My wife is from League of Legends

My Wife From League of Legends Chapter 225

And then he fainted!

Alas! Why are you so out of control? Bao Er was pleased with himself and thought, secretly consoling himself that he must be too righteous to give up his comfortable life and agree to get rid of demons and evil spirits and do the work of heaven! Yes, definitely! Hey, hey....

I'm really an honest, selfless good guy! Isn't that right?

As if sensing the second son's heart question, still tears flowing but is joyful and weeping, the second son again full of gifts, softly excited for the second son's lofty character concluded, "Second uncle, you really big good man! Hiram thanked you on behalf of his brother!"


Wow! No way. Is it really such a great thing to repay a debt of gratitude? The "Illusory Jewel", who had passed out, rebounded in a flash and was as fast and fierce as when she had fallen to the ground. The pervert gulped and gleamed, urging the boss to take this beautiful young woman, who was no less beautiful than Phoenix.

The first time I was in the hospital, I had to go to the hospital for a few days, and then I went to the hospital for a few days. His eyes were so scary, but how come there was no anger in his own heart, but instead he was amused? That's weird!

Although the heart is a hundred times over, but Keqing Yurong forcefully maintained a shy and timid flirtatious feelings, then whispered: "If the second uncle does not mind, I am willing... willing..." ha! , it comes, here it comes! The next line is definitely 'slave for slave girl, never leave the left and right', hehe, hehe... The legends of countless beautiful heroes are not like this? I can't believe that my second son has such a beautiful day! In the midst of a flurry of thoughts and emotions, the intermittent Keqing finally summoned the courage to say the following, "I'm willing to take my second uncle as my teacher for the rest of my life, respecting him and never leaving my side! " did that happen? Bao Er's boiling heart seems to have fallen into the autumnal evening scene, guessed right, but only half right!

"What? Befriend me and be my disciple!"

The subconscious scream came out, Bao Yu involuntarily remembered another sister apprentice Xi Chun, perhaps he was destined to be bullied by the apprentice in this life, the thought of Xi Chun's every step of the way he had a big headache, if you accept one more can also stealthily follow the ghost immortal apprentice, then how do you still meet with a couple of beautiful women?

"No, no, I don't take on apprentices!"

The second son shook his head like a rattle, and his determination was fast and furious, and he was not afraid to shake himself dizzy and starry-eyed!

"Uncle Er-"

"said here the delicate beauty of the amorous feelings into a sadness with pity, heartbreaking tears in the greasy jade face slowly flowing, poor weak woman is choked with sobs continued:" I have learned since childhood some music, chess, calligraphy and painting, four books and five classics also slightly know a couple of, second uncle is not too crude qualification? If you don't believe me, you can take a test or two! ""It's...""

The second son's face for a moment that bitter smile even, hear what Qing said and then think of her reputation as a talented woman is not even more shameful, he can be considered in this era of illiterate one, but also dare to test - that is not looking for death? If only she'd replaced her apprentice with someone else!

Hey, hey....

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers, and to help them to make the most of their opportunities in the industry. ""It's...""

A few drops of cold sweat flowed out of Bao Er's hairy heart, the big beauty said so how do you make yourself reply? The man's vanity finally hovered up, just for the sake of the "big hero" he had to stand up to shoulder the burden, with impassioned words: "Keqing up, since you insist on so that uncle will accept you this disciple; as for the ghost king thing - no problem, just a small scrap!

Master, I'll just send him to see Buddha on a nice day! ""Keqing pays his respects to his master, and asks him to receive three bows from his disciple!""

After a bitter conquest, the stunning ghost spirits finally with innate advantage completely get the magic power boundless treasure two master, fearing that the other party backtracking beautiful "dong, dong" is a series of three heavy sounding head, then from the heart of the voice: "Disciple will be waiting at the side of the service all day long, lifelong return master! Daen! ""No, no...""

The guy who shakes his hands can't have the seriousness of a teacher, and doesn't hesitate to reject his apprentice's "filial" kindness, using the old way of treating Xi Chun with a flash of light in his mind: "You still have shallow magic power now, you should practice well, and only after you've achieved great success can you help me. When this is over, I'll take you to Sic Chun. She's also your senior sister, so you two learn from each other and make progress together. "

"Is Fourth Aunt your apprentice?"

