My Wife, Something is Wrong

Chapter 459: Mr. is so talented!

Chapter 459 Mr. Talent is Unrivaled!

   Red sleeves add tea, and the fragrance enters the nose.

  Luo Qingzhou sat upright, with a straight expression on his face, without squinting.

  Nangong Huoyue was silent for a long time, then suddenly sighed, looked at him and said, "In this situation, sir, what do you think I should do?"

  Luo Qingzhou pondered for a while, and met her eyes and said: "What is the result His Highness wants?"

  Nangong Huoyue paused, and said calmly: "The world."

  In Luo Qingzhou's mind, the words and deeds of the young emperor just now emerged. After thinking for a while, he asked, "Did your Highness be forced?"

  Nangong Huoyue was silent for a while, and said: "Sir, you can see it after seeing it once?"

Luo Qingzhou said: "Your Highness is too outstanding, and his radiance is too bright. From the time of the first emperor to now, I am afraid that he has been overwhelmed. Otherwise, with the relationship between the two of you, and his age and status, it is not a good idea." As for the tone and attitude."

On Nangong Huoyue's face, there was a bitter look, slender fingers, stroking the edge of the tea, and said slowly: "Father has always praised and rewarded me since I was a child, but he rarely gave him anything, I thought I am a brother and sister, and I am a woman, so he will only be happy for me. After all, my glory is also his glory. At that time, the queen mother told me quietly that I should try my best to please my father and fight for the crown prince for him. I He worked hard to learn the art of war and learned various combat skills. He watched the battle with the army at the age of twelve, and led an army alone at the age of fifteen. Over the years, he has won countless honors and won the love and recognition of his father. His father died of illness. Before that, the throne was finally passed on to him..."

   "But since then, I feel that the distance between me and him has become farther and farther, and the relationship has become more and more unfamiliar. Although he saw me, he still had a smile on his face, and he still obeyed my words..."

"Since he came to the throne, his personality has changed a lot. Various policies have been changed from day to day, and changed at will. I said, he changed it immediately, but soon he changed back... He said it was the idea of ​​the queen mother, and the queen also said it was her own idea. ..."

"The talents I recommended and the policies I discussed with the ministers were gradually relegated and ignored... Finally, I gradually discovered that he was actually doing it against me. The more I disliked and disapproved of things, the more he liked to secretly do..."

"I thought about it for a long time, and I felt that I might have really managed too much. After all, he is the emperor. So I let go and didn't care anymore, but the people he chose for the country and the policies he implemented were getting more and more outrageous. I I really couldn't see it anymore, so I quietly told my mother, hoping that my mother could persuade him... But my mother seemed to be afraid of something, and started to guard against me, always beating around the bush to persuade me, hoping that I would give up what my father bestowed on me. Feng Guo and the army, let me stay in this palace wholeheartedly..."

"I like the army, I have liked it since I was a child, but for him and this country, I can give up, but not now. My father also left a will before his death. My country and army must never be dismantled, unless he is a real adult and Mature…"

   "My mother has been trying to send people to infiltrate my army and the country for the past two years, but they have not succeeded. She still has not given up."

   "Of course, what they are most afraid of is not only that I have an army and a state, but also that I have another imperial edict from my father. If he is incompetent, I can exercise the power to abolish it."

   "But I never thought of using this will. After all, he is my closest relative, but in their eyes, I am just the biggest threat..."

   "I don't understand why their mother and son treat me like this. I am clearly helping them, serving the country and the people..."

   Nangong Huoyue seemed to be speaking so many words to people for the first time, and also seemed to be showing her true inner feelings for the first time. At the end, her voice trembled slightly, and her eyes were slightly foggy.

  Hua Gu sat on his knees, bowed his head, silently, like a sculpture.

  Luo Qingzhou sat opposite, listening quietly.

  After she finished speaking, she said again: "Sir, tell me, is there anything wrong with me?"

Luo Qingzhou was silent for a while, and said: "The only fault of your highness is that you are too good. One mountain cannot have two tigers, and one country cannot have two masters. Although your highness is only the eldest princess, his rights and influence have already threatened them. Subvert them. Although His Highness and them are the closest people, His Highness should know that under the **** of power and interests, any relationship is weak. People have jealousy, sense of crisis, competitiveness, comparison and other emotions And desire, His Highness's excellence, let these emotions be added to him, buried in his heart since he was a child, and now they have taken root and sprouted, it is difficult to eradicate..."

