My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 208 Decided to take a long vacation\r

At an altitude of 100 kilometers, the anti-gravity device has completely lost its effect.

The rest of the power comes from electromagnetic propulsion, and the rocket site lights up with blue light.

With Ke element as energy, the thrust that erupts.

Increase the speed of the satellite's ascent by several levels again.

Tang Ke stared at the data on the panel, and the corners of his mouth gradually rose.

The moment the satellite enters space, the successful launch of the satellite has been declared.

When the satellite reaches 200 kilometers, the rocket torso begins to change shape.

Two signal launch wings unfold from the rocket.

The pale white light emanated from the satellite, propelling itself to move forward quickly in space!

This scene was also captured by satellites of various countries.

Such a flight speed stunned researchers around the world.

"Which country launched the satellite?"

"How fast to move, can you fly so fast in space?"

"Could it be an aircraft?"

"Dragon Kingdom! It must be the Dragon Kingdom. According to the orbit capture, it was launched from the Dragon Kingdom."

"But over the Dragon Country, no one announced the launch of a satellite. What's going on?"

Researchers from all over the world were stunned and horrified by the speed of the satellite's movement.

Some people speculate that this must be the effect of electromagnetic propulsion.

That's why satellites are in space and fly so fast.

On the other hand, the researchers in the Long Kingdom were at a loss.

Who launched the satellite?

This question flashed by, and a familiar figure appeared in everyone's mind.

Tang Ke!

Only this guy has the ability to launch his own satellite without relying on anyone's power.

The satellite launched by Tang Ke has attracted the attention of countries around the world.

When it reached 300 kilometers, the satellite officially entered orbit.

It deformed as a whole again, with its wings turned toward the earth.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, it unfolded layer by layer.

Gradually growing from a volume less than three meters high, the folded Koalloy is being released at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The flaps that emitted signal fluctuations were released from a length of one meter to a length of twenty meters.

Compression folding technology.

Known by global researchers for the first time!

"Oh Maiga, am I dazzled, it keeps getting bigger?!"

"Good guy, it's getting longer while it's getting bigger!"

"My God, how did you do it? Could it be that this satellite is made of sponge?"

"The cavernous body is also congested, but it is in space, surrounded by a vacuum!"

Researchers around the world are holding their heads and exclaiming, and the eyes under the glasses are full of shock.

"It's compression folding technology!"

The Longguo researcher exclaimed: "Tang Ke actually invented the compression and folding technology, which can fold and compress any metal at will!"

"It's incredible, how much black technology does this guy hide?!"

"This technology has completely subverted human cognition, and I really want to know the principle!"

Scientific researchers are crazy, and to be able to become characters of this level, they are full of the desire to explore knowledge.

Now there is a technology that subverts human cognition, and they have a strong curiosity and want to find out.

Everyone hurriedly contacted the chief, hoping that the chief could come forward and obtain this technology from Tang Ke.

But it was rejected by the chief.

What a joke, such a black technology, how could Tang Ke give them casually?

If you go to Tang Ke to ask for this technology, you will have a good relationship with Tang Ke, and it will be ruined in an instant.

Failing to get the consent of the chief, the researchers of the Dragon Kingdom showed disappointment one after another.

After the satellites in space are unfolded, the picture of the earth is presented to Tang Ke's screen.

Signal connection is successful!

"Master, everything is as calculated by the data, the satellite successfully entered the orbit, and there is no need to worry about the signal being blocked in the future."

Origin's cheerful voice sounded, and Tang Ke's mood was equally joyful.

He clicked on the screen to zoom in, and the satellite imaging speed was quite fast without any lag.

Tang Ke kept zooming in until he could see the entire magic city.

You can even see Dabai, who is clean at the moment, cleaning the empty streets.

This imaging technology is also one of the black technologies.

It can even see through the force field shield of Tang Ke's house, and has a stronger detection function than the watchman.

Even if the satellite is in space, it can be detected like a watchman in front of a cave, and the effect is amazing.

"With satellites, defense means, and Heike armor that can be regarded as an attack method..."

Tang Ke rubbed his tense shoulders, feeling too tired for this time.

"Take a break for a while!"

In order to deal with the enemy, Tang Ke's technology has been invented one after another, and it can't stop.

He almost forgot that he was a novelist, not a techie.

Now that Guan Junhao has been resolved, the North Country side also admits it.

For the time being, Tang Ke doesn't have any enemies.

The only potential threat is the evil dragon in the North Country.

Their confession this time is extremely inconsistent with their previous demeanor.

There is no doubt that they are brewing something.

Tang Ke was too lazy to think so much and decided to relax for a while.

He walked towards the studio and caught sight of Zhang Yaxuan who looked like a fairy.

She was wearing a teal dress and was sitting on a soft chair.

The white jade hand clenched the paintbrush and carefully drew the lines on the white paper.

No matter how advanced the technology is, Zhang Yaxuan still feels that it is more comfortable to draw with pen and paper.

Zhang Yaxuan in the painting is always so beautiful.

People say that serious boys are the most handsome.

Likewise, serious girls are also the most beautiful.

"Bao, can we take a long vacation together?"

Tang Ke pushed in the door, sat beside his wife and put his arms around her waist.

"Long vacation? It's surprising that you workaholic would say such a thing." Zhang Yaxuan smiled softly.

"Yes, you don't paint, I don't study technology, and I don't write novels. How about we play games, watch movies, and eat food together these days?"

"Sounds good, but are you sure you're not going to go out on a whim and research something new?"

Zhang Yaxuan was dubious, her husband had done this more than once.

I promised to rest, but it turned out to be less than two or three days.

Suddenly, a new technology was born.

"I promise, a month, ah no, do nothing for two months!"

Tang Ke said with a serious face: "If I commit a crime, I will..."

"How about you?"

"Uh, shall I kiss you?"

"Think beautifully!"

Zhang Yaxuan rolled his eyes at him angrily and added, "If you go to work within two months, you will be fined to sleep in the guest room for a week!"

"Ah, won't it be too cruel..."

"You can't be cured without being cruel!"


Tang Ke sighed, but also firmed up his idea of ​​taking a two-month break.

After all, sleeping in a guest room is very lonely.

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