My wife is 30

Chapter 602: Bad

Zhang Huaijin was a little speechless, and didn't understand why this situation suddenly became like this.

I always feel that some people control something behind the scenes, but it is not easy to evaluate.

Zhang Huaijin looked up while thinking about it, her whole body was a little chilly, and she didn't expect that someone would have known the situation this time.

It’s better to think of other ways. It’s hard to avoid problems. It’s always so bad. Zhang Huaijin hasn’t had time to say anything.

The director over there walked up and looked at Zhang Huaijin's appearance, immediately raised his head and said.

"Zhang Huaijin, what are you guys doing? Don't stay here for now. Let me tell you about the current situation. Something is very important. The variety show you filmed on the Internet is already very popular now,"

Many people started to become his fans, and it took only two days to shoot, but I didn’t expect that there were already so many people who were given to fans by Zhang Huaijin.

To be honest, this is a result they have never expected Liu and Chen to be very good recently, but they did not expect Zhang Huaijin to be so famous.

It was shocking to the extreme. Even this time, they were far from expecting that Zhang Huaijin would have widened his eyes in disbelief.

Said: "What? Some people are my fans, right? It's just been broadcast and it hasn't been two days."

How can someone become their own fan in less than two days,

This makes Zhang Huaijin feel that there are some things that he can't believe. When did he already have fans, it makes people feel a little unbelievable.

However, the director next to him nodded seriously and said yes,

"Some people have become your fans. You can see if the network is not closed now. Some of them are talking one after another."

While thinking about it, he looked up, and the whole person felt a little chilly, but Zhang Huaijin didn't realize that the problem was like this.

Some people have already become their own fans. Fuck you while watching the news on the Internet. Sure enough, many people said that they have become their own fans.

The number of fans on his Weibo has gradually increased, even more than that of some other first-line actors.

So now many people have come to know Zhang Huaijin and even think that Zhang Huaijin is the next person in the showbiz.

Surprisingly, Zhang Huaijin stroked her chin thoughtfully, and then said,

"Then let's go to film that restaurant show first. I am also very optimistic about this restaurant show."

Zhang Huaijin laughed loudly as he talked. Yeah, my favorite is the filming show in that restaurant.

If it weren't for this, Zhang Huaijin would not take the initiative to participate in the filming, or the restaurant filming, this is also to be prepared in advance.

Because Zhang Huaijin doesn’t know how to cook at all. For someone who doesn’t know how to cook, he’s almost trying to find his own death in some programs for someone who doesn’t know how to cook.

But you must be sober and ready. Sure enough, the person next to him was taken aback for a moment, and some said in disbelief.

"You don't know how to cook, so don't participate in this clapping or cook as little as possible in it, and don't expose your weaknesses."

Otherwise, everyone will seize this point and attack this person frantically. In fact, what he said is correct. Some people will seize this point and cause many people to conduct frantic attacks.

Those black fans, once they have caught something, they wish they were desperately looking for trouble here, which would only make people feel a little ridiculous.

Zhang Huaijin touched her chin thoughtfully, and then said, if this is the case, then I have another idea.

Why don't we go find someone else first, I think the shooting should be easier this time, I looked up thoughtfully while thinking.

The director next to him did not expect that he would have to be here. He insisted on going his own way, but nodded curiously and said,

"Okay, you also know what's going on in this shooting, just hope you, a young man, will think about it by yourself,"

While talking, he turned his head and looked at Cangren's eyes with a bit of speechlessness, and Zhang Huaijin actually insisted on doing it here.

There is no way, he must think about it, otherwise, what will happen in the end?

It’s hard to say in words. They have realized a problem and something is wrong, but they didn’t expect that someone would follow them on their own initiative this time.

This is something that makes people feel a little unimaginable. Without a word, I just walked towards a safe place.

After watching it on the ground for a while, I then looked at my fans on Weibo. The fans on Weibo have reached a certain number.

Things that have never been thought of in this world, even though I have so many fans, do I have the opportunity to do something else?

Before Zhang Huaijin had time to say more, the people over there walked next to Zhang Huaijin and watched Zhang Huaijin still have the mood to stay there.

Immediately, she looked over and said silently.

"Yeah, what do you want to do, you young man? I really didn't say something about you? Hurry up, don't make trouble here deliberately, okay?"

Zhang Huaijin nodded silently, didn't he just go to the shooting?They don’t even know what’s going on,

Feeling a little speechless, she nodded silently, not knowing what some people think, Zhang Huaijin also feels a little speechless.

Soon Zhang Huaijin went directly to take part in the shooting of this file, which is also a pretty good variety show.

At least Zhang Huaijin didn't feel so much resistance when he looked at it. The more he thought about it, the more he felt a little speechless. I have to say that some people are really good, but Zhang Huaijin feels a little helpless.

After filming a variety show for a day, most of the actors in it were very tired, so Zhang Huaijin went straight to a hot spring at will.

The hot spring inside is very warm, and the environment inside is also very good. Zhang Huaijin felt very satisfied when he saw it, and then began to rest. He Ming stayed there.

Seeing the situation is already like this, I immediately raised my head and looked over.

what happened?Why are you staying here?I'm afraid the problem is a little bit wrong, and while talking, he looked at Zhang Huaijin.

Zhang Huaijin immediately said as soon as he saw someone discovering himself,

"What's wrong with you, don't you come over now?"

I think the situation is a bit wrong,

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