Nangong Huoyue picked up the teacup, drank it down, and said: "So I thought about it for a long time and made a decision. I would rather let the people of the world curse me and let myself be stigmatized in the history books for thousands of years, than let Dayan be ruined and tossed by them wantonly. "

Luo Qingzhou looked at her and said: "A person who is truly good to the country and the people will never be left with a bad reputation. History books may distort the facts, but the people have a steelyard in their hearts. Facts will never be drowned out, they will only be passed on forever go down."

  Nangong Huoyue lowered her head slightly: "But, I am a woman..."

Luo Qingzhou said: "Women are also human beings, women also have hands and feet, and a blood-red heart. Are all human beings in this world born of men? Is everything in this world maintained by men? Men can do things that men can do. Why can't a woman be able to sit in the position she can sit in? Regardless of gender, as long as she is good enough, she should get what she deserves."

  As soon as these words came out, the flames in Nangong Huoyue's eyes suddenly rose.

   Hua Gu, who was kneeling next to him, couldn't help raising his head, looking at him with watery eyes.

The fist in Nangong Huoyue's sleeve gradually clenched, with hesitation in her eyes, she said: "Mr. The teacher is unknown, and this palace has a deep relationship with him, I am afraid that when the time comes, the congregation will betray their relatives and everyone will call for beating."

Luo Qingzhou said: "If the sky wants him to perish, he must first make him crazy. Your Highness also said that there are big problems with his current method of governing the country. Many upright officials and people will silently remember it in their hearts. Your Highness is okay. Add fuel to the fire, give him some east wind, and let the fire burn more vigorously... The appearance of the border demon clan is actually a good east wind, His Highness can take advantage of it... Also, His Highness can now suspend the policy of reducing nobles, Then push out a person and wholeheartedly help him cut down the feudal clan..."

   "Cutting down the feudal clan?"

  Nangong Huoyue was slightly startled when she heard the words.

  Luo Qingzhou continued: "Let him arouse the dissatisfaction of the officials first, then let him arouse the dissatisfaction of the people, and finally, let him arouse the dissatisfaction of other princes..."

  Nangong Huoyue pondered for a while, and said: "He has already started to cut down the domain and gather power, but the effect is not great, and he dare not be too obvious."

  Luo Qingzhou said: "Your Highness can ask someone to give him advice, so that the effect will be greater."

  Nangong Huoyue shook her head and said: "If the effect is too great, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among other feudal lords. He's not that stupid."

  Luo Qingzhou stroked the teacup, and said slowly: "Have you heard of the Tweet Order, Your Highness?"

   "Tweet order?"

  Nangong Huoyue frowned slightly, and asked doubtfully, "What is this?"

Luo Qingzhou said: "This is a policy of reducing the vassal. The current decree is that after the death of each prince and king, the throne and the state can only be passed on to the eldest son. The other sons of the princes and kings are of no benefit. And the Tweeting Order The policy is that after the death of a vassal king, except for the eldest son inheriting the throne, the other children can also divide part of the kingdom's land and become lords, under the jurisdiction of the county guard. In that case, the vassal state will become smaller and smaller, not enough Think about it."

"The advantage of this decree is that even if the princes and kings know that this is a very vicious policy of reducing the vassal, they have nothing to say and can do nothing about it. Because this is a grace decree, except for the eldest son, it is good for other sons. Even if the vassal king wants to resist, his sons will never be reconciled. Once he insists on not obeying this decree, unless he kills all other sons before his death, the vassal state will surely fall into chaos. A little wiser vassal Wang, in order to preserve the blood, I can only accept it silently..."

Nangong Huoyue's expression changed for a long time after hearing this, Fang looked at him and said, "Sir, this scheme is so vicious, I can even imagine how desperate and angry those princes and kings were when they heard this decree. .Of course, I can also imagine how excited he and the courtiers were when they heard about this plot..."

   Immediately got up, bowed and said: "Sir, you are indeed a great talent! Such a shocking conspiracy, no one but sir can come up with it."

