My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 102: Is Something Bothering You?

"But when I approached her, she suddenly turned around as if she knew I was behind her, walking towards her. It felt like she had eyes on the back. Samantha then tightly held my hands. She asked me what was I doing, when I said I was doing nothing, she smiled at me like an evil person and said she would rather show me what I was going to do. Saying this, she pushed me into the lake. I didn't accidentally slip or trip into it. I was intentionally pushed." Carol honestly told everyone the truth as it is.

No one said a word and there was only silence.

"Why are you all not saying anything? Are you surprised that this person who looks so delicate and ladylike can do something like this? True, I too was shocked, she…"

"Enough Carol. How low are you planning to stoop to?" Chance interrupted her as he couldn't take it anymore.

"Chance, I am telling the truth. I indeed tried to push her away, but she suddenly held my hand and intentionally pushed me. Please believe me"

"Carol, we all know your intentions were not good when you invited Samantha on this camping trip. But we never thought you would fall to this extent and would do something so cheap and ridiculous" Abigail scolded her as she somewhere blamed herself for not scolding her before. If she would have scolded Carol initially, then things wouldn't have ended up like this.

"I am telling the truth Abi. Yes, I accept, I wanted to push Samantha in the lake but my hands were shivering as I was scared and Samantha suddenly caught my hands. In that moment, she didn't look like herself, she looked very scary. I even tried to release my hands from her grip but she held my hands very tightly. Please believe me. At that time, she looked very frightening. She was not herself" Carol desperately explained what really happened.

"Fine, for one second we will believe what you said. Then based on it you are at fault, as you were the first one to try to push her" David said.

Carol looked guilty and she bent her head down in shame.

"Right, Carol?" David questioned her.

Carol nodded her head, "It is true, I wanted to push her but I really didn't and instead she pushed me. She really tried to kill me" Carol desperately explained herself.

"Enough Carol. She saved you in spite of you trying to push her. She knew your evil intentions and yet she helped you. Instead of being thankful, you are accusing her instead? You, really disappointed us" Jack scolded her and turned to look at Samantha who was evidently very sad at everything that happened.

"I am really very sorry Samantha, I apologize on Carol's behalf" Jack felt responsible for Carol's actions as when Carol complained to him against Samantha, he just let her be as he felt bad for her situation and didn't tell her the difference between what is right and what is wrong.

Also, for Carol's sake he questioned Chance if Samantha was worth his time or not.

He felt very guilty for blindly supporting Carol and for not showing her the right path. He treated her like his sister and in that moment, he felt like he failed as a brother.

"Samantha, the staff here will later ask you two what exactly happened as what just happened was not normal. They are just giving you two some time to recover from the shock you two just went through. Later, when they'll ask you what happened, you can just tell them the truth and can file a case against Carol for attempt to murder" Abigail instructed Samantha like a professional cop would inform a victim. Right now, Abigail was not their friend but a cop who was doing her duty.

"Abi, what the fuck are you saying? I should be the one who should file a complaint against her" Carol desperately explained herself.

Abigail didn't even spare a glance to Carol and looked at Samantha, "You don't have to be scared of anyone. Just be honest, that is enough"

"Are you not listening to me? She tried to kill me; I was the one who almost lost my life" Carol explained but no one paid any heed to her as no one believed her.

"I am sorry but I won't be telling the truth to cops" Samantha finally spoke surprising everyone present there.

"What do you mean?" Abigail asked her.

"Carol anyway failed in her attempt to harm me. Instead, she fell in the water and almost drowned. I see that as a punishment for Carol. I don't want to file case against her and ruin her life." Samantha talked like the nicest person in this world.

Carol rolled her eyes at her, "The reason she doesn't want to tell the truth is because, she knows if the cops are involved then her truth would be out. Check the CCTV footages in this camping site, I am sure the truth will come out" Carol suggested.

Samantha smiled to herself when she heard Carol's words.

"There are no CCTV footages here" Chance informed Carol surprising her.


"Yes, it is your word against Samantha's but given your state of mind, we all believe Samantha" He firmly told her.

"That's not true" Carol disagreed with him and looked at her friends for support but no one uttered a word.

"Are you all serious? You don't believe me?" Carol questioned them but again no one said anything.

Mia then broke the silence, "Thank you Samantha for considering about Carol's life and not filing a case against her. I am forever grateful to you. I promise you, I would ensure Carol never creates trouble for you again. I too apologize on her behalf" 

"Please don't apologize. I anyway forgave Carol for what happened. It's okay" Samantha replied.

"What the fuck. What a drama queen you are" Carol insulted Samantha but just then Mia angrily glared at Carol, her eyes warning her to keep quiet and not utter another word.

Carol got scared of Mia's look and kept quiet.

"Thank you so much, please take rest, you must be tired after saving her" Mia calmly said and Samantha nodded her head.

Then everyone left from there and headed to their tents.

Chance helped Samantha to her tent and Mia helped Carol to hers. On the way, the staff met with the two women to know what exactly happened.

Samantha told them they were just playing around and accidentally Carol fell down in the lake, so she too jumped in to save her. Carol had to act along with this lie as David and Jack warned her to if she doesn't want her life to be ruined by having a criminal record on her.

The staff believed their lie and didn't pester them.

After the staff left, Chance again helped Samantha to her tent and he made her comfortably sleep on the mattress, he sat next to her on the floor and stroked her head, "I am really sorry for what happened earlier."

"Please don't, it's okay. It seems she loves you so much that she is ready to kill for you" Samantha calmly said as she wanted to taunt him about it but controlled herself. Somewhere Samantha wanted to tell him, Carol is equivalent to a murderer as he has Foniasophobia and he hates murderers. She wanted him to hate Carol.

Chance chuckled at her words, "Doesn't matter who loves me, what matters is who I love" He said.

Samantha's heart was filled with warmth seeing his indifference towards Carol.

"Take some rest, sleep for a while" Chance instructed.

"Hmm, okay" Samantha closed her eyes but she was not feeling sleepy so she opened her eyes to see Chance lost in some deep thoughts, he was looking at the ground and was thinking something deeply.

"Chance" She softly called his name and he looked at her.

"Can I ask you something?" Samantha asked him.

"Hmm, of course."

"Is something bothering you?" Samantha finally asked him the question she was worried about.

"How did you know?" Chance asked her.

"It was obvious the way you were acting since morning" She didn't hesitate in sharing what she felt.

"Are you bothered with me worrying about something?" He didn't wish to let go of an opportunity like this.

"Yes, I am" Samantha's reply surprised Chance as he expected she would deny it like always. 

Since she directly asked him something, he decided to be honest with her.

"Actually, two weeks ago, I promised a client to finish a work in a month. It has been two weeks already and there is no progress in it. Now I have only two more weeks and I don't think I'll be able to fulfil the promise I made" Chance shared the truth with her without revealing the fact that she is the client he is referring to.

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