My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 77: Let's Hang Out

The two were very tired and they slouched on the couch they just set.

Chance had two long couches, Samantha was lying on one of them and Chance on the other.

"If you came here this morning, how did you manage to buy all this furniture so soon?"

"I ordered them online and requested them to delivery it this morning" Chance was tired but he still answered her question patiently.

Samantha then sat and seriously looked at Chance, she asked him the main question that had been bothering her since she saw him here.

"How did you know I live here?" 

Samantha never invited him to her home, around two months back when he came to San Diego, they only met at her florist shop.

Chance smiled at her, "You really think it is difficult to trace your address when I am so rich?"

Samantha rolled her eyes at him, "Let me warn you, all your efforts will only go into vain, I am not interested in you and I'll never be"

"Are you hungry?" Chance seriously asked her as he was really tired after moving all this furniture.

He ignored what she said as he didn't bother himself with her attitude, he was prepared for this reaction from here.

"Don't change the topic" 

"Are you hungry?" Chance made a pity face and Samantha didn't have the heart to continue her speech.

"Hmm, I am but I'll eat something on my way to the shop" Samantha stood up to leave as she already delayed going to her work.

Andy was very understanding and nice so Samantha didn't want to take advantage of her kindness.

"Cool, I'll join you then" Chance too stood up.

Samantha did not have the energy to fight with him, so they went to a fast-food chain which was near her home.

After lunch Samantha went to her florist boutique and Chance went back to his home.

The apartment was very spacious but it was still not as big as his house in New York, Chance looked around at his new home and sighed.

'Why do I have to fall for a difficult woman?'

He then checked his phone and just like he expected, there were a lot of messages from his friends.

Jack: You asshole, how could you leave New York without telling me? 

Mia: How could you leave without meeting anyone of us? This is ridiculous.

Abigail: What is wrong with you dude? I really want to shoot you right now.

David: Sorry dude, I tried to handle them but they are all pissed.

Carol: So, is this why you approved my request to transfer to the New York branch? Well played Chance.

And there were more such messages from each of them, Chance pressed his temples after reading all the messages which were full of agitation and hatred.

A week back he handed a file to David, which showed that they acquired the company in san Diego they had been trying to buy since a month.

Two months ago, after Chance went back to New York, he shared all his findings and the market of San Diego he studied to David.

After a lot of discussion, the two finalized on the company they wanted to acquire.

But the owners of that company were not willing to sell it to Chance so he had been trying his best to buy their company from them.

While they were in Austin the owners called him and informed him of their decision to sell their company as it has been going in loss.

But Chance didn't share it with David as he had to immediately leave for Chicago Mission and also, he was preparing the paperwork.

A week back he informed David of it and the two together closed the deal.

That was when Chance decided to let Carol be in New York, amongst their friends as he anyway decided to move to San Diego.

Chance had only one week to shift to San Diego, so his attention was on shifting and he intentionally didn't tell his friends of his decision to shift as he didn't intend to alert Carol and neither did, he wish to go through the emotional goodbyes, so he skipped all of it.

But now he was regretting his actions, so he messaged his friends and invited them to San Diego next week.

Mia, Abigail, Jack and Carol who were still furious due to Chance's actions, calmed down when they read his invitation.

Chance promised to book flights for all of them and he will pay for their entire trip.

So, his friends decided to have their revenge from him by spending all his money and they finally cooled down.

Samantha reached her florist boutique after having lunch with Chance.

"Hey are you alright?" Andy asked her worriedly.

Samantha looked at her in surprise, "Of course I am alright, why would you ask that?"

"You look all pale and lost"

Samantha was surprised, "Really?"

"Hmm" Andy nodded her head, looking worried.

"PMS" Samantha lied and asked Andy to take the day off as she wanted to be alone for some time.

After Andy left, Samantha sat recollecting what happened earlier.

She still couldn't believe that Chance would be living next door to her from now on.

When she left Austin, she was in a good mood as the short time she spent with Chance was memorable for her.

She enjoyed the conversations she had with him; she saw a different side of him on this trip.

Also, the fact that he refused to take advantage of her even when she threw herself at him, made her feel even better.

That moment she felt, if her life would have been normal then she surely would have dated this guy.

But she didn't intend to drag an innocent person into her world. She was scared someday Chance's life would end up like her mother Sarah's.

Bill dragged innocent Sarah into his world as he was in love with her. He never thought his enemy one day would find out the truth of his real identity and would kill the woman he loved to have his revenge on him.

When Samantha entered the world of assassins, she took an oath and promised herself that she would never fall in love or marry anyone dragging them into her dangerous world.

Moreover, Chance was suffering from Foniasophobia, she feared when he will know her truth, he will hate her and would regret falling in love with her. 

This fear always kept her from acknowledging her developing feelings from him.

Earlier it was easier as they never met but now, with Chance moving next door, things are going to be difficult for her.

A customer came to buy some flowers interrupting Samantha's deep thoughts.

After that customer was gone, she again recollected their interactions and wondered how to deal with this situation.

She had the urge of discussing this with Bill but instead of helping her get rid of Chance he might push her towards him as Bill always hoped for her to get married and lead a normal life like other girls her age.

Samantha heaved a deep sigh and helplessly shook her head as she was in a tough situation right now.

On one side she was delighted with the fact that she would be meeting Chance everyday and on the other side this will only make her fall deeply for him.

For the first time, she didn't know how to handle this situation.

It was evening, Samantha decided to stay back in the boutique for one more hour before heading home.

After an hour, she reached her apartment and was hoping she won't run into Chance but things couldn't go according to her wish as Chance shifted here to be with her so how could he let go off any opportunities to be near her.

He was waiting for her to come back home and kept the main door of his house open.

As soon as Samantha walked by, he quickly ran over to meet her.

"Finally, you are back home. I was waiting for you" He cheerfully greeted her.

Samantha wanted to cry as every time she will have to walk by his house to reach hers and avoiding Chance was out of question now.

"Why were you waiting for me?" 

"Because I really missed you"

Samantha glared at him, which he ignored.

"You must be tired, go and freshen up. Then let's hang out together" 

"I don't want to" Samantha unlocked her house door.

"Today I cooked more food, would you like to have dinner with me?"


"Please, today you helped me a lot in moving to my new home. This dinner is my way of saying thank you" 

Samantha turned to look at Chance to reject him but when she saw him, he looked extremely charming, but that was not it.

She was not sure why but she couldn't bring herself to say no to him. 

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