【2011 Faith

Generally speaking, there are many ways to become faith. Wish.

But these are all conventional methods. How can Li Wei do such methods that ordinary people can think of?

“Since we have ancient artifacts like five-color stone, we can completely fabricate a legend.

Li Wei continued.

“We want to become the spokesperson of the five-color stone, and we want all those who believe in the five-color stone to firmly believe that what we say is the meaning of the five-color stone.

After hearing Li Wei’s words, everyone around frowned.

“Leader, do you want to establish religion in the entire universe?”

Batman suddenly realized that he asked Li Wei for proof.

“No, no, no, I just want to show people to treat the Justice League as a god, and behind the god, there must be something full of mythological significance. Then there is no doubt that the five-color stone is the most suitable for 08. ”

Li Wei explained.

As soon as Li Wei explained to the people around him like this, it suddenly dawned on him.

“The first thing we need to do is to make the five-color stone the belief of the entire universe.”

Batman continued.

“The key point is that we don’t know what the five-color stone represents in the entire universe. Although Beria may come to the earth to find the five-color stone with thousands of horses, and the five-color stone has indeed made the previous Justice League glorious, it does not It does not mean that the entire universe worships him.”

Iron Man continued to ask, but this sentence only hit a point.

They want to be recognized by the cosmic civilization based on the five-color stone, the premise is that the five-color stone has been recognized.

“Don’t worry about this. Don’t forget that we also have the most powerful organization in the universe-the Green Lantern Corps. As soldiers who guard the peace of one side, they must have a thorough understanding of the local customs.

Suddenly Li Wei’s eyes lit up. He had the Green Lantern Corps in his hand, so why not make good use of it?

After using the power of the universe to communicate with all the Green Lanterns of the Green Lantern Corps, Li Wei has determined that the status of the five-color stone in the entire universe is unshakable, and the five-color stone not only represents desire, but also the belief of the entire universe.

And there is a saying in the universe that the five-color stone represents goodness and bravery, while the battle of evil represents. Anger and evil. So the next thing to do is to connect the Justice League and the Five Colored Stones, and to rectify the evil rod, the process has to be postponed.

So after a brief deployment, Li Wei sent everyone back to the planet they had fought just now, and asked them to find ways to connect the Justice League and the five-color stone. The core point is that the Justice League represents the five-color stone. He is the spokesperson of Five Color Stone.

In this way, everyone took their orders and dispersed. Only Li Wei and Captain Marvel are left.

“My dear, when can we go home?”

Although Captain Marvel usually considers Li Wei’s feelings and has never complained that he has come to this strange universe inexplicably, he has been nostalgic for his previous home in his heart.

Today, on the premise that everything is basically done, Captain Marvel finally mustered up the courage to gently test Li Wei.

“I know that you have always wanted to return to our previous universe. I assure you that I will complete the task assigned to me by that beam of black light as quickly as possible.”

Li Wei said to Captain Marvel earnestly and attentively.

“It is said that I often think about why we have to bear these things, how lucky we have super-Ability, but we also silently endure all the pain and challenges in order to protect ordinary people, but in the end we got a mixed reputation. Fame, even being forced to leave, come to a strange universe, to complete such a nonsense task

Captain Marvel said sadly on Li Wei’s shoulder.

“If it weren’t for you by my side, I might really not be able to bear all this.”

Captain Marvel looked at Li Wei with tears in his eyes.

We “have many things to bear, but this has also become part of our wonderful life. Although you and I both want to pursue a comfortable and flat life, the reality has given us a crit. All we can do is silent. Accept it. Then turn it into wonderful waves in the long river of our lives.”

Li Wei also sighed helplessly.

Resignation is never Li Wei’s character, but when he is forced to the dc universe, you have to convince yourself to accept this reality. Although he has the Ability to travel back to the Marvel universe through time and space, the people around him can’t.

Because I convince myself time and time again, even for them, I can’t give up.

It is also Li Wei’s strong self-persuasion that has allowed him to persist until now.

“Fortunately, you are there. Fortunately, I can confide all the pain to you when I am fragile.”

The two hugged each other for a long time, until the arrival of Gamma Star.

After hearing Li Wei narrate the whole process of Beria and the battle, Shi Chang also clapped his hands in admiration. It is really not easy to defeat such a powerful enemy.

“Then what do you want to do next?”

Long Shi asked.

“Next, let the Justice League be recognized by the entire universe, and then use the power of the Justice League. Let the civilizations of the entire universe unite 840 together to build a prosperous future.”

Li Wei replied.

But Shi Chang suddenly frowned.

“No, you did it too fast.

Li Wei did not expect that Shi Chang would disagree with him doing this.

“how you said that?”

“You may not know much about the environment of the entire universe. You have become a predecessor of the earth. The reason why you don’t have the ability to insist on not using the five-color stone like you is because you want to contact the entire universe. A civilization with a large file size is a piece of civilization. Very hard work.

Shi Chang still frowned.

“You know, even if Beria dispersed his monster army into tens of millions of small teams to invade all the planets, it did not let the entire universe fall into his hands. There is definitely a reason for it. There are civilized planets too. Many, and another terrible reason, is that some planets have stronger strength than the Beria Legion.”

This was something Li Wei had never thought of. He looked at him unexpectedly.

“The universe is huge. There are no wonders. The gamma star you have been to, the alpha star beta star, is only a medium-strength planet in the entire universe, and those civilizations that have stood at the top of the universe are the most important things you conquer. Where.”

“Those civilizations, how far have they developed?”

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