My Wife, Something is Wrong

Chapter 683: Killing and destroying souls!

   "Ma'am, look at your house"

   "Located under the high mountain, on the verge of the bank of the cold river, this river

  Around the water, there are high mountains and secluded forests, which shade the sun.”

   "So this residence is extremely cloudy, and it is very easy to breed yin and filth.

   brings bad luck"

   "Pindao has a medicine bag with a medicine in it.

  Maru, madam, you can take it back and hang it on the beam in the main room.

  To ward off evil spirits and drive away filth, and turn calamity into peace.”

  The old Taoist spoke with a serious expression while taking out the

  A khaki purse was handed to Song Ruyue.

  Song Ruyue was about to reach out to pick it up, when suddenly a

   A voice came: "My lord mother-in-law."

  The old Taoist turned his head and looked at the scholar who was coming.

  Song Ruyue suddenly beamed with joy and said, "Qingzhou, come back

   It's alright, are you all right? "

  Luo Qingzhou walked up to the two of them, and looked at the old man in front of him.

   Taoist, said: "I'm fine, mother-in-law, who is this person?"

  Song Ruyue quickly explained: "This is from a nearby Taoist temple.

  Daozhang Sun, he said that our house is not in a good place, it is too dark

  Heavy and can make people sick. Wei Mo was originally weak, unable to stand the wind

   cold, so I"

  Luo Qingzhou asked: "This Taoist

  The old Taoist bowed his head and saluted, and said: "Poverty Taoism is based on the concept of floating clouds,

  Going down the mountain this time, I was going to travel around. When I passed by here, I saw this

  The house is new, so come check it out. "

   Speaking of this, he raised his head and said: "Young master is a scholar, right?

   It should be known that the riverside is very cold, and patients should not live for a long time. and here is

  Under the deep mountains and old forests, there are often beasts in the mountains, and it is very difficult to live here.

   Not safe. "

  When Song Ruyue heard it, her face paled immediately, and she hurriedly said, "Qing

  Zhou, the Taoist priest is right,

  I heard the opposite mountain forest last night

  , there is a beast howling,

   Terrible. Otherwise, we still

   Shall I live in another place? "

  Luo Qingzhou said: "When I go back, discuss it with Weimo

Bar. What about the father-in-law and elder brother? "

  Song Ruyue pointed to the back of the house and said: "They are digging the ground to plant

  Cai, there is a fruit grove behind the house, Weimo and Xiaodie are there

   Picking fruit. "

  Luo Qingzhou nodded, looked at the old Taoist beside him and said:

  Daozhang, if you don’t get paid for nothing, we don’t want this medicine bag anymore.

   Take it back. "

  Song Ruyue opened her mouth, wanting to speak,

   held back again.

  Luo Qingzhou said: "Mother-in-law, you go in first, I will follow you

  The priest said a few words. "

  Song Ruyue let out an "oh" and approached him in a low voice: "Qing


  We are new here, we need to get along with the neighbors here


  Don't offend people with nonsense. "

  Luo Qingzhou said: "Mother-in-law, don't worry, Qingzhou is a scholar, yes

  Anyone will be polite. For the elderly, it will naturally be more

   plus respect,

   Certainly not talking nonsense. "

  Song Ruyue finally felt relieved, and gave a few more words of advice, and then

   After saying hello to the old Taoist priest, he entered the house and cleaned up the house


  After she left, Luo Qingzhou looked at the old Taoist beside him

   said: "Master Dao, my mother-in-law is a bit stupid. You talk to her a lot and she...

   I don’t understand, if you have anything to say, just tell me. "

  The old Taoist said with a serious face: "Young master is a scholar.

  Be able to speak ill of your parents behind their backs. Your mother-in-law is simple and kind

  Liang is a good person, but he can't be called stupid. "

  Luo Qingzhou pulled his arm and said, "Master Daoist, let's go, let's go!"

