My Wife, Something is Wrong

Chapter 309: Imperial Examination

Chapter 309 Imperial Examination


  The flying sword buzzed and flew up suddenly.

  The old man in black robe closed his eyes and said, "Housekeeper Wang, take care of the old man's body, I will come back as soon as I go!"

  Wang Cheng, who was standing in the dark behind him, was about to nod his head to speak when his heart skipped a beat.

  He suddenly felt this scene, this dialogue, so familiar!

  The old hag before...


  The old man in black robe came out of his body, held the flying sword, and said majesticly: "Old man, go!"

   After finishing speaking, he shot out of the window.

   In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the distant night.

  Wang Cheng stood in the dark for a while, his eyes suddenly staring vigilantly at the body of the old man sitting motionless in front of him.

  The old man's soul held a flying sword, with fluttering beard and hair, and flew out of the mansion like lightning.

  Just as he was about to fly towards the Qin Mansion, the moonlight flashed above his head, and the dazzling light instantly covered his sight.


   A moment later, a shrill scream suddenly sounded in the room.

   Immediately, the old man sitting on the ground suddenly jumped up from the spot, as if going crazy, and rushed towards Wang Cheng behind him!

  Wang Cheng's complexion suddenly changed, he was prepared, and punched him with a "boom".

  The old man was sent flying, his head burst, and he was killed on the spot!

  Wang Cheng clenched his fists and froze in the room for a long while, then Fang hurried away with a look of surprise.

  In the Qin Mansion, the lights are brightly lit.

  The whole mansion stayed up and down all night.

  Cheng Guofuzhong.

  The eldest lady, Mrs. Wang, also sat in the hall all night.

Every half an hour, there will be new news, but the content is the same: "The boy is still unconscious. The Qin House has invited all the doctors in Mocheng, but they are helpless. The entire Qin House, There were cries everywhere, and that Mrs. Song also cried all night..."

  Although the words are the same every time he comes to report, Mrs. Wang has to listen to each word again every time.

  After a whole night without sleep, she didn't feel sleepy at all, but became more and more excited.

   Until dawn.

  Before the sun rose, the government sent out all the government servants and guards to control the streets around the examination room, banning noise, banning carriages, banning the flow of people, etc.

  The examinees who had already gathered in the inner city began to rush towards the examination room one after another from the mansion, home, inn and other places.

  The chief examiner, Lin Wentang, a Hanlin scholar, also brought two adjutants and other officials, surrounded by guards, and rushed to the examination room in advance to check the layout.

  Mocheng is very lively, but also very quiet.

  The hawkers didn’t dare to yell any more, the drivers stopped their business, and the buskers were also driven off the street. When everyone saw the candidates on the street, they all gave way with envy and awe.

  Although Dayan still respects martial arts and respects martial arts, under the efforts and policies of the current emperor, the status of civil servants has gradually increased, and there is a tendency to fight against military officials.

   What's more, for ordinary people, any official is not something they can provoke.

   Today's township examination, those who pass the exam are Juren.

  After winning the election, you have the qualifications to run for officials, and you can be regarded as candidates for officials, and you will be sure to become an official in the future.

   If you go one step further and pass the Jinshi exam, it will be even more powerful.

  People were whispering on both sides of the street, while the examinees, under the **** of their parents, walked towards the examination room with big bags and small bags full of ambition.

   After the sun rises.

  The surrounding areas of the examination room have already been controlled.

  In the examination room, they were checked many times.

There was already a long queue outside the door. Many candidates knew each other and started chatting in low voices. Those who didn’t know each other also greeted each other, asked their names, and then said “Long admiration” and so on. a friend.

  In case the other party passes the exam, there will be an extra Juren friend.

  If both of them win, then they can help each other in the officialdom.

weather is hot.

  Many candidates and parents stood for a while, sweating profusely.

  Si time, the gate bar opens.

  Candidates began to be checked one by one and entered the examination room one by one.

   Checks are very strict.

  In addition to checking the food pens, inkstones and inkstones carried on the body, you also need to take off your coat and shoes to check, even if it is the clothes inside, you will also open it to check.

   Check the arms, legs, etc.

  Finally, you have to open your mouth to speak to see if there is something in your mouth, then spread your hair out and check the inside of your hair.

  Every candidate has been carefully checked before being allowed to enter the examination room.

  If any entrapment is found, the exam will be voided on the spot.

  When the candidates were more than halfway in, in Chengguo Mansion, the eldest lady Wang finally started to feel sleepy.

At this time, Wang Cheng walked in again and reported respectfully: "Madam, it should be all right. The boy is still in a coma at home and has not gone out. At this time, all the candidates have almost entered the examination room, and the time to seal the door is coming soon." arrive."

   Wang resisted the drowsiness, and said lightly: "Continue to guard until the examination room is closed."


  Wang Cheng retreated respectfully.

   Another incense stick of time passed.

  Wang Cheng came in again to report: "Ma'am, there is no problem, the kid still hasn't left the house, and the examination room has already started to seal the door."

  Wang sneered, stood up and said, "Go, you go to rest too."

   After finishing speaking, she walked to the back room.

  Wang Cheng bowed and left.

  Ms. Wang rubbed her head. Just as she lay down on the bed, there was another rush of footsteps outside.

  Wang Cheng's panicked voice came: "Ma'am, news came from the examination room that the boy suddenly appeared in the examination room and entered before the door was closed!"

Mrs. Wang suddenly sat up from the bed, stunned for a few seconds, and immediately walked out with a gloomy face, looked at him and said, "What's the matter? Didn't you say that the little **** didn't leave the house? Why did he suddenly appear in the examination room? Didn't they intercept them in the middle of the year?"

