Uchiha Mikoto's sudden move made Uchiha Haiyan cry and laugh a little, this is completely a child's move, is there anything to be happy about?

"Speaking of which, can I go to your house to eat today?"

Uchiha Mikoto stared at a pair of big eyes, and looked in the direction of Uchiha Haiyan with a smile and asked.

"In two days!"

Uchiha Haiyan shook her head and patted Mikoto's head at the same time.

"Disturb other people to fall in love, but you are going to be thundered by the sky, do you understand?"


Uchiha Mikoto pursed her lips very disdainfully, and said quite dissatisfied.

"Alright then, you owe me two big meals by now anyway!"


Uchiha Haiyan was visibly stunned when she heard this.

"I said I'd invite you to eat once, but why did it suddenly become two more

?" "I said twice, twice, what's the matter, you don't agree?"

Uchiha Mikoto said as if she had won a big, raising her chin and waving her small fists.

"Okay, okay, do what you say.

Uchiha Haiyan nodded helplessly and agreed.

Then he parted ways with Mai Trin.

Placing the purchased dishes and tricolor dumplings on the table, the Uchiha Haiyan blinked and decided to cook a hearty meal for Tsunade tonight.

But then again, you have to go to the casino and drag Tsunade's big fat sheep back first.

Thinking of this, the male character couldn't help but sigh heavily, always feeling that there was a long way to go!

I always feel as if I am being targeted in secret, and the uneasy premonition in my heart is even more lingering, and it is very strong.

"What a situation. Suddenly

, he didn't know what was happening, he just felt a huge oppressive force coming at him in front of him.

The Uchiha Petrel hurriedly turned around, and a huge ninja dart more than half a person wide grazed past him, nailing it to a tree not far away with a thud.

"It's such a terrible penetrating power, if this kind of power is hit just now, I'm afraid it won't be cut off directly.

Uchiha Haiyan was a little annoyed immediately, if he hadn't reacted in time, it was thanks to his very good dynamic vision, otherwise he would have been really unthinkable after that.

"Hehe, I didn't expect the reaction to be quite fast. There

was a sudden blur in front of him, and the Uchiha Haiyan knew that the other party had used the teleportation technique, and it seemed that this guy was the culprit who had just attacked him.

"Who are you, why are you stopping me here?"

Uchiha Haiyan looked the other up and down, only to see that the other party was wearing a hat on his head that covered his face, and a gray tattered robe was draped over his body, not to mention the appearance of a wandering ninja, with a short-bladed sword hanging from his waist.

"It's not good to make too many names in a place like this. The

other party's voice was extremely hoarse, obviously not the other party's original voice, and after special means to change the voice, it seems that the other party is an extremely cautious person.

After all, in this ninja world that is not peaceful, it does not mean that reckless behavior can lead to a better life, on the contrary, this kind of guy often dies faster.

And often the more low-key, the more hidden can become the final winner, and the guy in front of him who doesn't know where he comes from is obviously not ready to reveal his true identity, and at first glance he is an old fritter.

"It seems that it will not be easy to solve this problem.

Uchiha Haiyan's hand slipped, and the ninja bag on his waist opened, and Kunai had already slipped into his hand.

If it's the kind of guy who comes up and reports to himself, he's not afraid, and this kind of guy who doesn't buy half a bottle and swings around has nothing to worry about, just dispose of the other party at will.

And like the guy in front of him who hides himself without revealing at all, it can be said that he hides his head and tail, so it is not easy to deal with it like this, and at first glance it is an old fritter who has been in the dark world for a long time.

This kind of guy may have some unknown backhand left when he is cautious, but it is not so easy to deal with.


a crisp sound was heard, Uchiha Haiyan's arm shook down, and a punch was thrown from behind him, and an identical figure of the man wearing a hat standing in front of Uchiha Haiyan at this time was torn to pieces under his strange force.

"Sure enough, it's just a clone, it's obvious that you attacked me first.

Uchiha Haiyan didn't look at the broken wooden planks behind him, it was obvious that the other party's doppelganger was just here to test him, and the figure in front of him was not necessarily the other party's true face.

Ninjas are so cunning at times that they can kill them with one blow when they get the chance.

"Why is it that since they have already decided to attack me, it is okay if they don't report their home, so why are they still holding back?"

Uchiha Haiyan said as he tried to interfere with the other party's judgment with words, and at the same time, the process in his eyes continued to rotate, and the terrifying dynamic forces were constantly observing the wind and grass around him, alert to the enemies who were not hiding, and were ready to strike quickly with a thunderous blow at any time.

Maybe it's because the attention is very concentrated, and during the confrontation between the two people, the wind around them seems to be louder, and Uchiha Haiyan's senses are constantly being amplified, and he gradually feels that the person in front of him is the body.

"The people of the Uchiha family are really hard to deal with. It

was still the same hoarse voice, and the person in front of him seemed to realize that the Uchiha Petrel was different from the prey he had hunted before.

The man in front of him is undoubtedly a wandering ninja, he may have been a traitor before, or he learned some secrets belonging to ninjas somewhere, in short, he is now a wandering ninja who lives by receiving various rewards on the underground black market.

Unlike those excellent ninjas in the major ninja villages, he knows that this ninja world is not so simple, and wandering ninjas like him are simply vulnerable in front of those ninjas of the real big family, so he can survive until now by being cautious.

Because of this, he also needs to be careful.

The wandering ninja in front of him can repeatedly assassinate his prey through this replacement of the doppelganger and the body, so that his prey can reveal flaws under mental tension, and finally come to this hunting method of killing with one hit, which also makes this man with a hat have a small connection in the underground black market.

And in the dynamic observation of the Uchiha Petrel with the Writing Wheel Eye, the Uchiha Petrel will not be disturbed by the other party's suspicion.

"Sure enough, ninjas from a big family like you are really in trouble, and you shouldn't have come here if you knew it. "

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