   Go over there and talk. I just heard the Taoist priest say that there is a lot of yin here, so

  So if there is a sick person in the family, the condition will get worse, yes

? "

  The old Taoist took another look at the handsome young man in the yard

  The beautiful woman followed him to the path outside and said: "The

   It is true. If you think about the patients at home, son, it's best

   Move to another place again, if you really don’t want to move away from here

   In other words, the young master must accept the medicine bag of Pindao, and hang it on the

  On the beams in the house. "

  Luo Qingzhou said: "Master Dao, I just smelled your medicine


  I feel a little dizzy all of a sudden, it’s not the drug inside

Bar? …

  The expression on the old Taoist priest's face suddenly froze, and then he smiled and said: "

  Young master really knows how to joke. Pindao has traveled all over the world in his life, hanging pots to help

  Shi, punish the evil and promote the good, what do you do with drugs. "

  Luo Qingzhou said: "Stun us, and then call your companion

  Come get us, won't you? "

  The old Taoist stopped suddenly, narrowed his eyes and looked at him,

   said: "Young master, you can't take this joke. You are a scholar, but

   Don't talk nonsense. "

  Luo Qingzhou held his right hand, stretched it out in front of him and said, "Master Daoist

  Price Have you heard of magic weapon? I have a magic weapon here, it is said that it can also

   To ward off evil spirits and drive away filth, and turn disaster into peace, the Taoist priest will help me find out what it is

precious. "

   "Magic weapon?"

  When the old Taoist heard it, his eyes flashed brightly, his eyes burning

   Staring at the hand he held, he said, "Let's take a look."


  Luo Qingzhou held five fingers together, and a gust of wind swept a canopy mixed with medicine.

  things of lime powder,

   It suddenly sprayed out and sprayed towards his face.

  The old Taoist reacted very quickly,

  The head is thrown back in an instant, and the hands

   With a "snap", the whisk slammed towards the pile of lime. 2

  However, Luo Qingzhou's real attack was not the lime.


   There was a loud bang, deafening!

  Luo Qingzhou's other hand was hidden in the wide sleeve robe, already

  Clenched into a fist, at the same time, the internal force in Danhai has already accumulated in the fist

   Head up, ready to go! 1

  At this moment, he struck out suddenly, and the golden fist flashed on the old Taoist's body instantly.

  The chest exploded open!

  Although the old Taoist priest reacted extremely quickly, no matter what, he wanted to

  Unexpectedly, this frail scholar who had already been investigated clearly turned out to be a

  A master of the late stage of the great martial arts master!

  Don’t say he was unprepared, even if he was already prepared, how could he

   is the opponent of a late master martial artist!


  The golden fist light carrying terrifying power was instantly on his chest

  The chamber exploded, blowing him away!

  His body armor is strong wind and strong flesh, hardly any

  The place of resistance was directly smashed to pieces by that terrifying fist light!

  His chest "clicked", the ribs were broken, and he dented into the...


  He was terrified, and immediately took a deep breath and tried his best

   With physical strength, he swung the whisk in his hand!

  Who would have thought that the light of the whisk had just lit up, and a huge golden fist

  head, the fly whisk broke away in an instant, and smashed on his face!


  His entire old face suddenly collapsed.

   Immediately, his whole body "bang, hit hard

   fell to the ground, "Wow, a big mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   Don't wait for him to let out any screams, don't wait for him to leave any

  Last words, Luo Qingzhou's fist hit him like a storm

On   's head, his head was smashed into a lump of mud in an instant!

  The headless body of the old Taoist priest lay in the grass, convulsing a few times

  Under, a death call.

  But Luo Qingzhou did not stop.

  He suddenly raised his head, looked into the air, and then stretched out his hand

   Pointing, a flying sword flew up into the air with a "swoosh" sound, and instantly cut off the

   shot the head of a phantom.

  The phantom suddenly let out a shrill scream, mouth

  Li screamed resentfully: "Little beast, you will die! I am

  Elder of Zijinguan, if you kill me, none of your family will be able to escape

Lose! what-"

  Flying sword spun around his body quickly again, until

   Then cut his whole soul into two parts.

  At the moment when his spirit was trembling, he was so weak that he wanted to cooperate

  When they got together, Luo Qingzhou suddenly jumped up, **** with his right hand "

   A thick purple thunderbolt lit up with a sizzling sound, "Boom!"


   punched up,

  Instantly beat the two halves of the weak soul to ashes

   It was wiped out and turned into nothing! .