  Luo Qingzhou bowed back and reminded: "Your Highness must not speak out this plan by himself, but must find a reliable person to propose it. When other princes and kings start to feel dissatisfied and angry, the time is almost ripe..."

   "Also, at that time, Your Highness, it is better to raise troops outside in the name of the Qing emperor, rather than a coup in the palace, so that there will be no many tongues..."

   The two chatted, but they didn't know the time.

  Nangong Huoyue's eyes were burning. Listening to his various strategies, the fire in her heart was burning, and the expression in her eyes became more and more determined...

  The night passed quietly.

   Until the fourth watch.

Nangong Huoyue stood up with unfinished intentions, cupped his hands and said, "Mr.'s words tonight are all deafening to me. It makes me feel more enlightened and more determined. I am very fortunate to be able to get the teaching and help of my husband." ,Grateful."

   Speaking of this, she glanced out the window, and said: "I wanted to talk to my husband all night, but I really can't bear to tire him. It's getting late, sir, let's go to rest."

   Hua Gu stood up and bowed his head.

  Luo Qingzhou's eyelids twitched, he took a look at her, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness, Qingzhou is not sleepy. We just talked about excitement, let's continue."

  Nangong Huoyue showed a smile on her face, and said, "Are you afraid of flowers, sir?"

  Luo Qingzhou remained silent.

  Nangong Huoyue smiled and said: "Sir, go and have a good rest, I should also rest."

Luo Qingzhou had no choice but to stand up, bowed his head and begged, "His Royal Highness, tonight is Qingzhou and his wife's bridal chamber night, and the lady is still guarding the bridal chamber, Qingzhou would never dare to share the bed with other women at this time .”

Nangong Huoyue's smile was slightly restrained, and there was a complex look in her eyes. She couldn't help but said: "Mr. is full of knowledge and talents, but he can abide by his heart, care about his wife, and not be distracted by other things. I have to sigh again. In a word, the Qin family is so lucky to have picked up someone like Mr.

After a pause, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mister, I won't force you. Hua Gu just took Mr. to the room and would never stay there for a while. I can assure you. Of course, if Mister wants her, She will naturally stay and serve Mr.

  Luo Qingzhou was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and looked up at her without any further doubts, and said respectfully, "Thank you, Your Highness."

   Hua Gu stood aside and said respectfully: "Young Master, please come with Hua Gu."

  She lowered her head and walked in front gracefully.

  Luo Qingzhou bowed to the eldest princess again, and left.

Nangong Huoyue watched his back disappear outside the bead curtain, the smile on his face gradually faded, and after a pause, Fang murmured with a complicated expression: "Senior sister, senior sister, how can you not let me be tempted by such a person?" Woolen cloth…"

  Luo Qingzhou followed Huagu, went out the door, walked through the corridor, and went to the nursing courtyard behind.

   Soon, I came to the small waterside building again.

  Luo Qingzhou's heart skipped a beat and he stopped.

  Hua Gu carried the lantern and walked a few more steps. Fang turned his head and said softly: "Young Master, Your Highness has already said that you will not force your son. Hua Gu is just a servant, how dare you disobey the order?"

  Luo Qingzhou stared into her eyes for a moment, then Fang continued to follow.

  Hua Gu moved lotus steps and led him to the gate of the small building.

  Luo Qingzhou suddenly noticed that there was a big happy letter pasted on the door.


  Hua Gu pushed open the door, stepped aside, lowered her head, and said softly: "I wish you a happy wedding, and I also wish you and Miss Qin's family a happy marriage, grow old together, and have a son soon."

  Luo Qingzhou froze for a moment, as if he suddenly thought of something, and immediately walked into the room quickly.

The room is covered with a red carpet and hung with red curtains. There are big red happy characters posted on the walls, on the wardrobe and on the dressing table; there is a beautiful bed in the innermost part, with red candles on the head of the bed, and a red candle on the ground beside the bed. Flower petals are scattered all over, and the bed curtain is covered with red concentric knots.

  Beside the bed, sitting quietly was a bride wearing a big red gown and a red hijab...


  The door closes behind him.

   Hua Gu retreated silently.

  (end of this chapter)

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