I originally wanted to recommend it here."

"As a result, I didn't expect him to wait for me so much, so I can't do anything about it, right?

While thinking, Zhang Huaijin looked at the person in front of him thoughtfully, with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

I have to say that the current Tom is really a total fool, who knows why Tom has to do this?But after doing this, you also regret it here.

I just don't know what unbelievable things he will do next.

While thinking about it, he yawned softly, his eyes were a bit cold, and to be honest, I also met a lot of talents here.

But it's really the first time I saw this kind of talent. I thought I was so powerful, and I turned out to be just a total waste, and now I have become a joke in others' lips.

I don't know what will happen to Tom next.

This is also extremely possible. While thinking about it, he looked up and smiled slightly at them.

Zhang Huaijin didn't see the same at all, which made people feel a little dumbfounded.

Seeing the situation is already like this, Zhang Huaijin looked up and fell into a deep silence.

I don't know how to say it, but the current situation seems a bit bad and the problem is a bit troublesome. I don't know why some people have to trouble themselves.

Zhang Huaijin felt a little puzzled. Before he had time to say anything, he saw someone staring straight at him here.

Zhang Huaijin immediately frowned and looked at me and said, "Who is it, what is it that is staring at me."

The person who looked at Zhang Huaijin was a woman, and as soon as she saw Zhang Huaijin asking herself, she said anxiously.

"I can only look at it, and I didn't think so much about it. By the way, why don't you come with your wife this time?"

It seems that she is a female fan. It seems that there are all women in it, and there is no monsoon rain at all.

Zhang Huaijin paused.

Then he said: "Where did I go, now I don't know, I should go home."

Zhang Huaijin yawned as he thought about it. In fact, this time things made people feel a bit speechless, and at the same time he didn't know what to do.

It just feels that the situation is not so good. Why do some people have to do this?In addition, the monsoon rain has suddenly disappeared now.

In this rainy season, I usually like to spend my time at home looking for things.

In the end, he didn't expect that now he suddenly disappeared, leaving him alone in it. To be honest, it was pretty bad.

I don't know where he is going now?It makes people unconsciously a little dazed.

Seeing that the woman next to her wanted to ask Zhang Huaijin something more, she immediately looked over and shook her head gently.

"Don't ask me questions here, I just feel a little tired."

While thinking about it, he gave a bitterly helpless smile, and now their group of people have to face their own situation here.

To be honest, Zhang Huaijin also felt a little disbelief. This time she asked herself what she wanted to ask.

Zhang Huaijin also didn't bother to deal with their current Zhang Huaijin's attention, all of them were attracted away by the people next to him, and I don't know what Ji Yu wanted to do.

The monsoon rain suddenly appeared in this area. To be honest, it felt a little uncomfortable, but the monsoon rain went straight away afterwards. Who knows what the monsoon rain is for?

Just before he left, the monsoon rain on the other side walked directly into his company.

The lawyer on the side was still standing there, and the lawyer put a contract in his hand directly in front of him.

Said: "This is a law, a document, and the previous contract is next to it. You can take a good look at the partnership contract here. You should know how huge the problem is this time.

"I still hope that it can be resolved in advance, because the time for the gambling agreement is about to come, with a turnover of 500 million on my side.

There is still a part of it. If the time is up, but I have not exceeded the turnover, then I must have lost.

This time the agreement.

Not only did he lose this agreement, but he also had to pay a large sum of money to him, even if he was miserable.

At first I felt a little speechless, but now I suddenly became interested, and I looked up directly

Is the current contract placed here?Just a little bit, I don’t know why.

I always feel that the situation is a bit wrong, but now these contracts have been placed in front of me. To be honest, I also feel that the situation is a little bit wrong, and the matter must be completely resolved.

Otherwise, what will happen next is still unknown.

In addition, these contracts are all very good, and there is no way to do it, and while thinking about it, he froze in place.

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