Chapter 17 Search function

The purchasing power of gold coin is considerable, one gold coin is equivalent to 100 Silver Coins, and one Silver Coin can be exchanged for 100 copper coins, three coins can be Get a big loaf of brown bread that’s enough for three people. A skilled blacksmith can only earn five or six coins a day.

So, when Thomas came back with a lot of supplies, he still had more than half of the money left to spend.

He was lucky today, he just arrived in the town, and he met a serf from the countryside. The serf was carrying a wild boar to sell on the street. Thomas saw that the wild boar weighed several hundred pounds. I bought it directly with Silver Coin. In the gratitude of the serf who sold the wild boar, he let the two guards who followed him carry it back to the castle, and the serf who sold the wild boar followed behind and slaughtered it later. The boar also needs this serf.

The serf’s gratitude is sincere, because if such a big boar is sold to the serfs in the town, it needs to be sold separately, and it will not necessarily be sold out after a long time. To slaughter the wild boar is to worry about killing it in advance, because the weather is hot, and the meat may become stale before it is sold out, so when it is brought to the town, when there are enough people watching, when the time comes, he will kill again. Selling, not only the meat is fresh, but also can be sold for a while.

at first, when the serf who sold the boar watched Thomas bring four guards to his boar, he had the urge to cry, because the reputation of the guards is only two thousand here It has been spread among many serfs. The woman who was spoiled by Benny belonged to their village. The woman was humiliated and committed suicide, but the woman’s family did not dare to go to the guards for explanation, because the guards were the most powerful people in this place. powerful people.

The serf who sold the wild boar once thought that Thomas was the protagonist who did the wicked thing. He felt that his wild boar was definitely not safe. Facing Thomas’ questioning, his reluctant smile was worse than crying. In the end, what the serf didn’t expect was that Thomas actually gave money, and it was still a Silver Coin. Although it was a little less than the real price, it was already better than his original plan of thinking about losing money and money. times.

It’s worth buying this boar for a Silver Coin, but Thomas originally wanted to lower the price, giving 50 coppers is about the same, no need to report the title of fief lord, just follow him behind The four guards can make the serfs dare not object.

But he suddenly remembered that when he took the gold coin handed by Gervais, Gervais warned him not to buy or sell by force, so he bought the real gold at the price of 1Silver Coin. The price should be around fifty coppers of a Silver Coin for a boar.

“This world is such a generous lord, it is estimated that there is only Lord Gervais.” After buying the boar, Thomas thought so.

Thomas is still very happy when he thinks about it, he knows that Mr. Baron likes to eat meat, and such wild boars are hard to come by, so he can buy such fresh and lively game Gervais Will be very satisfied.

Do what Gervais told you, and the steward’s seat won’t be far away from him.


On the long table, only Gervais sat alone to eat, which seemed very empty, making Gervais a little nostalgic for the feeling of eating in Gandalf’s castle, although the food was not delicious, But the atmosphere is very warm, and listening to everyone making a slight crunching noise will make people feel fulfilled.

As for Earth, since his grandma passed away, he has no one close to him anymore. His parents left him when he was very young, and he was brought up by his grandma since he was a child. I haven’t felt the warmth of home in years.

There are four or five dishes on the table now, all of them are delicious, just smelling delicious, but Gervais always feels that something is missing, and he is a little tired.

“Thomas, why don’t you sit down and eat together?” Gervais suddenly turned his head and said to Thomas, who had been standing beside him. Gervais was very satisfied with what Thomas did in the afternoon, especially the wild boar.

“Sir, don’t be kidding! The long table in the castle restaurant, only nobles with titles or the descendants of nobles are eligible to sit on it to eat! The villain absolutely dares not!” Of course Thomas dare not.

Gervais can be whimsical, but Thomas, who was trained in the Rose Castle, knew that long tables in the dining room were taboo for anyone but the nobles. If he had listened to Gervais today, he would have dared to sit down, If the matter spreads out and is known to Lord Count or Lord Baron Gandalf, it will definitely make him a flag on a wooden pole, swaying in the wind.

From the look of Thomas, Gervais knew that the hierarchy had been etched in the minds of people like Thomas, and it was impossible to change it. Gervais didn’t say a word either, shook the head, picked up the knife and fork, and ate alone.

For slaves or commoners, the nobles tried every means to limit their rights and distinguish themselves from them. The advantage of this is that while reflecting its own superiority, it can also inspire the yearning of the commoners, even for a lordship that cannot be hereditary.


