My Wife, Something is Wrong

Chapter 354: Jian Jia Cang Cang, a poem for the eldest lady

Chapter 354 Jianjia Cangcang, a poem for the eldest lady

  Sister Yue: [After the nine thunder calamities, there is the Yang God]

  Luo Qingzhou hurriedly said: [Sister Yue, what is your cultivation level now? Is it almost to Yangshen? Is it convenient to tell me? 】

  Sister Yue: 【It’s still early】

  Luo Qingzhou saw that she seemed unwilling to speak out, so he could only say: [Sister Yue, look, do I have a chance to go to Yangshen? 】

  Sister Yue: 【Yes】

  Luo Qingzhou immediately said: [How long will it take? 】

  Sister Yue: [I don’t know]

  Luo Qingzhou was stunned for a while, and could only say: [Sister Yue, I took her to an eminent monk for treatment today. The eminent monk told me that the only way to heal her is to have a warrior with the realm of the **** of war and a soul cultivator with the realm of the **** of yang to cooperate with her to heal her. In this way, it may be possible to completely cure her illness]

   After a long time.

  The message party replied: 【Much more difficult than my method】

  Luo Qingzhou: [But, at least she is still her]

  Sister Yue: [Then I wish you success]

  Luo Qingzhou paused, and said: [Sister Yue, can you help me? I can pay any price]

   There was no reply to the message.

  Luo Qingzhou waited for a while, and put away the summons.

   Lying on the couch for a while, he got up and walked to the desk in front of the window, looked at the Sun and Moon Mirror on it, and murmured: "It seems that I can only rely on myself. Also, rely on you."

  If those medicines are enough, plus the Buddha light relic, the second lady can last for two years.

   During these two years, he has two paths to go.

  One way is to practice hard by yourself, relying on the Sun Moon Mirror, maybe you can succeed by yourself.

  After he was promoted, there was a change in the Sun Moon Mirror, and the spiritual liquid produced was even more powerful, allowing him to quickly break through to the middle stage of the martial artist.

   Then, it is very likely that there will be a second or third mutation in the mirror.

  The Sun Moon Mirror once absorbed his blood, perhaps it could sense his cultivation and the energy he needs, so it mutated according to his current cultivation.

  So this road also has opportunities.

  The second way is to continue to look for those hidden warriors and Yangshen masters.

  As long as he can find it, he has so many books in his mind, maybe he can get their help. After all, he has already practiced it, and those books are really useful for experts.

   Also, when he reaches a certain level of cultivation, maybe he can also rely on those scriptures and stories to practice.

  In that case, the speed of cultivation will be faster.

   It is better to ask others than to ask yourself.

   Anyway, there are still two years left, so he should at least give it a try.

  With a decision in his mind, he felt a little more relaxed, and at the same time, his heart was full of motivation.

  He decided that if he had time in two days, he would go to inquire about nearby martial arts or boxing gyms, worship a master, and practice with other warriors.

  In that case, it will definitely be faster than practicing at home alone.

  At the same time, you don’t have to worry about your mind and exercises anymore.

  Outside the window, the sun was setting and it was dusk.

  A girl in a light green dress, holding a sword, stood silently under the pear tree in the courtyard for an unknown how long.

  Luo Qingzhou froze for a moment, and said, "Chanchan, come in and help my uncle grind ink."

  The girl under the tree glanced at him, hesitated again, and walked towards the house.

  Luo Qingzhou went to open the door and waited at the door. When she reached the door, she hurriedly said: "Don't move, my uncle will help you take off."

   As he spoke, he squatted down, hugged her slender calf, and helped her take off her shoes.

   Then suddenly took off her tights while she was not paying attention.

   A chill suddenly struck!

Luo Qingzhou quickly took out another pair of snow-white socks from the storage bag, helped her put them on, raised her head and said, "I made them specially for you, and I offered them to you last time, but you refused them. Put them on, no Live up to my aunt's good intentions."

   As he spoke, he lowered his head and helped her take off the shoe and sock on the other foot, and then put on a new one.

  Xia Chan held the hilt of the sword and looked at him coldly.

  Luo Qingzhou stood up and said: "Give you something, but you want to draw your sword to kill me, Chanchan, is there anyone like you?"

  Xia Chan still held the sword, looking at him coldly.

  Luo Qingzhou turned and entered the room, and said, "Come in, and help my uncle study ink."

  Xia Chan followed in, and said coldly behind him, "Return it to me."

  Luo Qingzhou turned his head and asked with a puzzled face: "What do you want?"

  Xia Chan stretched out her little hand and looked at him coldly.

  Luo Qingzhou looked at her for a while, then spread his hands and said, "What the **** is it? Young Master didn't seem to take anything from you, did he?"

   As soon as the words fell, the pair of snow-white socks that had just come off her feet suddenly fell from his wide cuffs.

  The air suddenly became very quiet.

  Luo Qingzhou picked it up from the ground with a calm face, put it directly into his storage bag, and said, "Chanchan, my uncle will wash it for you before returning it to you."

   After finishing speaking, she ignored her, went to the table and sat down, took a piece of rice paper and spread it out, tapped the table with her fingers, and ordered: "Research ink."

  Xia Chan stared at him from behind, puffed her cheeks, Fang walked over, picked up the ink stick, and started to grind the ink slowly.

   After studying for a few times, she couldn't help but said: "I, I took a shower and just changed."

