My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 105: I Am Already Judging You

He didn't say anything and let her continue, "Even worse, you were about to ask me for marriage. Like, that was the limit, who does that? Do you realize how weird it is when a guy I just met, would ask me for marriage?" Samantha scolded Chance for his actions and continued.

"Then you start troubling me, you tease me and then what were you expecting me to do? Hug you back and accept your feelings? That would have been so weird. Obviously, I was an asshole to you. You deserved it" Samantha took a long sigh, as she was done.

Chance stroked the back of her head, "I am so sorry for freaking you out like that. It was not my intention. I just felt so strongly about you, I knew this was it, I just didn't intend to waste my time and years in taking the final step. But I understand, what you must have went through. I am really sorry for making you feel uncomfortable." He sincerely said as he better understood things when he heard from her perspective.

"Thank you for saying that."

"Are we good now?" Chance asked her.

"Hmm, but there is more" She seriously said.

Chance deeply sighed, "Go on"

"It was crazy how you just moved across the country for me, that was ridiculous." 

"It wasn't. In spite of my strong feelings, if I didn't take any step to be with the woman I love, to pursue her, then what's the point of anything in life?" Chance asked her.

"It was still weird, giving up on your lifestyle for someone, you were not even sure if I would reciprocate your feelings. That was a huge risk you took." Samantha would never have done something like this for him so she felt guilty for the sacrifices Chance was making for her.

"The huge risk was totally worth it" Chance smiled at her.

Samantha's heart fluttered when she heard his words, there was sincerity in his eyes. He totally meant what he said.

She was looking into his eyes and it felt like the time was frozen in that moment. Samantha wanted to kiss him and was about to lean towards him, and just then her rod started shaking implying the fish is nibbling on the bait.

"I think the fish bit, on the bait." Chance excitedly said and pointed at Samantha's fishing rod.

'Stupid fish' Samantha cursed in her mind and she set the hook by raising the pole quickly. She pointed the pole straight up in the air. 

The fish was caught, Samantha gently and firmly removed the hook around it and showed it Chance.

"And this is how it is done" She smiled proudly and put the fish in the bucket with water, next to her.

"I am impressed"

Samantha tied another bait to the hook and again swinged her fishing rod in the lake.

The two again sat near their rods waiting for the fish to take the bait.

"Chance, how many women did you date till date?" Samantha asked him something that has been on her mind for some time now.

This question was asked by her before too but Chance was busy at that time and this discussion didn't happen but today finding this opportunity, she just asked him. Last time, he was very nervous when she asked him about his past relationships, she again wanted to have fun, troubling him so she again asked.

Chance turned awkward as this was a question, he would love to avoid but since Samantha asked him directly, he won't lie and he decided to face it as someday he has to pay for his past actions.

He took a long breath before answering her, "I never dated anyone for a long time. Rather I was never in a serious relationship with anyone. The maximum time I spent with a woman would be three months." He felt ashamed of himself when he was describing his relationships.

Initially Chance used to be proud of himself, for having short-term relationships but now talking about it with the woman he loves, was very uncomfortable. As it looks like he can never be serious with anyone.

"And minimum?" Samantha asked him.

Chance looked very embarrassed and was hesitating to answer her. Samantha enjoyed his reaction.

"Minimum, not sure, I hooked up with a lot of women, so you can assume minimum to be a few minutes"

Samantha controlled her laughter when she saw how shameful he looked like.

"Who was this woman that you dated for three months?" Samantha asked him.

"In my high school, I asked a girl to be my prom night date, but she wanted us to date a few months before prom night. So, I dated her for three months" Chance looked away from Samantha as he couldn't look at her while informing her of how he ended up dating someone for three months.

"Why did you had to date her for three months for prom night? You could have just asked someone else. It must not have been very difficult for you to find someone else given your popularity" Samantha taunted him.

Chance tightly closed his eyes and took another long breath before answering her, "You will hate me after I answer your question" He warned her.

"It's okay, I am already judging you" She teased him.

"She was very hot, other girls were second to her in beauty and body. I wanted to go with the best, so I accepted her condition" Chance looked ahead at the lake and avoided looking at Samantha.

There was silence for a few seconds, Samantha controlled her laughter and asked him, "Then? Why did you break up with her? She was beautiful and had amazing body, like you described."

"I never intended to date her, I just wanted to sleep with her." Chance finally told her the truth and this time Samantha laughed as she couldn't control herself.

"You are worse than I thought" She said between her laugh.

"Yes, I am the worst when it comes to relationships" He accepted.

"Then? Did you succeed in sleeping with her?" Samantha asked him.

Chance nodded his head, "She was the one I lost my virginity to"

"Wow, she is special I guess then?" Samantha teased him even more seeing his discomfort.

"Umm, sure" Chance had no idea what else to say.

"Why? Is she not special?" 

"I honestly don't care. She was very annoying, after we left for college, she wanted to be in a long-distance relationship. She was very clingy" Chance complained to her and shared why he never liked her.

"And what did you do?"

"Before leaving for my college, I broke up with her"

"Fuck, she must have been heartbroken" Samantha glared at him in surprise. 

"No, she was not. I cheated on her with her friend so the break up was easy for her" He tightly closed his eyes regretting his past actions.

"What the fuck? You cheated on her?" Samantha widened her eyes in shock and couldn't believe the gentle guy in front of her was indeed an asshole.

"I had to. She was clinging to me all the time and was not leaving me. She was apparently in love with me, so the only way to get rid of her was to cheat on her" Chance was frustrated when he recollected those days and when he remembered how she irritated him, he got annoyed.

"So, you ruined her friendship with her friend for your own selfish reasons?" Samantha couldn't believe how brutal and selfish he was.

"Oh please, that friend was so happy to sleep with me. You should say because of me she realized the true colours of her friend and I saved her from a bad friendship" Chance spoke righteously.

Samantha slapped his arm, "Are you proud of what you did?"

"No, I am not. That is why, I am feeling so embarrassed to say all of this in front of you" Chance honestly told her how bad he feels of his actions.

"Wait, you are embarrassed for your actions or you are embarrassed because you are telling me all of this?" She asked him for confirmation.

"The latter"

Samantha helplessly shook her head, 'What an amazing person I fell in love with' she thought to herself, "Then what?" She asked.

"She slapped me and accepted the break up. You have no idea how relieved I was that day. I felt alive" Chance had a bright smile on his face when he recollected the freedom he gained back.

"Were you that relieved?" Samantha could see how good he felt after his break up as he was smiling happily just recollecting those days.

"Yes, and that was when I decided I would never date a woman. Maximum I'll go out with her for dinner dates, that's it. I'll only sleep with them and noth…" Chance just realized he is talking to Samantha and not David so he shut his foul mouth from speaking further.

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