My wife is from League of Legends

My Wife From League of Legends Chapter 242

The fatal flicker of light, but the second son of the treasure immediately after the lifting of the hand and weakly hanging down, such a thousand and one hundred charming beauty you let the passionate how he can afford to do? Qingming's thoughts began to dissipate even more under the teasing of the beautiful Princess.

"If we don't do something she'll turn into a nymphomaniac if she doesn't die, and that's worse than death!"

The cold and harsh words rang out again in the heart of the second Bao, the fire of lust and the sound of reason tangled with each other and devoured endlessly, "Kill her, she herself wants this! "


A thousand roars came from the distant and mysterious depths of the universe, the people's cry was so powerful that the sea of the second Bao's agitated heart did not yield to it, and his amorous nature cheered for a moment, raising a wild roar: "To hell with the fucking ritual! You're a rash and prudent Bao Er, not a moralistic hypocrite, is your reputation or a woman's chastity more important than her life? "The wild air came out of his body, and the rare cowardice in his life was destroyed by the fire, and he could do it if he wanted to - he was a real man. Besides, it could save a life, so why not!

The newest member of the team was the first to be awarded the title of "The Best of the Best" for his work in the field, and the first to be awarded the title of "The Best of the Best" for his work in the field.

He is an undeniably lustful man, but he is not a villain who brings pain to women, and "happiness" is the only reason why all lovers should fall in love with him.

The mysterious light covers the perfect figure of a man and a woman, boundless magic power quietly flowing, magical light through the walls and doors to break the sky.

A few moments later, in the mysterious void that is almost within reach of the stars in the sky, the floating clouds changed dramatically under the virtual wave of Master Bao's big hand, and in a moment a real soft bed of clouds lay beneath the two of them.


The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to your home.

The first thing you need to know is that you're not going to be able to get a good deal of money for your money," he said.

"Oh my God! It's Brother Po! Stop, hurry up and stop!"

The cries of her mind were of no avail, the soaring flames of love had already made her lose control of her body, and only the intensity of her instincts was what she needed most at this moment!

A wakefulness but fueled by the desire of the monstrous momentum, the strong soreness and emptiness of the Princess is more difficult to endure the torment of the heart, and the poor second son in a struggle to take the initiative to meet her teasing, but also let the beauty of the young woman valley jade door is wide open, muddy spring tide is out of control!

"Ah! How can he do that?"

The Princess of Bejing was filled with shame and anger, but couldn't bear the hatred, after all, Baoyu was saving herself, and besides, in the heart of the beautiful Princess, how could the upright and handsome hero be comparable to a lecherous monk?

Chapter 31 - Lusty Temple and Lusty Monk as a Wedding Dress (4)

The world is often so wonderful, some people have been together for many years also plain as water, but some people can walk into each other's heart in a moment of chance! It is no wonder that the heroic rescue of a beautiful woman is a beautiful story that never goes out of style.

"Slow down, clothes, watch out!"

The newest member of the team was the first to be awarded the title of "The Best of the Best", which was awarded by the United States Department of Justice.

The first time I was in the room, I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night.

The two are entangled under the effort of the two finally preserve the integrity of the two clothes, hot skin-to-skin contact with this seems like a flood generally plundered by the two sane, naked jade body in the arms of the plump and undulating, crisp breasts, buttocks white light dazzling, stimulation of the nature of the treasure is crazy yell!

The first time I was in the car, I was in the car, and I was in the car, and I was in the car, and I was in the car.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to your home, the newest addition to your home, the newest addition to your home.

In the aphrodisiac control of the mature jade body has been emotional as tide, without the second son of the beautiful young woman is already muddy and slippery, passionate open!


They both groaned with satisfaction almost simultaneously, the electric tingling and penetrating relief piercing into Bao Er's heart at the same time.


The Princess's extreme emptiness was replaced for a moment by an incomparable fullness and pleasure, intoxicating pleasure like the sea, the initial discomfort in the middle of the waves was only a flash.

Well...the Unreal Jewel cried! I never thought I'd be forced by a woman in my wise life!


The first time I was in the room was when I was in the room with my wife, I was in the room with my wife, and I was in the room with my husband.

Almost an hour had passed since the fiery hour.


The first time I was in the room was when I was in the room with my wife, and the second time I was in the room with my wife, and the third time I was in the room with my husband.

The spring breeze blows and the drums beat!

Baoyu finally launched a fierce counterattack from passivity. At the most opportune moment the barrier was suddenly opened, the billions of troops surged forward with unparalleled ferocity, and the characteristic mark of the second Bao inserted into a whole new territory!


The thunder of heaven and earth and fire, everything is at this moment to perfection; Bao Yu and the princess at the same time only feel a blank mind, as if struck by lightning, shock after a loud noise on the bed of clouds, the loud and wild movement in a moment disappeared!

Silence - deadly silence! A pair of happy men and women in bliss from movement to static each other tightly embraced each other, stiff limbs in the heart penetrating numbness boiling under the world of things are in this moment no longer a little meaning. The only thing that remains in their minds is the beautiful thrill of that moment!

A fragrant crisis in the past, pay a huge price to the Princess of Bejing finally free from the control of desire, startled beautiful young woman a moment later, the curtain slightly trembled. The first thing you need to know is what you'll find when you return to your senses, whether it's stormy weather or sorrow and grief.

The logical outcome of both did not occur, and Superman's extraordinary Po II changed the outcome with his supreme power in the moment when the good man was about to wake up.


The still-dragon and tiger-strong Xiao Bao Yu suddenly augurs into the sea and turns the sky upside down. At this particular moment no words can melt Princess Duanzhuang's determination to die more than actual actions!

A thousand words all into the wild and tender caress of the intertwined, easily set off the beautiful young woman has not yet restored the monstrous tide of love, another storm from the human instincts descended!


The princess's limbs relaxed beautiful eyes enchanting, has been the second son of the treasure to break into the heart of the heart of the room to this man's breath is no longer strange. The subtle change - just this idea tiny change, but let the soft cotton cloud bed gilded with a beautiful halo!

The vibrations from the heart are rapid, the two separated hearts meet each other in a sea of love, and the friction of providence makes the sparks fly. The moment the walls of the heart disappear is the moment of passion when two people's spirits mingle!


The second is the fact that the two of them have been in the same boat for a long time, and they have been in the same place for a long time.

Unlike the previous confusion of the crazy demand, the moment of love kisses, although the wind and rain, but can really imprinted into the depths of the two people, but also played the Princess deep hidden beautiful heartstrings, a silent music in the two hearts flowing between the two, in the lips and tongue to build a bridge between even more exciting to go back and forth, quietly sublimated!

In this particular time and space, by the coincidence of the Divine Will, all the impossible has become possible and unreasonable has become as natural as flowing water; if a day ago, even the second son of Bao would not have believed that the beautiful princess would be under his own body to tenderly take pleasure and cry intoxicatingly.


The princess has been married for a long time, but she has never enjoyed such a supreme pleasure that makes people fly to the sky.

Well, it's a shame, but it's really a memorable, soul-crushing taste!

The long spring rain and wind, leaving behind the wild tenderness is equally intoxicating, the princess's noble manner on the cloud bed more hooked up to the second son's love affair, the clever guy finally body language to convince the beauty of the heart!

The passionate tossing of the two perfect bodies reached its peak in the entanglement of the two perfect bodies, and under the manipulation of the Second Master of the Po, the arrival of the "God's Bliss" finally let the Princess in the super orgasm completely fainted!


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