My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 168: 【sisters】

Chapter 168 [Sisters]

Bank robbers naturally won't have any good temper. After rushing into the gate, they will sweep directly against the crystal hanging lamps on the ceiling. The criss-crossing bullets will make the entire ceiling riddled with holes.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!..."

The crystal chandelier was beaten and smashed in the sky, and the shattering sounds put pressure on the screams of the original women in the entire hall.

The seven robbers entered the hall and immediately dispersed to various positions, holding a micro-rush to the crowd crying and escaping, and from time to time also shot a few times.

"All the men! The men's women gave me the hand and put it on the ground to be honest!! The bullets don't last long, the old man who dared to move and dare to smash the first one!" The masked leader shouted .

At this moment, Yang Chen felt that Tang Yan’s body was shaking, knowing that she was afraid. After all, she was strong. She was only a woman. She had to calm her down and protect her behind her. They both squatted at the bank’s front desk and planned to see. Let me talk about the situation.

Tang Yan is also sick and rushed to go to the doctor. Although he is so timid behind a man he is not ashamed of, he feels that he is going to be awkward, but he can still live in the dead, and still manage this. At this moment, Yang Chen did not disregard himself, but instead stood in front of himself. Let Tang Yan be moved... This man is not too bad...

At this moment, the middle-aged man in the front desk of a bank was quite courageous and quietly crawling, trying to press the alarm button.

The robber seemed to be very experienced. He discovered his intentions early, and laughed happily: "I want to call the police? I want to report it is useless. The police are all eating feces. You rely on them to save you, delusion!"

After that, the head directly hit a bullet, hit the man's lap, did not kill him, let the man roll and scream on the ground because of the pain, blood flowing, once again causing the women to panic and cry, many The courageous people directly fainted.

Yang Chen frowned, he could stop and kill the group, but he didn't move. At this time, if the robbers do not kill people indiscriminately, or come to move themselves, he does not want to shoot, not to say that they are cold-blooded and ignorant of the lives and deaths of these people. Once they have shot, they are watching under so many eyes. Well, I have to say goodbye to my current life. It is definitely what Yang Chen does not want to see.

In the past, you may be able to leave here without any problems, but now, you are no longer alone.

People are often selfish, Yang Chen is also the same, he is not Batman, not Superman, no idle egg pain every day wearing a black cloak to punish evil, wearing red underwear as an urban hero's interest. If only because some unrelated people have suffered some harm and died, they will leave the person they like, and Yang Chen is not so noble.

The innocent life that has died in one's own hands is too numerous to count. Although occasionally I feel that my sin is deep, but at this moment, Yang Chen will only think that there are more, a few more, and it doesn't matter.

There is a very accurate metaphor that can describe Yang Chen's state at the moment... When you stand in the perspective of a person, how can you pay too much attention to the life of the ants?

This is no longer the so-called humanitarian, and moral bottom line, but has become an instinctive reaction of Yang Chen.

The people in the entire bank hall have been controlled, and two robbers rushed to the second floor of the bank, and directly grabbed the tops of several banks in the office. All the rows were squatting in the corner of the wall, fearing the ground. Do not dare to look up.

The robbers were very skillful to send three people to start looting, holding large sacks from the bank's deposit sites, throwing a lot of red and bright banknotes into the bag.

After about five minutes, the bank’s door finally had a siren.

Eight police cars flashed with warning lights, surrounded by the entire bank, and dozens of policemen who came down from the car and carried out a full-scale blockade.

Dressed in a bullet-proof vest, holding a handful of five-four pistols, the heroic heroes walked out of the car, and the facial features of the facial features were filled with angry clouds.

This is already the third time the robbers of the bank have committed crimes. Just over a week ago, Cai Wei gave up her words. If she did not seize this group, she would remove the sheriff’s position and never get involved in the police. This is definitely a military-like vow for her.

Therefore, this time, Cai Wei pays special attention to it, meticulously arranges the combat plan, and is equipped with the most powerful personnel firepower, and must be removed from the crowd.

The police officers around them began to shout, and Cai Wei was under the cover of the riot police shield, and brought a team closer to the bank.

"The robbers inside are listening! You have been surrounded! The surrounding riot measures have been arranged, the elite police force, you have nowhere to escape! Now your best choice is to lay down your arms and surrender immediately, facing the law. Just judgment!..."

The police megaphone continued to make high-pitched shouts and passed into the bank lobby.

The masked leader took a sigh of relief and grabbed a petite female customer directly from the nearest place. He pointed the gun at the woman’s head and walked outside the door. He laughed and shouted: "Put your dog!" Then call Laozi directly to kill the hostages one by one!"

After that, Dahan held a micro-rush and fired at the team that was close to Cai Wei and others!

