My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 98: A Normal Life

When Chance knocked on her door, the two women saw him and Carol angrily turned her head away.

Chance signalled Abigail that he would take care of her so Mia and Abigail left the suite and Chance sat with Carol.

"I am sorry, I was rude" Chance apologized to her.

"Get out, I don't want to see your face"


Chance stood up to leave, when Carol shouted at him, "Are you serious?" 

"Yeah, I am respecting your wish"

"Chance, can you at least be sincere when you are apologizing?" Carol complained.

"I am really sorry."

"Do you accept that I have no ill intentions towards your Samantha then?"

Chance does not accept it but he didn't wish to upset her further.

"I do"

"Then invite her tomorrow"



Chance sighed, "I will but I will ask her only once, if she says no then that is it" He warned her beforehand as he was sure Samantha will not agree to come.

"Okay done" Carol agreed to his condition.

Samantha too was not in a great mood.

For the last two days when she was sulking in her bad mood, Chance was there with her and he was patient.

His presence made her feel comfortable and she was slowly getting used to him.

Today, when Chance angrily walked away from her, she felt like someone important was again going away from her life.

She was waiting for him to come back home as she wanted to be around him.

When he was with her, she took his presence for granted but now when he is not at home, she was missing him terribly.

'You realize a person's value when they leave you' This quote kept on repeating in her mind.

Although she was not sure what she wants, she knew she doesn't want Chance to be upset with her.

She didn't eat her dinner. She lost her appetite and was thinking about Chance when suddenly her phone rang.

Samantha quickly grabbed her phone as Chance and Andy were the only people who call this number.

When she saw Chance's name appear on the screen, she calmed herself down and took a long breath before answering the phone.

"Hello" Samantha tried to sound as normal as possible.

"Umm Hi, ahh so, me and umm…" Chance was hesitating what to say so Carol took away the phone from him.

"Hey Samantha, Carol here, remember me?"

How could Samantha not remember her. In Austin, some actions of Carol annoyed her. She got very angry when she realized Chance was with Carol but then she recollected him mentioning to her a week back that he invited all his friends to San Diego.

Now she understood he went to have dinner with him.

"Yeah, how are you?" Samantha politely asked her.

"I am good. So, Samantha tomorrow morning we all are going for camping and will be back by Sunday afternoon. We all would like to have you accompany us."

The phone was on loud speaker and Chance was sure Samantha would give some excuse but her reply surprised him.

"Sure, I would love to" Samantha cheerfully responded confusing Chance and making Carol happy.

"Amazing, Chance will give you all the information later" Carol informed her.


The two women cut the calls.

"See? It was so easy" Carol handed him his phone back.

"Yeah, it indeed was" Chance was still surprised.

"Let's go, the food must have been served already" Carol pulled Chance with her and they went to join their friends.

Samantha didn't regret saying yes. The thought of Carol being around Chance on some overnight camping made her uncomfortable and when Carol herself was asking her to join them, then why would she let go of an opportunity like this.

Also, after what happened today made Samantha realize she never wants Chance walking away from her, she wanted to be near him.

She decided to figure out all of this.

That night in Coronado beach flashed in front of her eyes.

'Did he really mean when he said he would love me even if I am a murderer? Am I being too hard on myself? Should I let myself go?' She had many questions in her mind and she had only one person to talk about this no matter how awkward or uncomfortable it was.

She called her father.

"Wow, don't you think these days you are calling me way too frequently?" Bill joked as soon as he answered her call.

"Why? Dad doesn't like talking to me?"

"Hahaha, that is so not true. Tell me what happened now?"

"Dad, I want you to be my mom for the next few minutes"

"Okay, Samantha did you have your dinner?"

"What? Why are you asking that suddenly?"

Bill laughed from the other side, "You just asked me to act like Sarah, so I am doing that"

Samantha rolled her eyes, "Dad, be serious"

"Okay, sorry"

"I know Chance is suffering from Foniasophobia and if he ever finds out my truth, he might hate me. But recently, because of something that happened he assured me that he would love me no matter what. Even if I am a murderer, he would love me is what he said. But me being me, didn't believe him but today something happened due to which Chance got upset with me and he walked away. That moment I realized; I never want him to go away from me. I really want to be with him, I think I like him. What should I do?"

Samantha blurted out all her feelings in one go.

Bill smiled when he heard her dilemma, he was happy finally his daughter was letting go of her stubbornness.

"It is just a small phobia, help him get over it if you are that worried about him. Also, he assured you already he would love you no matter what. Samantha, no guy in this world would move from his comfort zone to a completely new place just to be with a woman he loves unless he is very deeply in love with her. Give this Chance a chance" Bill laughed when he said the last sentence, Samantha too laughed with him.

"His name is really funny"

"Hahaha yeah"

"Thanks for what you said dad, maybe I should really help him get over his phobia. Then I'll feel less guilty" 

Bill said what Samantha wanted to hear and so she was thankful as it was like a confirmation to what she wanted and his agreement was very important for her.

"Samantha, will you ever tell him about you being an assassin?" Bill questioned her as Chance told him earlier, he would reveal his truth to Samantha only if she reveals her truth to him.

"No dad, even if he gets over his phobia, I won't tell him the truth."

"Then why do you want him to get over it?"

"In case if the truth ever comes out, I don't want him to be scared of me"

"Why don't you want him to know about your other identity?"

"Dad, you always loved mom. Why did you hide your identity from her?" Samantha questioned him instead.

"She wouldn't like it, she hates violence. She was already pissed with the fact that I was a cop, if she knows in reality, I was an assassin then she would have been furious"

Samantha laughed aloud, "Dad, you are so bad. But I must appreciate your guts, how could you be an assassin and a cop, both at the same time?"

"Things just happened like that; don't you remember the whole story?"

"I do. It was rhetorical"

"Haha okay, now you answer my question"

"Dad, this assassin life I chose only because of my rage and anger towards what happened to mom. Although I started enjoying killing people, a part of me always craved to lead a normal life. Maybe this is my chance to a normal life like others. I don't want him to know the truth"

Now bill understood why Chance made this decision. Maybe somewhere this is what Chance too craved for.

"You have my full support" Bill assured her and Samantha was relieved.

"Thanks dad. I love you"

"Love you too dear"

"Dad, another thing." Samantha suddenly recollected something.


"Should we tell Chance about us? I mean, I don't want him to treat you like a stranger, I want him to treat you like his father-in-law."

"Oh, so you already decided to marry him?" Bill teased her and Samantha realized what she said.

"Umm, I mean…" She felt very awkward.

"It's okay I understand what you mean. I'll cook up a story, we can mix some truth and lies"


"Let me think of something"

"Thanks dad"

"No worries, I am just happy you at least like someone"

Samantha smiled, "Yes and unlike your wish I like a good person, I would never end up with that asshole Grim Reaper" she teased her father as in the past, he always teased her with Grim Reaper.

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