Wang Cheng lowered his head tightly, and said with an ugly face: "The person guarding the door said that he never saw that kid go out, nor did he see other people going out... Wang Nian and the others didn't see that kid on the road... Madam , this... this slave doesn't know what's going on..."


  Ms. Wang suddenly picked up a teacup from the table, and slammed it on his head fiercely. His face suddenly became distorted and ferocious, his body swayed, and he almost fainted.

  Wang Cheng bowed his head and his head was full of tea, he didn't dare to move.

  Ms. Wang let out a heavy breath, stood for a while, and suddenly asked, "How is the little bastard?"

  Wang Cheng quickly said: "The news from the examination room said that when the kid entered the examination room, he walked very slowly and wobbled. When he was **** at the door for inspection, he even fell down. He looked very weak."

  Wang's eyes flickered with coldness.

Wang Cheng looked up at her, and said cautiously: "Ma'am, the effect of the medicine must still be there. That kid is probably trying to prepare for the exam. In his state, he must not pass the exam. And this exam must be in the middle of the exam." For three consecutive days, eating and drinking in a small compartment, the weather is so hot, with the boy's body, he must not be able to support it, and it is possible to die suddenly in it."

   Wang's heaving chest gradually calmed down.

  She said with a stern face: "Let those wastes watch outside the examination room, and report back immediately if there is any situation. If there is another mistake this time, just tell them not to come back."

   "Yes, ma'am!"

  Wang Cheng hurriedly responded.

   Wang looked at him coldly again, then turned around and went into the back room, and lay down on the bed again.

  Wang Cheng went out in person.

  In the examination room.

  Each candidate sits in a narrow cubicle.

  The compartment is very simple, except for the table and stool, there is also a small bed made of two wooden boards, and a convenient wooden barrel.

  During the three-day exam, you can't go anywhere except this space.

  Eat, drink, and scatter, all here.

  Some candidates with weak bones may not be able to persist at all.

   Almost every year in the exam, there are people who get sick or even faint.

  Before distributing the test papers, the patrol officers checked one by one again.

  Luo Qingzhou sat in the cubicle, slowly studying the ink by himself.

  The sun was scorching outside, but he was still as calm as water.

   Soon, the bell rang and the test papers began to be distributed.

  The patrol personnel began to patrol and observe the entire examination room.

  Luo Qingzhou got the test paper and didn't rush to read it. He studied the ink and meditated for a while, then spread out the test paper and fixed his eyes on it.

  The first question is "The Analects of Confucius", written by Liren silently.

  Luo Qingzhou thought for a while, then picked up the pen and ink.

  【Zi said: "Benevolence is beauty. If you choose not to place benevolence, how will you know?"

  Zi said: "Those who are not benevolent can't stay with each other for a long time, and can't be happy with their strengths. Those who are benevolent are safe and benevolent, and those who know are benevolent...]

   Eloquent, finished writing soon.

   Double-checked carefully before moving on to the next question.

  The second question is the title of "University": How to interpret and treat "Ancient people who want to manifest their virtues in the world first rule their country; those who want to rule their country first organize their families; those who want to rule their families..."

  Luo Qingzhou pondered for a while, picked up his pen and dipped his ink in the ink, and replied: "In ancient times, those who wanted to promote the integrity of the world must first govern their own country well..."

  The third question is a selected topic in "The Doctrine of the Mean".

  Luo Qingzhou has already memorized everything by heart, so naturally he has answered everything without any effort.

  The next question cannot be answered by rote memorization.

   "Book of Rites" and "Mencius" each choose a topic, and then start to write down your own comments or opinions based on the current current affairs and government affairs.

   After answering these two questions, it was already afternoon.

  Then, with the theme of "Lotus", write a poem with no limit to five or seven words, and write another article.

  Luo Qingzhou pondered for a while, and wrote a poem first: "The lotus leaf skirt is cut in one color, and the hibiscus is opened to both sides of the face. You can't see it when you enter the pool. You can't see someone when you hear the song."

He also wrote an article: "Flowers of plants and trees on land and water are so lovely. Everyone in the world loves peonies and chrysanthemums. I only love lotuses that come out of mud but are not stained. ..."

  After answering all the questions and checking them several times, it was already sunset.

  Luo Qingzhou drank a few sips of water, checked the test several times from beginning to end, and then put down the test paper.

  When it was getting dark, the bell rang and the winding began.

   Candidates can’t move while sitting, can’t talk to their neighbors, and can’t do other actions. Only someone can collect the paper.

   After collecting the test papers, candidates can stand up and move around, eat and rest.

  Luo Qingzhou stood up, moved around casually, then took out beef, snacks, and buns from the bag, and ate them.

  When he came in for inspection in the morning, he broke all the food into half at the request of the guard at the door.

  The beef is torn into strips, the snacks are broken into pieces, and the buns are also broken to prevent entrainment inside.

   At this time, it tastes not only hard, but also broken, and it has no taste.

   It’s good to fill your stomach.

  After dark, someone came in to clean up, and replaced each cubicle with a new wooden barrel, and all the urination and defecation were settled in it.

   Around the hour of the day, many candidates have already fallen asleep exhausted.

  Luo Qingzhou lay on the simple wooden board, looking at the bright moon and stars outside, his heart was as calm as water, and he did not feel sleepy.

  Suddenly, his pupils shrank, he sat up, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the bright moon.

  A moon-white figure suddenly flashed in front of the bright moon. Although it was short, it fell clearly in his eyes.

   "Is it sister Yue?"

  He thought to himself.


  Mosquitoes are everywhere on a hot night.

  There were "cracking" sounds and low curses from many compartments.

   It's almost early morning.

  The entire examination room fell silent, and there were snores from everywhere.

  Luo Qingzhou lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and lost his mind.

   gone tonight



  (end of this chapter)

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