My wife is 30

Chapter 636 - Trouble

The situation is so extraordinary that people don't even know what to say anymore, which makes them feel speechless to the extreme.

To be honest, everyone has encountered this kind of situation more or less, but the current situation makes people feel speechless.

Seeing that the director's side has already sent a message to him, Zhang Huaijin rubbed his temples and said.

"The director's side has sent me a message, saying that I should take care of this matter as soon as possible, inevitably it will affect us then, do you know how the situation is this time?"

To be honest, it's really quite irritating, things are changing rapidly on the Internet, and no one can say much.

Maybe something will happen next that will lead to a total loss, which is normal, but it is hard to believe.

Ji Yu, who was on the other side, heard what Zhang Huaijin said and said thoughtfully.

"It's not a good situation right now, why don't you report this incident on the Internet and see what those people on the Internet will say, what do you think?"

Sometimes things must be put on the network above, so that the netizens spontaneously go to the tablet, otherwise say that they are alone in it always swallowed.

It's not a good result to swallow one's anger, who wants to, and besides, the situation is different now, who doesn't want to swallow one's anger in it.

No matter what the reason, if someone does something that they shouldn't, it must be done as a favor and said that something different will happen in the end.

It will only make the situation worse, and everyone knows it, and they all know the problem this time.

Nor did he know a fool, but Zhang Huaijin smiled coldly and said.

"This time the thing is definitely to give on the network ah, definitely do so, do not know Song Lin so little Zhang next still have the qualifications to arrogant here?"

Honestly, it's a bit dumb and funny at the same time, and the most annoying thing about it is that someone was so arrogant in it and is still arrogant in their own face.

What purpose does it serve? The most annoying thing is that some people are deliberately picking on people here, and even sent their bodyguards to hurt themselves.

It is very difficult for Zhang Huaijin to endure, and the most annoying thing is that someone is deliberately bullying people here, which only makes people feel more disgusted.

Ji Yu rubbed her temples, then whispered.

"I don't know what to do in this situation, but I don't think it has to be this way, does it?"

The people are aware that the situation is somewhat special, that now must put things on the network above truthfully, otherwise the network above those who will be how to say may not be.

The most frightening thing is that someone in it is the evil one to sue, the thing instead to the other way around to the time they can't say anything!

After all, Song Lin is the kind of person who always plays a kind of such a routine, thinking that he is a star will be how well, in fact, people feel quite ridiculous, the more you think about it, people feel a little speechless.

The more I think about it, the more I feel a bit speechless. I didn't even think about how to meet this kind of thing, and I didn't have time to say anything more.

It's just that I suddenly realized that there was something not quite right about the situation, and the situation itself made me feel a little special.

He Weiyan, who was on the other side of the table, looked at them as they were discussing the matter, and said, "I don't know why.

"I don't know why, but what you are doing now is really a bit unreasonable, why put this matter on the network, why don't we just go directly to the top management of their company."

"I think it's the best result to let the top management of Song Lin Company know about this matter, and then make them pay the corresponding price, I think it's the best result to take the matter to the top management."

Because if the higher-ups don't know, it's really not certain what the final result will be, and there are things that must be addressed here as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the problem will gradually become troublesome, and it really makes people feel quite speechless.

When Zhang Huaijin heard what people said, his eyes instantly lit up and said.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I always feel that something is not quite right, otherwise I'm afraid it's not very easy to say what you should do."

Just because of such a small matter, the other party's senior management, to be honest, this is a very surprising thing, some things are not able to be resolved by the company's senior management.

To be honest, one feels a little surprised, but also feel a little speechless, after all, the situation is very special, if you really tell the company's senior management, what will be the end.

The result is also self-evident, it is very likely that Song Lin will really be his company to terminate the contract, otherwise, what will be the situation at that time is somewhat unknown.

It was really shocking to the extreme, and before Zhang Huaijin had time to say anything more, someone next to him took the initiative to look at Zhang Huaijin.

I have told you about this situation, which is a little bit serious, and I hope you will not do that.

You all know how serious the situation is now." Don't you know the reason for doing so? Honestly, it's really dumb to say that we have to tell the top management of the company no matter what.

Is there anyone who would be presumptuous enough to interview here? Plus, people on the Internet now know more or less about it.

It is important to clarify the matter thoroughly, or else the problem will only become even worse.

Zhang Huaijin has always been a person with ideas, without saying a word, he went out, took out his own phone and checked the time with the director there.

He said, "Director, there is one thing I want to ask you here, can you please help me to release this matter, and I have a surveillance video in here."

"What do you think about the director using your reputation and then coming to help me clarify?"

Zhang Huaijin looked up as he thought about it, and his whole body fell into deep contemplation, which in itself made the situation feel a little special.

When the director over there heard Zhang Huaijin say that, he was suddenly stunned and said.

"Are you sure you have to do it this time? I don't think it's going very well."

And the reason for doing this is, what is the reason for making such a big deal out of it? This is the kind of thing they directors are most afraid of.

There are things that could have been solved properly, but ended up making a big deal out of it, which honestly anyone would find a bit unacceptable.

Zhang Huaijin nodded his head silently and said.

"Yes, it's true that it's going to be posted on the Internet, but I don't think it's going to affect the development of our company or your crew or anything like that," he said.

Zhang Huaijin looked up voluntarily as he said it, and his entire appearance was very serious.

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