After eating, Gervais went directly to the study, and put Thomas aside, he was still worried about one thing, which was the one he had never used in the cheat Search function! In Gandalf’s castle he was afraid to use it for fear of the unknown.

Now that this is Gervais’s own territory, he has been able to minimize the risk. Even if an accident happens, he has the possibility to remedy it.

Opening the panel, it still looks familiar. In the exchange mall on the right, those icons have all turned gray. Only the search button on the left can be used with only one energy point. The search button is still lit at the moment, and Gervais is ready to use it now to see what the effect is.

Gervais is not going to save this poor energy point to buy those strange fruits in the exchange mall. Although the golden fruit is very effective, God knows when the next system release task will have to wait. If Each mission is rewarded with 1 energy point, and he feels that he can’t wait.

Gervais rubbed his hands nervously, then raised his hand to click on the search button. In fact, the panel does not need to be touched by hand, it can be controlled with thoughts, but Gervais is quite excited at the moment, raising his hand is just a subconsciously action.

He also has a guess about the search function, it should be something valuable or something that can be found, but before he really understands it, he can’t make a conclusion, and he can only hope that the more valuable the thing he is looking for, the better it is good. In this way, he can rely on cheat to grow himself in this world and not be controlled by others.

The serfs and commoners are like lambs in front of him, life and death are just a matter of thought. But he Gervais is not a lamb in the eyes of the great nobles. He doesn’t want to be a lamb, but wants to be a carefree tiger and leopard, who can protect himself and be at ease.

When the search function is clicked, there is an immediate response on the panel, and the energy value of 1 to 1 becomes 0 to 1. However, there is an extra circle on the upper left of the panel. There are now two little dots flashing on the circle, one green and one red.

“Does the red dot represent treasure?”

Gervais speculates that the red dot represents treasure because the green dot is in the center at the moment, just like Earth The same as the radar screen on the top, but the red dot is on the border of the circle.

Next, Gervais walked out of the study in order to verify his guess. Due to the structural limitations in the castle, he could not move towards the red dot all the time. So he quickly came to the forecourt of the castle. At this time, the map changed a little bit. When he walked to the forecourt and moved towards the red dot, he continued to walk towards the red dot. The location is so tiny that it wouldn’t necessarily have been noticeable if Gervais hadn’t been staring at it.

“The straight-line distance from the study to this location is at least 200 meters, but the red dot is only a little closer. It means that the location of the red dot is at least 5 kilometers away from here.” Gervais thought for a while, Knowing that the red dot is a little far from his current position, it is no longer suitable to check it tonight.

His territory is currently sparsely populated, two kilometers away from the town, and 5 kilometers away may already be dense weeds or woods. In the case of no suspicion, his best plan is to wait until tomorrow, at dawn, to go out and look for it.

“I have to make up a reason to go out!” Gervais feels that he must be cautious about cheating. Although this world may not have the concept of cheating, in order to prevent the number of times from increasing, it will attract people’s attention. , he felt that he had to arrange a just and honorable itinerary every time he searched for the red dot.

Suddenly, Gervais thought of a very reasonable reason to go out.


“Sir, what’s the matter with you?” Gervais ran out of the castle in a hurry just now, and Thomas, who was arranging two servants to work, also immediately Followed out, and did not ask Gervais what to do. When Gervais stood in the vestibule in a daze, Thomas stood silently not far away.

“I’m going to inspect my territory tomorrow, you can arrange it!” As a new lord, Gervais felt that whether he was looking for red dots or not, he had to inspect his own. Territory, so that we can think about how to develop the territory.

It is very important to develop a territory according to local conditions. He has no funds and no population in the territory, so he can only see what resources can be used in the territory.

He originally planned to wait a few more days before going to inspect the territory, but since the cheat marked the location of the treasure, he needed to find it as soon as possible. This kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later. If it wasn’t really too far away, he would like to find a reason to go out and see now.

“Okay, my lord!” Thomas felt that Gervais rushed to the vestibule in a hurry, stood there for a while, and then suddenly ordered to inspect the territory tomorrow. But as a servant, Gervais can do whatever he says, and he doesn’t need to question Gervais’ decision.

As a reserve steward, Thomas felt that there were still some things he needed to advise Gervais, so he said, “Sir, you have just become the lord here, do you need to call the serfs in the town to see you tomorrow? After all, you are their master, and they don’t know who you are yet!”

(end of this chapter)

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