This world is divided into the country of the east, the country of the south, the country of the west, and the country of the north!

The Land of the South, this is the place where the human race flourished!

But among the human race, it is divided into many countries, such as the Musashi country!The country of the south, the distribution of princes, and the human race all year round!

The country of the South, the strongest human race, Shanna Mengwan!

At this moment, among the strongest human races in the South Country!

Inside the castle.

An old woman hurriedly left the room and met a wise and martial general on the corridor!

Seeing that the general was about to go in, the old woman hurriedly stopped her and said, "Master Shanna Mengwan, His Highness Fifteen Ye is giving birth, you can't go in."

"Can't go in??" Shanna Mengwan glanced at the old woman coldly, and said, "Princess Fifteen Nights is pregnant with the offspring of monsters and must be eliminated!"

Momomaru is very angry!

In this small country, he is not the city lord, but his status is higher than that of the city lord, because he is the strongest human race!

Although he is not a monster, but ordinary monsters can't do anything about it with Shanna Mengwan.

Suddenly Mengmaru stood there, angry in his heart, his favorite was Izayoi, but what about fifteen nights?But he took Izayoi to the West Country together.

This simply made Shanna Mengmaru angry!

Instantly Mengmaru kicked the old woman away and walked straight towards the room.

In the room, a child was being born and suffering the painful fifteen nights, he couldn't help crying, "Douya King, you... where are you???"

In the fifteenth night at the moment, I just want to meet the man he loves the most.

Above the sky of the South Country, a huge dog monster is running non-stop!

"Fifteen nights, although I am designing the overall situation."

"But, I love you."

"Even if you die, I will accompany you to die. Whether I can survive, there is only a [-]% chance."

"Fifteen nights, wait for me, I'll go see you right away." The figure of the huge dog monster was running in the sea of ​​clouds!

The giant dog monster finally came to the sky above the castle of the Southern Kingdom, and jumped up in a human form the next moment.

The Douya King at this moment is already scarred.

Shanna Mengmaru and Douya King also started a battle! ! ! !Finally, a huge flame was aroused, and the flame burned everything! ! !

The figure of Douya King, the figure of Shanna Mengmaru!

All disappeared into flames! ! ! ! !

The strongest princes of the Southern Kingdom naturally also burned in the flames, and the entire kingdom was swallowed up by the flames!

The pattern of this world has undergone tremendous changes.

In the Land of the East, the Flying Demon Moths have disappeared, and the other monsters are all vying for the throne!

The country of the west, the blood song rules the country of the west!

The country of the South, the strongest small country fell, and the sudden death of Mengwan was also a battle!

In the Kingdom of the North, after the death of the Dragon Bone Spirit, the monsters in the Kingdom of the North finally understood the importance of working together. The monsters studied the secrets of the Kingdom of the North together!

Thinking about how to create "Naraku".

Xue Song has set a series of policies in the country of the West at this moment. Xue Song believes that under these policies of his, the country of the West will definitely develop the overall situation and become the strongest country.

These policies are all ideas brought by the later generations of Blood Song.

When the news of the South Country came, Izayoi jumped in front of Xue Song crying, "Take me away, take me there, I want to go and see, I want to know if my sister is okay. "

Looking at the sixteen nights with pear blossoms and rain, Xue Ge nodded.

So Xue Song prepared to take Izayoi out.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Cuizi laughed even more, "Are you going to do bad things? Big brother, you have to be more persistent!"

"..." Xue Ge hurriedly left with Izayoi, he felt that he was completely defeated by this girl, Xiao Cuizi.

Along the way, Xue Song also took the sixteen nights to fly through the clouds. This is a skill that Xue Song has just learned, but what?After a while, the blood song just felt a while of fatigue!

Looks like I should find a mount.Blood Song couldn't help but secretly.

Immediately remembered the demon horse flame hoof!

Xue Song brought Izayoi to the country of the South!At this moment, Izayoi's home, that small country, has been completely reduced to ashes.

"Where's my elder sister? Where's my elder sister??" Izayoi stood aside, pulling Xue Song's arm anxiously with a pretty face and swaying.

Right now! ! !

"Have you heard?? There is a son of the Douya King!!"

"Is the bloodline of King Douya?? We ate it? Isn't the power of the demon soaring???"

A group of monsters bustled.

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