My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 201 First appearance of Heike armor\r

A layer of machinery with a chi chi sound appeared and spread on her clothes at an alarming rate.

As if liquid metal gushed out from the body surface, the dense formation of steel armor.

Cover the torso first, then the limbs.

The energy rays overflowed through the connection points, forming a crimson steel armor.

With a bang, the armored mask covered Zhang Yaxuan's beautiful face.


In an instant, the anti-gravity device exploded, and the sudden force exploded, causing the ground to be shaken and shattered inch by inch.

Zhang Yaxuan turned into a streamer and came to the top of the black car in the blink of an eye.

Her feet were heavy on it, causing the roof to sag slightly.


At the moment when Zhang Yaxuan stepped on the Mercedes-Benz car, several laser beams shot out.

Puff puff puff!

The laser was like raindrops falling on the umbrella, making a muffled tick.

The force field shield supported by the Heart of Xuanwu blocks all lasers!

The sudden change left everyone at a loss.

I almost thought I was shooting a sci-fi blockbuster.

What the hell is this armor, how did it come about?

The crowd grew their mouths and stuck in place.

Guan Junhao was also stunned.

This is completely beyond his expectations, or...

Who could have imagined this?

Looking at the exquisitely crafted crimson armor on the roof, it exudes a bright silver luster.

Everyone felt an invisible sense of oppression.

Zhang Yaxuan's speed just now exceeded the speed of the laser and blocked all attacks.

Guan Junhao's eyes froze, and he stepped back and shouted: "Attack! Give me an attack without any energy!"

He didn't believe that this broken armor could resist the attacks of so many people.

Seeing Zhang Yaxuan's attitude, Guan Junhao no longer plans to stay alive.


As Guan Junhao's voice fell, everyone immediately pulled the handle of the gun.

Dozens of lasers shot in a hurry, and waves of ripples oscillated on the force field shield.

Zhang Yaxuan was also welcome, and the moment she raised her hand, Origin assisted aiming and locked on the enemy.

The same energy beam shoots out from her palm!

call out--


The beam instantly pierced through an enemy, and the elemental energy of Ke dispelled the opponent's laser.

The unstoppable attack of energy finally exploded inside the cave wall.

A large amount of rubble rolled and spilled, burying the research equipment on the ground.

The colorful lasers shot one after another in the cave, blasting waves of vibrations.

Someone noticed the unusualness of the force field shield, so they chose to rush forward to melee.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yaxuan's fighting skills are also not bad, plus the strength of Heike's armor.

Just a face-to-face, Zhang Yaxuan kicked her.

Some were even bombarded by Zhang Yaxuan, injuring a large number of teammates in the crowd.

Anyone who plays virtual games has more or less some fighting skills.

The moment she put on the Heike armor, Zhang Yaxuan felt like she was in a virtual game.

You must know that "Devouring the Universe" is also a sci-fi game. The armor in the game is very similar to the Heike armor in many functions.

Even if Zhang Yaxuan used the Heike armor for the first time, she could still know what equipment and functions it had.

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, a well-known strong man came with a large shield with a dark face and stepped on the sound of heavy footsteps.

Zhang Yaxuan bombarded it, but did not cause any damage.


The opponent hit Zhang Yaxuan like a bull, but was blocked again by the force field shield.

A current laser collided between the two, making a crackling sound.

At the same time, they finally discovered the flaw in the force field shield...

The key protection object of Xuanwu Heart is Zhang Yaxuan herself, not including the Mercedes-Benz sedan under her feet.

At the moment when Zhang Yaxuan was attacked by melee combat.

The force field shield shrank directly to the size that just wrapped Zhang Yaxuan, and the Mercedes-Benz car below lost the force field protection.

So, someone laughed smugly and started firing lasers at the Mercedes-Benz!

Zhang Yaxuan frowned slightly, under the protection of the force field shield, ignoring the impact of the big shield.

The armor on her back suddenly unfolded, and the machinery seemed to be composed of the void, superimposed layer by layer.

Finally, the barrels of two electromagnetic guns were formed, which were placed on her shoulders.


The electromagnetic energy fluctuates and flickers, converging into white light spots.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of light balls shot out from the barrel one after another.

Just like a machine gun burst, the frequency and rate of fire are fast.

With Origin Assist, all incoming lasers are captured and locked.

The ball of light collided with the opponent's laser light, exploding vast energy fluctuations.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

The roar exploded, and the entire cave was shaking violently!


Tang Ke asked Yuanyuan to inform Zhang Yaxuan to return quickly.

But after a few seconds, the source responded: Zhang Yaxuan's signal was cut off!

Tang Ke was shocked inwardly, secretly thinking that something was wrong.

Sure enough, as he thought, Jin Yumeng might have an accident.

And the target may be to draw out him or Zhang Yaxuan.

"Give me where Ya Xuan's signal was interrupted."

Tang Ke frowned and ordered Origin as he walked out of the laboratory.

He grabbed the silver skateboard hanging from the wall and threw it away.

The flying skateboard did not fall to the ground, but hovered stably in mid-air.

Tang Ke didn't have time to delay, the moment he put on the AR glasses and stepped on the skateboard with his feet.

The machine covered his ankle with the sound of the rotating shaft, and stabilized the body.

Tang Ke jumped directly into the air, turned into a streamer, and dragged the afterimage!

A force field shield rises from the skateboard, isolating the high temperature outside and the oncoming wind pressure.

Even the sound of the wind passing by his ears was perfectly blocked.

But the air inside the force field shield is extremely circulated, as if being in a forest.

The air is fresh and the temperature is moderate.

But at this moment, Tang Ke's speed has reached 1000km/h!

He followed the instructions provided on the AR glasses and soon came to the place where Zhang Yaxuan's signal was cut off.

As a result, there were only roads and woods nearby, and there was no sign of anyone moving at all.

And, the signal is connected!

"Master, the signal here is normal. The reason for the interruption of Sister Yaxuan's signal is probably due to interference from some devices. It is recommended to search for the nearby mountains."

"According to the calculation of time, the other party will not go too far. The following is the search range I calculated for the master."

The sound of the origin came out through the AR glasses, and at the same time, a picture and the best search route were unfolded.

Tang Ke's face was extremely cold, and he flew out again.

Although he knew that the wife with the Heike armor would not suffer any damage, and running out alone was not a problem at all.

But Tang Ke's inner anger still couldn't be contained.

There are still people who dare to touch him, and they still attack his wife.

This is challenging his bottom line!

At the same time that Tang Ke flew out again, there were more than ten Watcher drones behind him.

Keep up with about as fast as you can and do an all-around search of your surroundings!

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