The bullet hit the rebounding shield of the riot police, causing a panic among the surrounding people. The people in the distance were more excited, but they were afraid to be too close.

Cai Wei’s dust was raised by the raised dust, and the beautiful melon seeds were full of angry flushes, but the robber’s firepower obviously did not allow her to get closer. She had to withdraw with a team of people to the police car.

A small police officer nervously ran to Cai Wei and asked: "The Secretary, there are at least 30 hostages inside, how can this be attacked!"

"Is the sniper arrived?" Cai said calmly.

"On the road, arrive in ten minutes."

"Ten minutes!?" Cai Yu was almost angry and didn't throw a pistol. "So slow, I have to locate, aim, finish all the time, don't wait for him to shoot bullets, the robbers and the hostages ran!"

An old detective sighed: "The Secretary, in fact, the sniper is also useless. This group of robbers is very experienced. They are hiding inside the bank. They are all standing at the angle where the sniper can't shoot, even if the sniper is present. It is estimated that there is no chance. Not to mention that there are seven people on the other side. If the sniper has a shot, the other party may jump over the wall and hurt the hostage."

Cai Wei was not stunned by anger. "As you say, do we have to wait until the robbers take the money, take the hostages and drive, and then follow up!? In the suburbs, they just hide, if someone responds, we It’s hard to prevent!”

"This is also a no-brainer. This robber is obviously not a simple origin. It is too difficult for us to arrest the police alone." The old police officer said, "In fact, if possible, the military should assist."

"The bank robbery in Zhonghai District depends on the military! What is the difference between our police and urban management!" Cai Wei was unwilling to say.

At this point, the police officers behind suddenly dispersed, and a tall figure came from afar.

When Cai Yi looked back, her eyes lit up and her resentful expression suddenly disappeared, revealing a happy smile. "Sister, how come you!"

The woman who came is very similar to Cai Wei, but her figure is slightly tall and full, with long hair, the upper body is a black tight leather, and the lower body is a light-colored jeans, which outlines a slender curve. She is not as full of heroic as Cai Yi, but it seems to have a somewhat elegant aesthetic.

But there is no doubt that the two sisters are all beautiful women who are eye-catching.

The coming person is not someone else. It was just one of the eight people who had never appeared again after being tracked by Yang Chen. It was raining. At the same time, as she said, Cai’s twin sister, whose real name is Cai Ning.

Cai Ning looked at the bank that was blocked by the eyes and said: "I saw this news at home. Before I heard my parents talk about it, come over and see if I can help you."

Cai Wei seems to be relieved. Everything has the backbone of the heart. He smiles and smiles. "I am really stupid. How can I forget my sister? You are at home. If you are there, they will definitely not escape!"

"That may not be, I am just an ordinary person." Cai Ning said that the situation is very calm, and the mood swing is not as big as her sister.

Some police officers around him were the first to know that the beauty director who was very popular and even had a sister, and also a stunning beauty, could not help but whisper.

Cai Wei immediately glanced at them with dissatisfaction. "Look at it! What are you messing with!" A group of police officers immediately turned their heads and cocked.

"Sister, what do you do now? We can't attack, they will take the hostage and escape, and the headache will die!" Cai Wei whispered, and at this moment she is more like a child who is spoiled by adults.

Cai Ning flashed a deep impression in his eyes and said: "You are guarded outside with the police, don't come close, I will go in and wait for you to inform you."

"Sister! Are you going in alone?"

"Is there any doubt?"

"That is dangerous!" Cai said in a hurry.

"I know, so I go in, you don't want to go in." Cai Ning said.

Cai Xiaoqi frowned and said: "Sister, what kind of work do you do? Why did Dad never tell us that other relatives and friends don't know?"

“Is this heavy?”

"Of course! You are my only sister!" Cai Wei seems to have been stunned for a long time. "We grew up together, but why did you suddenly leave home when you were eleven years old? It is rare to go home once a year. I can't be curious? Besides, as far as I know, even if it is the National Security Bureau, there is nothing that can't tell the family's position, let alone we are not ordinary people... Why do you work for your sister, even the family? Can't tell... I care about you, so I want to know..."

Cai Ning’s mouth twitched with a gentle smile, and the white hand touched the face of Cai’s face. “I don’t tell you that there is a reason. In short, just like you, it’s for the prosperity and stability of the country. The level has reached a certain standard, naturally I can know what I am doing. So, you have to work hard, I believe my sister will not be bad."

Cai Wei nodded in nowhere. "Well, I understand you, that sister, you are careful."


Cai Ning responded and stepped forward toward the bank gate.

The police officers are only the masters of the commander’s elders. The director only let her go in, but even Cai Wei does not know that Cai Ning’s appearance is not because the kidnappers are Cai’s sister, so Help, but another man with the kidnappers, had to let her come over.

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