[75] The dust has settled! (3 more)

A ray of sunlight fell after the dark clouds dispersed, and the wine was on everyone.

At that moment, all Mutant’s spirit instantly recovered. When their consciousness reacted, they circled their heads one after another, wondering what was the cause.


Immediately afterwards, a loud noise came from the crowd, and the violent movement made people unconscious.

As the voice looked over, the huge building Pyramids standing in New York, USA, instantly disintegrated, turned into fragile scraps, and smashed to the ground.

“What the hell happened to us?”

Magneto, who recovered from his consciousness, asked confusedly when he saw the shocking scene in front of him, and the scars left on his body.

But at this moment, Scarlet Witch on the opposite side looked wronged, and he thought of “six three seven” and left a sentence.

“You guy, it’s so maddening…

Although it was a gritted expression, Wanda didn’t do much. Instead, she walked quickly to Lorna’s side and looked at the other side’s injury.


Seeing his daughter fainted on the ground, Magneto flew away quickly and squatted beside Lorna.

Wang Wang “Da, what is going on?”

Seeing that his child suddenly fell, the father Magneto was very anxious, and somewhat timidly asked his newly reconciled daughter Wanda.

Scarlet Witch Wanda didn’t answer his question, looked at the other person complainingly, and hugged Lorna in his arms.

“Father, you were controlled by that Apocalypse Mutant just now, including all the Mutants of Lorna!”

Quicksilver, who came from one side, reluctantly talked to Magneto.

But when everyone heard Quicksilver’s remarks, they suddenly looked at everything under their feet in astonishment.

Let everyone begin to realize that everything here is their own.

“What? There is such a thing…

“It’s all my fault, I didn’t take good care of my children!”

Magneto hit the ground with a fist, complaining very angrily for his fault.

“Well, everyone is not so guilty! This is inevitable, but don’t be discouraged

At this time, Li Wei, who was standing in front of everyone, looked back at everyone and said.

“Because of this Apocalypse Mutant Ability, everyone’s strength has been significantly improved!”

“Although there has been undeniable damage here, the whole thing is by no means all bad for you.”

Looking at the ruins in front of them, the human beings after this incident will be even more disgusted by the existence of Mutant.

“Let’s go back!”

Li Wei gave an order, and everyone leaned over. At this moment, the spacecraft Earth suddenly appeared in the sky.

The Earth slammed out of the air, docked perfectly in the open space in the center of the battlefield, opening the hatch for everyone.

“Boss, this arrangement is still satisfactory!”

The Earth opened the hatch, Shi Stark looked at each other triumphantly, and couldn’t help saying.

Li Wei nodded silently. After one glance at everyone, everyone moved towards the spaceship.

But he was the only one who walked towards the defective broken building not far away.

Pushing open the deformed iron gate, I saw the three people who had been shot by Li Wei just now, their backs against the wall in embarrassment, and they looked at each other weakly.

“After this incident, your survival in the human world will be even more difficult.

“Follow me, I promise you an ordinary life!”


As soon as Li Wei finished speaking, the Green Arrow on the three of them faded away.

The three of them were shocked and sat on the spot, looking at Li Wei’s back.

Walking in front of the cabin door of the Earth, Li Wei paused, and finally looked at the three people sitting in place.

Angel Warren, Psylocke and Storm looked at each other, and finally stood up slowly and rushed towards this side.


In the end, the Earth disappeared over this unrecognizable New York City.

At the same time, it disappeared in the eyes of the people on earth…

In the satellite videos of the military defense bureaus of various countries, everyone has seen this breathtaking scene!

The people who returned to Wakanda soon sent the injured Captain America, Black widow and others into the treatment room, which also included the Fantastic Four. 0…

However, the following month, the events that took place in New York, USA, spread all over the world.

As Li Wei said, the whole world is preaching the vicious riots about Mutant, and people in every country and region are talking about it.

This memorable picture is firmly engraved in the hearts of people throughout the world.

Good things don’t go out, bad things spread for thousands of miles!

After the humans caused serious harm, all countries began to hunt down and shoot Mutant severely.

This incident undoubtedly caused huge amounts of damage to Mutant.

At the moment, within the United Nations, a meeting on the disposal of Mutant is quietly being held.

After the participation of representatives from most countries in the world, the plan proposed by the “Trask Industries” of the United States earned the consent of representatives of all countries-the Sentry Project.

This mysterious and feasible Sentry project, just below the surface of the floating world, began to proceed quietly.

This new type of special combat robot, manufactured and commanded by “Trask Industries”, is constantly being tested and mass production batches have begun.

1.2 The doomsday of people who mutated in the eyes of mankind is also coming quietly. The group of people who think they can use weapons to control Mutant are also secretly proud of what they have done…

Inside Wakanda a few days later, Professor X, who was severely corroded by Apocalypse consciousness, also woke up from a deep sleep.

When Professor X sat up, a sudden news almost suffocated him.

“In your life, you will no longer be able to stand and walk on your own legs!”

Howard’s heavy words made him almost feel that he was falling from a cliff from a height of 1,000 meters.

A violent compression sensation made his heart beat wildly, Roar could hardly breathe.

This severe blow still caused Professor X to faint in the fragile period when he was awake…

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