My wife is 30

Chapter 638 - Problems

He Ye turned his head to look at Zhang Huaijin and said, somewhat stunned.

"Zhang Huaijin, obviously you weren't like this in the past either, when you were bullied in the past, you would never fight back, but why would you now?"

It's really a bit surprising, I always feel that Zhang Huaijin is different now, but it's also a bit unbelievable, I don't know what's different about him.

But at least the current performance is still very good, it really makes people feel shocked to the extreme.

The current Zhang Huaijin is not willing to suffer any loss at all, and no one dares to do anything more in front of Zhang Huaijin at all.

Just before he couldn't even get in front of him, the gadgeteer had lost his job because he had made Weah very dangerous.

It almost made Zhang Huaijin appear in this matter, so Zhang Huaijin said nothing, did not say anything directly this time all the matter was published on the network above.

There are a lot of people who have had this incident, knowing that Zhang Huaijin has been bullied online, which is really quite surprising.

I don't know why Zhang Huaijin's personality has changed all of a sudden. He Ye also felt a little puzzled.

It seemed that Zhang Huaijin suddenly became a bit different, and he also felt a bit confused.

It didn't even occur to him what was wrong, and Zhang Huaijin hadn't had time to speak.

Next to him, Ji Yu said very seriously, "This young man has changed a long time ago, and I've investigated his resume before or the current situation is better."

Because everyone was now in the hospital, they had the time to investigate some things, but to be honest, they also felt a little anxious.

There are things that they can't just look into, but it makes people feel a little angry that they have to find out what the other person is trying to do here.

"I'm afraid it's too much to say what they did, but I didn't post this video on the Internet for less than half an hour."

Someone over there started frantically posting messages saying what is Zhang Huaijin doing? Are you being bullied again on the Internet?

I'm afraid it's a little hard to explain, but what's the matter with you, young man, when you're doing so well?

"Yeah, didn't even notice? Zhang Huaijin he was just bullied on top of the Internet."

Even we passersby know it, I don't know what's going on, he's been on top of the Internet to hear being bullied.

It really makes one feel quite speechless, and there are people who say anything on the Internet, but it also makes one feel quite speechless.

Seeing that the problem was already like this, Zhang Huaijin frowned slightly, and his whole body fell into deep contemplation.

There are a lot of people on the Internet who have started to speak for themselves, but this doesn't mean anything, and the problem is now a bit too big.

Some people are speaking for themselves on the Internet, but it doesn't mean anything, and it makes one feel that the situation is a bit special.

I laughed softly as I thought about it.

Said, "Things are a little complicated and changing on the Internet right now, but I don't think you need to worry too much about it because there's no use in it."

Still, I've been watching the Internet since I just posted the video to the Internet.

And also watching the video back and forth this time, it makes you feel a little funny, but also feel a little also don't know, why he's overly concerned this time.

This time, people felt a little bit confused, and always felt that he was a little bit overly concerned.

Ji Yu was a bit speechless and rolled his eyes and said, "I don't know why he's paying so much attention this time.

"You still don't see it, do you? What I'm focusing on now is focusing on myself, and I haven't said anything when he's been going after me on the Internet."

"But now he's like his bodyguards beat me up, and also must give more resources from their hands."

As soon as he said that, he smiled coldly, and now things are a little bit extraordinary that someone wants to get something from his hands.

The actual fact that you can't be able to do that, then you must make the talent worthy of you to pay a good price, otherwise it will only make people feel more ridiculous.

And just a short distance away, within a high-rise building, Song Lin pale face to go in.

He looked at his company's agent and then at the company's executives, and said.

"Company executives, Boss Wang, what are you looking for me for now."

The boss turned his head to look at the person in front of him and said with a cold smile.

"It's really not for me to say anything, just that you are now on the network to find out that thing and the network above all the people already know."

"The people of the whole country know, what the hell do you want to do."

He said this with a bit of hatred in his voice, yeah, this time the matter of the network above the people know, but the importance of the matter is known to the heart.

The more I think about it, the more people feel a little incredulous, did not expect things to become so troublesome, people feel speechless to the extreme.

Seeing that the situation has reached this point, Zhang Huaijin actively looked up and looked over.

Saying, "You don't have to think about it that much. That's the way it is, plus don't you get it?"

"The problem is rather special, you can just help me set things right this time."

When he said to set things right, there was a certain amount of righteousness in his voice, he has always been the default brother in the company.

So if anything happens to you, the people in the company will help you in every possible way, even if it's something above your own network, no matter how big it is, someone will come and help you.

So there's no need to worry about it at all, but now the people inside the company are doing it this way, what's going on.

I'm afraid there's something wrong with even the top management of the company taking the initiative to come over, and Boss Wang usually doesn't take the initiative to come to the company.

What exactly is he trying to do now or in the original company? One feels a little puzzled.

Seeing the situation as it is, the company's top management gave a cold look at the person.

And I said, "Do you still think this is the same thing as it was before? I'm telling you it's not that simple anymore, there are things you can't do just because you want to."

"Do you know that people on the Internet have been crusading against our company, and how much our company's stock has dropped as a result, do you not know how serious this matter is?"

The most important thing for a company is its reputation. They can have a bad track record, but their reputation must be good.

What will happen if the reputation is not good? Everyone knows it clearly, and the fear is that the company's reputation is bad.

It is very likely to cause cyber violence, and even more things in this.

It really makes people feel speechless to the extreme, never expected that the situation this time would be so serious!

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