My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 210 Tenderness like water Zhang Yaxuan\r

Seeing the virtual game bed that her husband had made, Zhang Yaxuan was a little dumbfounded.

Is this the creative ability of the small color batch?

In order to be able to lie down together, they actually made a two-person game cabin.

Zhang Yaxuan chuckled and said, "I've really convinced you, let's have dinner."

Dabai has already cooked the food on time and placed it on the table.

The strong aroma of vegetables is coming, which is very appetizing.

Tonight's dishes are fried chicken with cooking wine, fresh shrimp, and a plate of green vegetables.

Simple and unpretentious, but delicious.

After a full meal, the two took a walk in the yard at home.

The sunset and dusk fell on the white T-shirts of the two from a distance. The high temperature caused the distorted sunset, and gradually retracted its own light.

The force field shield keeps the heat out.

Holding hands, the two strolled through the disappearing twilight.

Occasionally, a silver bell-like laughter rang out in the courtyard.

Zhang Yaxuan's smile is quite beautiful, and the golden light adorns her profile.

Seeing Tang Ke's eyes blurred.

To be able to marry such a wife can be regarded as a blessing that has been cultivated in two lifetimes.

"When we didn't meet, did you ever think about what would happen if we didn't get together?"

Tang Ke sat on the grass with Zhang Yaxuan, looked at her beautiful face, and talked about the past.

Memories are always good, especially when one's wishes come true, and then recall that time.

There will always be emotions in my heart.

"Yes, I was quite confused at the time."

Zhang Yaxuan gently twisted her hair to the back of her ear, and replied softly, "I don't know the road ahead, but I know that you are my guide."

"Just follow your words and find a way out!"

She smiled sweetly, and there were waves in her beautiful eyes.

At this moment, Tang Ke was a little crazy.

No matter how many years he spends with his wife, she is in his heart.

Always as stunning as when you first saw it.

"Is this a cultural person? It's much more interesting than my earthy love story."

Tang Ke's old face turned a little red at this moment.

He turned his head away, not wanting to be seen by his wife.

But Zhang Yaxuan is quite keen, or rather, her understanding of her husband.

Even if you don't watch it, you know that Tang Ke is shy.

"Hee hee... Bao~ Are you shy? Let me see if you blush."

She leaned on Tang Ke and turned her head to peek.


How could Tang Ke admit it, but he couldn't stop his wife from approaching.

His body was held tightly by his wife, and a fragrance hit him.

In desperation, she could only let her look at her blushing self.

As a result, Zhang Yaxuan's delicate face got closer and closer, and finally her red lips kissed Tang Ke's mouth gently.

Soft as water!

This is Tang Ke's evaluation of Zhang Yaxuan all the time, and it is also the reason why he will fall in love with Zhang Yaxuan.

"Hee hee, your earthy love words are not earthy to me at all, this is exactly what makes you cute~"

Zhang Yaxuan sat directly on Tang Ke's waist while wrapping her arms around Tang Ke's neck.

"Good guy, who is so good at flirting with men, who did you learn from, and explain honestly!"

Tang Ke pretended to be angry and gave his wife a fierce look.

"It's just a whim." Zhang Yaxuan laughed.

In fact, she has always been very good at it, but she rarely showed it in the past.

If she shows it every day, Tang Ke's earthy love words will have no place to play~

"Hey, I'm not good, I'll punish you for sleeping tonight!"

Tang Ke stood up holding his wife's delicate body, lowered his voice and said domineeringly.

"Yes~ The concubine listens to His Majesty!"

Zhang Yaxuan didn't resist, her legs wrapped around Tang Ke's waist, hanging on Tang Ke like a tree kangaroo.

Tang Ke, who is exercising every day, is no longer the thin man who only wrote books and did not exercise.

Strong but not bloated muscles, it is easy for him to carry a wife who is less than 100 pounds.

Tang Ke walked back to the house with Zhang Yaxuan and put it down in the two-player cabin.

"Acridine~ Is Your Majesty in such a hurry?"

Zhang Yaxuan looked scared and covered her beautiful body with a quilt.

This time it was Tang Ke's turn to be speechless, although the two-player pod could indeed be used for exercise.

But he won't try to exercise on it right away~

He really just wanted to get into the game with his wife and play a virtual game.

"I can't play anymore, really, if we don't play, let's go back to the room immediately!" Tang Ke snorted softly.

Zhang Yaxuan responded with a smile: "Okay~ I won't make fun of you, come up quickly~"

Tang Ke showed a triumphant smile, and obediently climbed into the virtual game cabin and lay down, covering the quilt.

Habitually took his wife into his arms, soft and boneless.

"Aren't you afraid of sweating out?"

"Don't be afraid, there is a constant temperature system at home, just let Yuanyuan turn on the air conditioner a little more."

After all, Tang Ke pressed a switch on the outside, the two closed their eyes, and their consciousness entered the virtual world.

The reason why the switch is installed on the outside is to prevent it from accidentally touching it when moving.



Smelling the fragrance of his wife, the familiar feeling of time travel struck, and he opened his eyes again.

Tang Ke came to the white space for character creation. This interface is for players to enter names and adjust various body data.

Not everyone likes to reveal their true appearance, they can modify their appearance and height through data.

With the update of the version, the function of changing the race is now introduced.

Tang Ke didn't change his appearance, but thought about what to name it.

As the saying goes, the longer the name, the more domineering it is.

So he gave himself a super long name: Immortals raving about immortality in their dreams.

After clicking OK, the scene around him changed again.

I came to a familiar but sci-fi city, where many players recruited guild members.

There are also players selling a variety of specialty snacks nearby.

The flow of people is very large, and it is so lively that it is like returning to the food street before the drought.

"Huh? We're a newcomer again, come and see our Vigorous Guild, there are a lot of Vigorous Potions!"

"Go, go, just your guild, can we be as powerful as our Destroying Heaven Guild?"

"Don't listen to them for newcomers, come to our philosophy club, all of them are talented, and they speak nicely, you will definitely be very happy!"

A large group of people swarmed and surrounded Tang Ke.

Before Tang Ke spoke, they were arguing with each other.

"Uh, why do I feel that this person seems a little familiar..."

At this time, someone noticed Tang Ke's handsome face.

Only then did the people around look at Tang Ke's appearance, and it seemed that he was so familiar!

It always feels like I've seen it before, but it's the first time we've met.

This familiar and unfamiliar feeling made everyone froze in place.

Suddenly, there was a commotion from behind.

Zhang Yaxuan was like a generation of female emperors who came to the mortal world, stepping on an aircraft, and landed beside Tang Ke.

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