My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 203 I feel that Guan Junhao is holding a direct hand\r

"Tang Ke! Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door to break in. I didn't expect that I was in the Dragon Country, and I didn't expect that I would seek revenge on you?"

Holding two firearms, Guan Junhao felt that he was holding the whole world.

Watching Tang Ke change from being unarmed to being an armored man.

His heart was also indifferent.

One can imagine how confident he is in the weapon in his hand.

He said sharply to Tang Ke: "I'm standing in front of you, look at me..."

call out!

Before Guan Junhao finished speaking, Ke energy beam suddenly shot out from Tang Ke's palm.

Guan Junhao stepped on gravity, and the suitcase on the ground flew up on the spot, blocking the beam.


Surprisingly, the suitcase was only scorched black by the beam, rather than exploded instantly.

It is being penetrated by energy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Guan Junhao didn't dare to neglect, and with the help of the power of the mechanical exoskeleton, he rolled around on the ground.


The energy penetrated the defense of the suitcase, blasting a large pit on the ground, and smoke and dust rose.

Tang Ke raised his hand again, and a muzzle was assembled on his arm.

Immediately afterwards, another beam of energy with restless energy particles shot towards Guan Junhao.

The Northland special forces were not spectators either, they raised their laser weapons and fired at Tang Ke.

Guan Junhao immediately ran, fast enough to drag out the afterimage.


The muddy ground full of sand and dust exploded again. After Guan Junhao took a leap, he rolled to the ground and got up, feeling a little embarrassed.

The firearm in his hand is also ready for Tang Ke to launch a fierce attack.

hum, hum-

The moment the gun handle was buckled, the crimson light dyed the surrounding colors bright red.

It was as if a red dragon opened its mouth and swallowed it towards Tang Ke.

Strong air waves swept the audience!

The restless energy particles made the already hot temperature rise a bit again!

With the blessing of the mechanical exoskeleton, Guan Junhao was also shaken by the recoil and wiped a trace on his feet.

Zhang Yaxuan's pupils shrank suddenly in the distance, and her exclamation was drowned out by the rumbling sound of the beam.

Wherever the beam passes, the soil will open a scorched channel for it.

In the face of this vast energy aura, Tang Ke's heart did not waver.

But from the beginning to the end, he was expressionless, as if frightened, and stood in place without moving.

In addition to this crimson beam, there are also colorful laser rays around.

This wave of attacks has been planned for a long time.

It is also what Guan Junhao has been looking forward to for a long time, everything is in his plan.

With one shot, even a city will be wiped out in an instant!

"Go to hell! Tang Ke!" Guan Junhao laughed wildly.

Suddenly, Tang Ke raised his palm.

The force field shields converged to the front position, forming a blue circular shield.

He turned a blind eye to the laser rays around him, only paying attention to the crimson rays directly in front of him.

The fierce energy particles swept in.

boom -

The force field shield collided with the red beam, and a loud roar erupted.

The ground in a radius of 100 meters trembled, and waves of heat rushed out.

The arm-thick laser lightning fluttered and whipped, blasting one big hole after another on the ground.

Tang Ke let the crimson beam strike, and the force field shield in front of him always stood still.

And those lasers that shoot from other directions.

It hit his Heike armor directly, making a clanging sound.

To everyone's astonishment, their lasers actually only scratched a little bit of wear marks on the Heike armor!

"What kind of armor is this Nima, why is it so hard?"

"How can it be possible to block the laser weapon?!"

"Continue to shoot, it has wear and tear, as long as you continue to attack, you can break through sooner or later!"

The leader shouted loudly, and everyone understood, and launched another round of laser bombardment.

Seeing this, Tang Ke couldn't help sneering.

These people really regarded him as a living target!

"Master, after locking, you can perform energy refraction attacks."

In this brief moment, Origin has locked all the surrounding enemies.

Tang Ke's body was on top of the force field shield, and the circular shield became angular.

Adjust the angle according to physical refraction, and direct the beam energy in other directions.

And what he aimed at was the enemy who shot him around!

In an instant, the crimson beam was refracted and expanded on the force field shield, forming dozens of crimson rays that spread out.

Boom boom boom boom!

The crimson rays contain violent energy, and they are scattered in different directions.

Rocks and sand blasted continuously within a radius of hundreds of meters, mixed with human screams and screams.

Those gunmen were all pierced by the laser, and the splashed blood was evaporated by the beam in the air.

People with a faster reaction speed, even if they are not pierced on the spot.

They were also hit critically by the blasted stones next to them.

The situation on the scene is appalling!


At this time, Tang Ke took a step forward against the red ray.

Guan Junhao froze in his heart, followed by the second step, the third step...

Tang Ke's speed is getting faster and faster, from walking to running.

The moment he approached Guan Junhao, the other party finally recovered from his horror.

The crimson beam has disappeared, leaving only a hot gun in his hand.

Guan Junhao immediately threw away the firearm and pulled out a sharp blade from his waist.


On the one-meter-plus sharp blade, a hot red glow appeared, and it slashed at Tang Ke with a cracking sound.


A sharp screeching sound echoed nearby, and Guan Junhao's arm was numb from the shock of his own blade.

Tang Ke actually held this hot cutting blade with his bare hands!

The scalding heat made Heike's armored gloves make a screeching sound.

He squeezed it hard, and with a pong sound, the blade rotted into pieces on the spot.

The crimson light also disappeared, and Guan Junhao's pupils shrank.

Under the augmentation of the mechanical exoskeleton, quickly lift another firearm and aim at Tang Ke, which is a burst of fire.

But how could his speed match the speed of Heike's armor.

Guan Junhao is fast, but Tang Ke is faster.

A laser blade suddenly formed in Tang Ke's hands, making a sharp sound in the air.


The laser drew a drill in front of Guan Junhao.

The firearm in his hand also turned into two pieces in an instant!

Before he could react again, Tang Ke had already punched him in the chest.


Guan Junhao's ribcage was broken on the spot, and his internal organs were bleeding from the heavy fist.

Tang Ke, who was under the black armor mask, had an extremely indifferent face, and there was no sympathy in it.

His other palm pressed directly on Guan Junhao's face.


A powerful force crushed Guan Junhao's head, and a look of pain appeared on his face.

But he resisted screaming, and there was a clicking sound in his ears.

That was the sound of cracks appearing in the bones!

"Ha ha……"

At this moment of dying, Guan Junhao suddenly grinned, blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Those eyes full of hatred were also covered with bloodshots.

Finally lost.

He put everything he had into this plan.

The result was a total loss!

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