   At this point, the body and spirit of the old Taoist priest were completely killed.


  Luo Qingzhou fell to the ground and grabbed the old Taoist priest's corpse

   body, walked to the distant woods.

   After entering the woods, he found a mud pit and threw the body

   went in, then took out the corpse powder, and poured it on the corpse.


   Soon, the corpse gave off a stench and quickly turned into a puddle

   The pus melted into the mud pit.

  Luo Qingzhou waited for a while, and was about to turn around and go back to deal with other

  When he was bloodstained, he suddenly turned his head, looked at the grass next to him, and drank

   said: "Who?"


   With a move of his finger, the flying sword shot out and hovered above his head


  At this time, in the nearby grass, stood up tremblingly.

  A figure, tremblingly said: "Uncle, Uncle"

  When Luo Qingzhou saw her appearance, he was stunned: "Zhu


  At this moment, Zhu’er’s skirt was rolled up around her waist, and her trousers were pulled down to the waist.


  She was trembling all over, with tears in her eyes, crying: "

  Gu....Uncle, servant. The slave has nothing. Nothing

   see...please, please don't".

  Luo Qingzhou frowned and said, "Why are you hiding here?


  Zhu'er cried: "Pee pee pee"

  Luo Qingzhou suddenly saw the bamboo basket next to her.

  There are many small red hawthorns.

   She should have seen a lot of hawthorn here, so she carried the basket

  zi came to pick hawthorns. When he was squatting down for convenience, he suddenly saw him dragging...

  A bloody, headless corpse arrives, and...

  Luo Qingzhou's tone slowed down: "Put on your pants, go back quickly

   Come on, there are beasts here, don’t come out alone in the future

   up. "

   After finishing speaking, he took the corpse powder and walked back while

   Scattered on the blood on the ground.

   After he finished processing all the bloodstains, he turned his head and looked,

  The little girl was holding a bamboo basket, standing in front of her with a face full of fear and timidity.

   In the grass in the distance, he looked at him with complicated eyes, not daring to approach him.

  Luo Qingzhou shouted: "Come here!"

  Pearl trembled all over, walked over tremblingly, crying

   begged: "Guye, don't. Don't kill the slaves. The slaves swear

  Never, never, never tell anyone.”

  Luo Qingzhou stared at her for a while, then said: "Give me a gift tonight

  Grandpa serves the bed, do you have any comments? "

  Zhu'er froze for a moment, nodded quickly and said: "No, no

  See...the servant has no objection.”

  Luo Qingzhou raised his eyebrows and said: "In the future, when you throw a throwing knife, you also say [scumbag]

  Man, go to hell] Is this sentence? "

  Pearl: "No, stop talking"

  Luo Qingzhou asked: "Who is the scumbag?"

  Zhu'er tremblingly said: "Old master, the second son

  Exactly, not my uncle"

  Luo Qingzhou nodded in satisfaction, and when he was about to leave, suddenly

   looked at her again and asked: "Did you hear the beast cry last night?

  Pearl nodded and said: "Listen, I heard Madam say, say

   is a tiger."

  Luo Qingzhou said: "That's the white tiger in the Yunwu Mountains,


   Waiting for my uncle to catch a few and give you one to raise, okay? "

  Zhu'er hurriedly said: "Slaves, servants are afraid..."

  Luo Qingzhou said: "It's just a little white tiger, just like you, what are you doing?"

   Jing Jing is very cute, even if she bites, it won't hurt. "

  Zhu'er was taken aback when she heard the words, and stared at him blankly.

  Luo Qingzhou turned around and said, "Let's go, go back."

  Pearl froze in place, watching his back,

   murmured: "

  Uncle and uncle praised me for being cute"

  Luo Qingzhou looked at the other side of the Yunwu River.

  The Taoist priests of Zijin Temple, have you tracked them down here?

   It seems that we can't wait any longer.

   Wait a little longer, until the other party’s masters find this place, then

   is troublesome.

  So many people in the family need protection, he simply can't take care of it


  It seems that we can only act first, let those Taoist priests first

  Going to see Hades!

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