My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 130: Like Her Elder Brother


"So, we need to keep our word." Bill couldn't believe his daughter was still having plans to betray Grim Reaper.

"What would he do if we go back on our word?" Samantha scoffed in confidence.

"He will kill us" Bill knew Chance would not do anything but he would be heartbroken for sure on failing to find his friend's killer, by now Bill realized how desperate Chance is to kill his best friends' killer.

Samantha laughed when she heard his words, "Dad, since when are you so scared of dying?"

"I am not worried about me; I am worried about you" Bill was racking his mind how to convince his stubborn daughter.

"Dad, we can handle him, how about we give him wrong information on Brimstone and call him to some location of ours, when he will reach there, we can just kill the Grim Reaper." Samantha shared her plan with her dad.

Bill was in shock when he realized her intentions.

"Are you crazy?" He shouted at her.

"Dad, Brimstone is like a family, if someone wants to kill him, we should eliminate that killer."

"Edwin is not that important that we have to kill Grim Reaper for him" 

In that moment, Bill had the urge to tell Samantha that Chance is Grim Reaper and wanted to ask her is she now willing to kill him after knowing the truth.

Only he knew how he was controlling himself from blurting out the truth.

"Are you saying Grim Reaper is more important than Brimstone, are you serious?" Samantha couldn't believe her dad.

She never understood why her dad had such strong admiration towards Grim Reaper, and in the recent days it only increased.

"Yes, he brought me information on Excalibur. The man who killed my wife and would have killed my daughter too if she was at home that time. That bastard was the reason we left our home, our city. You gave up on your dream of doing your masters in Engineering and chose this field. Yes, finding and killing Excalibur is more important to me than keeping Brimstone alive." Bill firmly made his stand clear to his daughter.

"Dad, killing Excalibur is equally important to me too, I sacrificed my life and gave my everything to find him but that doesn't mean we have to provide Grim Reaper with Brimstone's information. Grim Reaper came to us for help which clearly implies he has no idea who killed Maestro. How about we name some random assassin who works for us and lie that they are the person Grim Reaper is looking for?" Samantha came up with an alternate solution but Bill didn't agree with it.

If he never knew Chance is Grim Reaper, then maybe he would have agreed to Samantha's plan to betray him.

But after knowing his future son-in-law, Grim Reaper is his family, he can't betray him. For Bill, family is more important than any outsider.

He would never betray his family.

"No, I refuse to this plan."

"Dad, are you serious? Brimstone is like my elder brother"

"He is 'like' your elder brother but he is not actually your elder brother. Brimstone made a mistake, he did exactly what Excalibur did. But instead of killing Maestro's family, he killed Maestro and I already told you how he manipulated Maestro with the Italian Mafia to kill him. I am ashamed of him for choosing such a despicable means to have his revenge. He should have faced him directly. But he knew he is not as good as Maestro and would get killed immediately by him. Brimstone has to face the consequences for his actions."

Bill was indeed ashamed of what Brimstone did to Chance's best friend, Lucas.

"Dad, why is that our problem? Don't you think you are giving way too much importance to this Grim Reaper? Fine, Brimstone made a mistake, so what?"

"Seriously Samantha? So what? You know the pain of losing your loved ones, can't you understand another person's similar pain?"

"Exactly my point dad, I know the pain of losing someone close to me, I don't want to lose another person who is close to me, I can't lose Brimstone. And you are suggesting we betray him. Seriously dad? You know all the hardships he went through in his life. Do you think he deserves to get betrayed by us?"

"Sam, I too feel bad for his past and that was exactly why I took him out of that hell and provided him with a good life"

"Good life? You made him an assassin" Samantha scoffed at him.

"I didn't force him. It was he, who showed his interest in it. He loves his life. I rather provided him with a better life."

"So? Only because you provided a better life to him, you have the right to take it away?" She questioned her dad.

"That's not what I meant. Everyone has to face the consequences for their actions, so does Brimstone. Why would he opt for such cheap tricks to eliminate his competition? He killed many people but they don't have the capabilities to find him or get him killed. But the one he killed this time is Maestro, who is apparently Grim Reaper's best friend. Once Grim Reaper decides on his target, he will kill him, no matter what" Bill declared to Samantha.

"Dad, how could you be more loyal to Grim Reaper and not to Brimstone?"

"That is the right thing to do. Grim Reaper provided us real information on Excalibur. So, how can we cheat him?"

"How will he even know that we cheated him? We will just claim someone else killed Maestro. He won't even know. In worst case scenario, even if he does, we can just say we too got wrong information."

"You think Grim Reaper is an idiot? He attached so many proofs with every information he provided to us. You think he would believe everything we tell him and won't ask for proof?"

"We can manage that dad" 

"Don't be ridiculous" Bill was frustrated with his daughter.

"Dad, you are the one being ridiculous right now. Why would you show so much loyalty towards that bastard? Why are you so obsessed with him?" Samantha questioned her father as she couldn't digest the fact that he was fine with betraying Brimstone for Grim Reaper.

"Are you sure I am the one obsessed with him?" Bill counter questioned her.

"Excuse me?" Samantha didn't get what her dad was implying.

"Samantha, it is not me but you, who are so obsessed with him" Bill declared only to get scoffed at by his daughter.

Samantha laughed loudly as if she just heard some joke, "Dad, I don't care about that man even a bit, that is why I am not hesitating in betraying him and his trust. I hate that guy."

"Exactly, you hate him, so you want to play such cheap games against him, as you know you can never be better than him in killing people. So, you are satisfying yourself by fooling him like this. It would give you happiness that you fooled him by saving Brimstone. That is why you are doing all of this" Bill was furious with Samantha and he didn't hesitate in sharing his thoughts with her.

There was silence for a moment as Samantha was shocked at her dad's accusation, "Are you serious, dad?" Samantha couldn't believe her dad would say something like this to her.


"Fine, then there is no point in discussing this further" She concluded.

"What do you mean?" Bill couldn't see what was going on in her mind and it scared him.

"Dad, I don't want to discuss this topic further" 

"We need to give Grim Reaper an answer" Bill reminded her that they too need to provide him information on Brimstone in exchange for the information they got from him.

"It's okay, he is not expecting it immediately. Let's talk about it later" Samantha told her father but Bill was sure things are not this simple.

He knew his daughter well; she was definitely planning something against his plan. It really frustrated him for not being able to see through her.

"Fine" Bill left from her shop as there was no point in staying there.

"Let's meet this weekend at your home, to discuss how to kill that old woman" Samantha spoke to her father, who just nodded his head and left.

After Bill left, Samantha took out her secret phone and searched for a contact.

"I am sorry dad but I have to save my elder brother." She muttered to herself and messaged the contact she just searched for in the contact list.

'WE NEED TO TALK. VERY IMPORTANT' she messaged that person.

In a few seconds, she got a reply. 'Tonight 10 pm, New Orleans Time'

Samantha checked, 10 pm in New Orleans is 8 pm in San Diego.

Around the same time tonight she and Chance decided to have dinner at his place before he left for work, Samantha wondered what excuse to give Chance so that she can call Edwin.

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