The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the old man's old man's old man's old man's old man's old man's old man's old man.

The second master beauty did not get to hand, but flat out more than a hindrance to the disciple, the heart of depression that is circling back and forth, the big sigh of misery of the guy's intention to command: "These days you do not follow me at all times, I give you two sisters a separate arrangement of a compartment, you stay with her in all of it; remember, do not scare the Phoenix sister and sister sister they are! ""Disciple honors his master's order!""

Keqing respected his master, but the more Yu Ren was like this, the more depressed the pervert master was, how could you let him down with such a filial disciple? Alas! It's depressing!

Leaving the ghost apprentice guy wandering around Inari Village, Phoenix and the others are still gathering in the room, the huge backyard has no servants due to the epidemic, making the bored him even more up in the sky.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to your collection, the newest addition to your collection, the newest addition to your collection, the newest addition to your collection.

The second boy is looking forward to the night finally came, in the mysterious night sky cover, while the crowd is not paying attention, the raging lust guy sneaked into the not far from each other within the servant compartment.


The long and crisp sighs echoed in the room, the little girl leaning against the window and thinking far away, looking up at the empty eyes in the moonlight like a hook, flashing the girl's unique dream light!

"Fifth, you're thinking about him again!"

The abundance of beautiful women gently walking to the side of the daughter, Willow's although also with the same face miss, but the eyebrows of the corners of the eyes is spring, bursts of feverish body as if to return to bear the grace of the second son of the treasure!


The newest member of the team was the first to be awarded the title of "The Best of the Best" by the United Nations General Assembly. I didn't miss him!"

"When did I say it was the second son of Po?"

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to your own personalized website. "

"Hey, hey..."

Before Liu Wu'er can lash out at her mother, fiery bad laughter has already sounded out of thin air, interrupting the mother-daughter playfulness, "The two beauties are so affectionate, Second Master I didn't need to invite myself! "'Ah!"

The first time I was in the room, I thought I'd see you there, but I didn't see you there.

"Second Master, don't..."

By the time Willow Fifth was awake, she realized that she and her mother had fallen side by side on the bed, and her master's large hand was easily picking away the last of her cover.

"Wu'er. You made the master suffer a great loss last time, and you won't be spared again this time!"

As she is passionately entwined with Liu's, Jade easily breaks up her daughter's extremely weak resistance to the emblem of the more words to make the girl's jade face flushed, thinking about the last thing is to laugh and regret, complex and hard to say!

"Be good daughter, don't move, it'll be better!"

She was so shy and timid that she instructed her daughter on how to easily get through the first night's pain!

"Baby is so good, Second Master is going to love you later!''


The passionate sucking made the beautiful woman subconsciously squeal nonstop and her jade hand also held her daughter's palm tightly at the same time, giving Willow Wuerl the full benefit of her mother's extreme pleasure!

The three flesh light to the body in the small space tangled, Bao second son of the main attack on the object of course is the youthful blooming young girl, in the mother's selfless help. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at a few of the items on the list.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. Just let me ascend to bliss like my mother! "Even the sky and the earth can't stop Master Bao's determination to move forward.

"Baby, help!"

The guy with two hands gripping Five's petite body wouldn't let go, gesturing with his eyes for Willow to help out.


The humiliating request made the middle-aged woman even more jade face red as if to drip blood, but for the master blind respect and silk love let her after some hesitation still reached out a trembling jade hand.

In the meantime, as the spatial distance disappeared inch by inch, the fire of the middle-aged woman's heart was abnormally hot, and the hot stream of desire surged more than ever, the power of the taboo was indeed invincible.


A fiery moan rolled and flowed in Bao Er's throat. Slowly pressing forward under the gentle lead of his beautiful mother.


The hot and clear touch made Liu Wu'er grip the futon even more quietly tightly, the cry of the heart almost blurted out, "Coming, coming, this moment has finally come!

At the crucial moment Bao Er forced to stop the offensive momentum with supreme will, lust rushed to the sky. The guy who intends to enjoy the greatest pleasure hoarsely again to Willow: "Baby, help again!"

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