My wife is 30

Chapter 647 - Suspicion

But it's just a little surprising, Zhang Huaijin thought as he squinted his eyes and looked up voluntarily.

Under normal circumstances, he might not have been so worried, but he didn't expect that some people would have such an attitude now.

The more I think about it, the more ridiculous I feel.

The more I think about it, the more ridiculous I feel. After the ceremony, I sat backstage by myself in silence, He Ye stood beside me and took a look at the crowd.

The more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more ridiculous I feel.

While saying that, he looked up and looked over at Zhang Huaijin with some surprise within his eyes, wondering what had happened to him at the conference.

Why does it look a little sad now? It was really a matter of how to solve this problem.

To be honest, it's also a very boring thing for him, seeing that the problem is already like this.

Zhang Huaijin immediately let out a deep sigh of relief.

said, "I wasn't up there on the stage and no one was targeting me, but rather that I was thinking about this place to find someone,"

The more you think about it, the more surprised you feel, without saying a word, you just look up and look over, the whole person is in deep contemplation.

The more I think about it, the more surprised I feel, and the more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more surprised I feel.

But the situation was such that it had to be cleared up, and the more Zhang Huaijin thought about it, the more doubtful he felt.

Immediately looked up and said, "This time the situation is a little different. I want to go to this singing program, but I am not sure of anything."

Not even daring to go there personally by myself to know how this matter should be resolved.

Zhang Huaijin said while looking over at the person next to him, the whole person felt a little nervous and uneasy, after all, this program and oneself to imagine this possibility.

There is something not quite the same, and what will be the result if you rashly go forward now. It's hard to say after all, this group of people is very different.

The more I think about it, the more I feel a bit speechless, and the more I talk about it, the worse the situation will become.

Only the current events were so shocking that even Zhang Huaijin didn't know what to say.

He Ye, whose face instantly lit up on the side, then said.

"What? You're going to be on this variety show? If you're going to go to this thing, it's a perfectly good thing for you."

"But I hope you can think about it yourself ah, I don't know whether you should go or not, but you can see for yourself what you think about it, can't you?"

As I said it, I asked you to smile.

In the eyes of He Ye, Zhang Huaijin, no matter what you want to do is a very normal thing, if not, I am afraid that the situation would become very bad.

It's not surprising that Zhang Huaijin is very sensual about this incident and wants to go over there, so let's just go over there.

In fact, there is no need for any kind of appearance, just what will happen in the past, the result is not certain.

It is necessary to solve this matter completely, can not let Zhang Huaijin always in the background.

At this time, someone quietly walked over, turned his head and looked at the person next to him and said.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing? Why are you both standing around in here, are you upset about something,"

As he said that, he actively looked up and looked over, and the whole person felt something, and wondered what exactly Zhang Huaijin was trying to do now.

It's surprising that this kind of attitude, to be honest, one feels a little speechless, wondering what exactly Zhang Huaijin is trying to do now.

Why does it have to be this way? And this situation makes you feel a little special? What did Zhang Huaijin want?

Without realizing it, one is in tears of deep contemplation, Zhang Huaijin looked up, his eyes lit up, and then said.

"You don't understand this situation, but it's not trivial whether it's because of what it looks like, and it's best for the two of us to not go out right now,"

Zhang Huaijin frowned slightly as he thought about it, but to be honest, the problem was so bad that he didn't even know how to evaluate it.

But I'm afraid it's a little unreasonable to try to solve this problem rashly, and we have to think of some other way in which the problem will inevitably become more troublesome.

As soon as several people returned home, they saw the company's director staying here, and then they whispered.

"What are you guys doing here? There's something I want to tell you, and besides, what do you really want, you young man?

"Why do you have to stay in here, I'm afraid it's a bit unreasonable."

One thought while actively looking towards the person, the whole attitude of the person is a bit unbelievable, simply can't believe that a normal person's attitude would be like this.

Honestly, it's a little dumb and funny at the same time, but I don't know why he had to do it at all. And I'm afraid that the reason for doing so, and where it is, is in itself a bit unjustifiable.

Zhang Huaijin looked up voluntarily and looked over.

"Supervisor, what brings you to my home now?"

As soon as he said that, he looked up voluntarily and looked at the manager in front of him with a few thoughts within his eyes, who knows what this manager really wants?

Under normal circumstances, I would have stayed in the company.

But now it's really rash, it's a bit dumb, who knows what the supervisor wants to do all of a sudden.

The supervisor took one look at Zhang Huaijin, then rolled his eyes and said.

"I heard you wanted to be in that music event or whatever, so I said I'd come over, and I thought it would be okay if you wanted to be in it, but are you sure you can sing?"

"If you can't sing, you'd better not go over there, do you know that if you can't sing, I personally won't join you, don't recommend you to participate in this program, otherwise it's just a waste of embarrassment to say you're up there.

Because it's true, if you say you're famous, of course everything is easy to say.

If nothing can be done without fame, the current Zhang Huaijin is hard to be salted fish to fight a turnaround.

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