  Luo Qingzhou picked up the pen and said: "It's okay, my uncle likes to wash it for you. By the way, what kind of books do you usually like to read?"

  Xia Chan froze for a moment, lowered her head, blushes appeared on her pretty fair face, and said in a low voice, "I don't know you."

   After finishing speaking, he lowered his head even tighter, his face full of inferiority complex.

  She is not very literate, and she doesn't know the books that the young lady reads.

  Luo Qingzhou picked up a pen and dipped in ink, and said, "It's okay, I will choose a few books at random later, and you can take them back for her."

   Then he raised his head and said: "Chanchan, from now on, you can come to my uncle for an hour every night, and my uncle will teach you to read, okay?"

  Xia Chan lowered her head and studied the ink, silent.

  Luo Qingzhou didn't say any more, turned his eyes away, looked at the rice paper in front of him, and began to write the "Heart Sutra".

   Soon, the entire "Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra" was finished.

  He dried the ink, and when he was about to put it away, Xia Chan suddenly said in a low voice: "Yes, can you write a poem for Miss?"

  Luo Qingzhou was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked at her and said, "Does she like poetry?"

  Xia Chan avoided his gaze, lowered her head and said, "Your poems, miss, all of them are read."

  Luo Qingzhou was startled, pondered for a while, dipped his pen into the ink, and said, "Then write a poem."

  Hesitated for a while, and wrote: "The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Yiren is on the side of the water..."

After finishing the whole poem, he dried up the ink, picked up the rice paper and said, "Chanchan, remember to make it clear to the eldest lady first that this poem is actually a poem containing philosophy. The Yiren in it can be a virtuous person." , friends, it can also be achievements, ideals, and future. As for why the word [Jianjia] is used, it is just a coincidence, I hope she doesn't care, let alone think that I deliberately offended her, do you hear me?"

  Xia Chan took the rice paper and said, "Oh."

  Luo Qingzhou saw her looking at the pen and ink on the paper, a little dazed, and said, "Let me read it to you."

   As he spoke, he read the whole poem slowly.

  When thinking of the three "Jianjia", Xia Chan's eyes all moved.

  After reading the whole poem, a rare soft look appeared on her face, and she whispered: "It sounds so good..."

  She didn't understand the meaning, but she felt very comfortable and nice to hear it.

  Especially when he read those two words.

  Luo Qingzhou looked at her and said: "Chanchan, if it sounds nice, you can just smile and show it to my uncle, okay?"

  Xia Chan came to her senses, her pretty face turned cold again in an instant, she took the rice paper, turned around and left, and when she was at the door, a voice came out of her mouth: "Huh!"

  Luo Qingzhou walked to the window, watched her go out of the house and into the courtyard, and shouted: "Chanchan, remember to come and study every day."

  Xia Chan ignored him, walked away quickly, and quickly disappeared outside the gate.

  Luo Qingzhou sat down, was quiet for a while, and began to play books about Taoism in his mind.

   If you want to get Zhu Yanxue from Qingyun Temple, you must pay some price.

  Xia Chan took the "Heart Sutra" and "Jianjia" and returned to the Ling Chan Moon Palace.

at this time.

  The sun has set.

  Night falls, and a bright moon rises in the sky.

  In the gazebo in the back garden, Qin Jianjia was wearing a snow-white dress, sitting there quietly, looking at the moon and meditating.

   There is also a back garden here, and there are many flowers and trees in the garden.

   It's just that there is no pond and green lotus.

  Lark was wearing a pink skirt, squatting in the flowers next to her, squinting her eyes, sniffing the flowers that just bloomed today, her pink and pretty face was full of enjoyment.

  Xia Chan came in from the round door, and when she passed behind her, she got up quickly and said, "Chanchan, did my uncle take the opportunity to bully you?"

  Xia Chan ignored her, walked into the gazebo, handed the rice paper in front of Miss Qin, and said, "He, give it back, miss, and wrote a poem."

  As soon as the words came out, Bai Ling ran over immediately, stretched his neck, opened his eyes wide, and leaned over to look.

  Qin Jianjia was slightly stunned, took it in his hand, read the "Heart Sutra" first, and then his eyes fell on that poem.

Bai Ling suddenly read out in a crisp voice: "The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Yiren is on the side of the water. If you follow it back, the road is long and obstructed. If you follow it back, you are in the middle of the water. The reeds are luxuriant, but the dew is not clear. The so-called Yi people are in the water... the reeds are harvested, but the dew is not yet there. The so-called Yi people are in the water..."

  After reading, she suddenly raised her head and said, "Chanchan, did my uncle take the initiative to write this to Miss?"

  Qin Jianjia was startled, then raised his head and looked at her.

  Xia Chan clenched the sword in her hand, bowed her head and said, "Yes."

  Bai Ling was stunned for a moment, then asked again: "Did my aunt say what this poem means?"

  Xia Chan bit her pink lip and shook her head.

  Bai Ling was stunned, with a look of astonishment on his face: "Didn't my uncle say anything? Just wrote such a poem and asked you to send it over?"

  Xia Chan nodded.

   In the gazebo, there was a sudden silence.

After a long while, Bai Lingfang murmured: "Miss, the title of this poem is Jian Jia, and there are three Jian Jia in it, and it seems to be a song of courtship, bah, bah, bah, it's not courting, it's a love poem. ...what does he mean?"

  (end of this chapter)

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