My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 110: Rookies Can't Fool Me

"Fine, we will agree with this but on one condition" Abigail was annoyed with Carol's pleading so she decided to give in to her request but by keeping one condition.

"What condition?" Carol was happy that at least Abigail agreed to go with her plan.

"If you are able to prove it, we will convince Chance it was indeed Samantha who pushed you" Abigail's statement made Carol very happy and she jumped in joy.

"Hold that thought, if you are proved to be wrong then you will give up on Chance and will genuinely try to move on" Abigail kept her condition forward.

Carol was stupefied at what she said, this was completely unexpectable.


"Do you agree or not?" Mia asked Carol as she too agreed with Abigail's condition.

Carol gave it a lot of thought and decided to agree with it as she felt confident, in proving her innocence.

"Okay done" Carol agreed.

"No. Okay done, is not enough. We know you very well. Now you will agree to it but later you will again go back to chasing Chance" Abigail was very smart and was completely aware of Carol's true nature.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Mia suggested, "If you lose, then after we go back to New York, we will set you up with a few guys on blind dates and you have to sincerely meet those guys."

"You have to make an effort and give them a fair chance" Abigail added.

Carol hesitated but she was confident of revealing Samantha's truth, so she agreed.

"Fine, I accept this condition"

"Good" Abigail was hoping to get Carol give up on her obsession this way.

Samantha was standing outside her tent and was pondering something seriously when Carol approached her.

"Samantha, I want to talk to you about something" Carol said pulling back Samantha from her thoughts.

"About what?" Samantha who was confused and worried till now turned into a cold and indifferent woman.

"It is important, can we go to a deserted place and talk?" Carol requested.

"So that you can kill me?" Samantha questioned her.

Carol tightly clutched her fists as Samantha was the one to push her and she is now acting like Carol was the one at fault.

"Can we please talk?" Carol requested.

"Whatever you have to say, say here. I am not going anywhere" Samantha was firm on her decision and Carol sighed in relief as she already asked Mia and Abigail to hide near the tent area just in case.

If they walked away from here then Mia and Abigail would have carefully followed them but now it was not needed.

"Why did you push me, Samantha? Why did you pretend like it was an accident when the truth was you pushed me?" Carol questioned her looking pitiful.

Samantha smirked at her, "Are you serious? You were the one who tried to push me, I just realized it and in reflex I moved away. If you trip and fall in the lake then how is it called, me pushing you?" She questioned her back.

"Don't try to act, you held my hand, you smiled at me like a cruel person and you intentionally pushed me" Carol complained as she couldn't believe Samantha was acting even when they were alone.

"Carol, I am not sure what is wrong with you. I really didn't push you and please tell me why the fuck would I push you? Why would I hate you or what problem will I have with you?" Samantha countered her and for a moment Carol was speechless as she had no idea why would Samantha will push her. There was no reason for her to have a serious problem with Carol.

"It is because I am close to Chance?" Carol asked her back, even she was not sure if this reason is good enough.

"But Mia and Abigail are also close to him, why would I harm you and not them if that was the case?" Samantha countered her putting Carol in a very bad spot. 

"Because I am closer to Chance and because I like him" Carol was provoked by her words, in agitation she replied like this.

"But Chance loves me, so why would I hurt you? I am sorry, my words might offend you but you don't mean anything to me. You are not important enough. I can't be provoked to kill you." 

Carol was speechless and now she too wondered why the hell did Samantha push her as she really had no reason to go against her.

"Then why did you push me?" Carol genuinely asked her.

"I really didn't push you, Carol; you tripped and fell down. I tried to hold on to you but everything happened so quickly, it took me a few seconds to process everything. But I swear once you fell down, I immediately jumped. I didn't even know if you knew swimming or not. I didn't think about anything and I jumped in" Samantha looked so honest, anyone would say she was in the right and how regretful she felt for not being able to stop Carol from falling.

"You are acting, you are pretending" Carol shouted at her.

If she wouldn't have seen that murderous glint, in Samantha's eyes and experienced this brutal incident first hand then Carol herself too would have believed everything that Samantha just said.

Her acting was damn convincing.

"Why would I Carol?" Samantha innocently asked her again.

"I don't know, maybe you are scared that Chance would fall for me someday" Carol was so furious, she didn't think twice before throwing accusations at Samantha.

Samantha smirked at Carol, as she just said what she wanted to hear, "But why would I be worried about it? After what happened in Austin, it was so clear that Chance literally has no feelings for you. That day, I am so sorry for the humiliation, you faced" Samantha taunted her.

Carol turned red in face as Samantha reminded her of the most embarrassing incident of her life. She tried to kiss Chance but he stopped her and he even scolded her for acting out of line.

"Will you just shut up? What the fuck are you talking about? I don't know what you are saying" Carol was feeling even more embarrassed as she asked Mia and Abigail to hide and eavesdrop on their conversation. 

After coming from the Austin trip, Carol never mentioned the Austin incident to these two girls as she was sure she will only get scolded for trying to cross the line. Also, she was too embarrassed to inform them of what happened.

That's why she denied everything that Samantha mentioned.

"I am talking about how you tried to kiss chance forcefully and he scolded you" Samantha didn't give her any face and sold her out.

Mia and Abigail who were in hiding were shocked to know what happened in Austin.

"Samantha, how dare you?" Carol's aggression built up, and she lifted her hand to slap Samantha but she couldn't beat Samantha's strong reflexes.

Samantha held her wrist in the air before it could touch her and said, "Carol, you do not have the right to raise your hand on anyone. Stop stooping so low. I am forgiving your actions due to your immaturity and won't tell what just happened to anyone else only to give you some face. So, please stop bothering me again. I don't prefer wasting my time on people like you" Samantha warned her and walked away from there. 

Samantha intentionally walked in the direction where Abigail and Mia were hiding.

Then she pretended like she accidentally came across them.

Samantha saw Abigail and Mia hiding in the bushes, the two women saw her, Samantha didn't say a word but her eyes carried certain degree of disgust looking at them.

Abigail and Mia understood, Samantha figured out they were eavesdropping on her and felt ashamed of their actions and were very embarrassed.

Samantha didn't say a word to them and walked away from there with an evil smirk on her face.

Abigail, Mia and Carol were facing her back.

Earlier, when Carol came to Samantha and requested to talk to her, at that time itself Samantha noticed Abigail and Mia who were hiding near them.

More or less, she understood what must be happening here, so she continued her fake pretense. 

While leaving, she didn't intend to give Mia and Abigail any face, so she intentionally walked away from there in a way that they would come in her sight and will coincidentally come across her, getting caught.

Samantha walked away with a victorious smile, 'These rookies think they can fool me?' She scoffed.

Mia and Abigail went to Carol.

"What the fuck Carol? Do you know what just happened?" Mia shouted at Carol who was already feeling embarrassed.

Seeing Carol silent, Abigail was even more infuriated, "Samantha, just saw us hiding in there. Do you even know how she looked at us?" 

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