My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 225 Railguns shocked the world\r

face the coming of death.

The fear in the hearts of the people of the Neon Kingdom turned to relief at this moment.

Instead of crying, they laughed.

Perhaps it is to leave a beautiful side to the global audience at the last moment.


The deep blue sea is like a giant beast swallowing the sky, opening its mouth to swallow the entire neon country.

Tears welled up in the corners of the female reporter's eyes, and there were too many thoughts in her heart.

The waves have rolled over the Neon Kingdom, obscuring the sky.

The world turned a deep blue at this moment, as if in the depths of the ocean.

All kinds of marine creatures are wandering in this tsunami, seeming a little panic and a little excited.

The hearts of audiences all over the world trembled and their scalps felt numb.

Sure enough, in the face of natural disasters, are humans always ants?


Suddenly, a dazzling blue light flashed by.

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable energy swept from afar, the dark clouds in the sky and the whistling sea.

All pushed to both sides at this moment!

The dazzling blue light with the power of vastness, instantly rushed into this monstrous tsunami.

Boom! ! !

The huge sound shook the ground, and the whistling of the waves seemed to be wailing.

The tsunami, hundreds of feet high, was broken by the terrifying electromagnetic energy.

As if a giant beast suffered a heavy blow, the sea water suddenly scattered and transpired!

The tsunami that engulfed the entire Neon Country was instantly dissipated by one third of this energy.

The remaining two-thirds of the tsunami roared and engulfed the entire Neon Country!

Two-thirds of the Neon Kingdom was crushed by the heavy seawater, causing the ground to collapse and sink to the bottom of the sea, causing monstrous waves.

The remaining one-third of the people and land of the Neon Kingdom.

But it was bathed in raindrop-like sea water, and the flesh and blood of a large number of marine creatures fell.

Looking up at the scorching sun above the clouds, feeling the warmth of the sun.

There is a bright rainbow hundreds of kilometers long above, it is so beautiful!

The monstrous tsunami that devoured the world before seemed to be just a dream.

At this moment, everyone widened their eyes and looked at everything in front of them in shock.

The super tsunami brought by the super typhoon was suddenly scattered by a blue light!

Tang Ke, who was far away in the magic capital, glanced at the picture on the satellite.

He glanced at the ten railguns that were smoking, and shook his head helplessly.

"Ten railguns combined and used the electromagnetic energy launched by Ke Energy, but only one third was blasted away. It seems that there is still room for improvement!"

It was he who controlled the railgun to release the blue beam just now.

I thought that half of the tsunami could be blasted away, but only one third was blasted away.

Tang Ke forgot about it last night.

But when I got up to read the news this morning, I accidentally saw the global live broadcast of the female reporter.

This reminded him that the super typhoon landed in Neon Country today.

Do the people of Neon Country be damned?

Tang Ke did not dare to make such a direct judgment. It is a fact that their ancestors made big mistakes.

But there are also many innocent people among them.

Every country has good people and bad people. Just because there are bad people in a country, it cannot be concluded that the whole country is full of bad people.

For what the Neon Kingdom had done, Tang Ke, as a junior, was not qualified to forgive his ancestors.

He didn't think too much about it either.

There are two reasons for the choice.

The first point is that if super typhoons and super tsunamis are not eliminated.

From the Neon Kingdom to the Magic Capital, the tsunami and typhoon will probably increase several levels.

If this trend continues, the entire Demon City will definitely be submerged.

When the tsunami was approaching, even if ten railguns fired together, it would be difficult to disperse.

Tang Ke's house is not guaranteed, so the sooner the better.

Neon Country is about 1,000 kilometers away from the Magic Capital.

It is exactly the shooting range of the rail gun after adding Ke Energy.

As for the second reason.

That's what Tang Ke saw, the people of the Neon Kingdom who stayed behind.

They stick to their hearts and don't show their ugly side.

In the face of death, choose to embrace your lover and accept it calmly.

This makes Tang Ke appreciate it very much.

Although I do not know whether the ancestors of these people have invaded the Dragon Kingdom.

But what they just showed was kindness and love.

So Tang Ke did his best to save them by the way.

The global audience and the survivors of Neon Kingdom have not recovered for a long time.

At this mortal moment, the salvation of the gods was obtained.

This feeling made their minds go blank.


"What's the situation? We are saved?!"

"Did the gods take action? Did the gods save us?"

Looking at the dark clouds that have been reopened, feeling the warmth of the sun.

These surviving Neon people all knelt on the ground and kowtowed, tears streaming from their eyes.

It is difficult for them to hide their joy, and this feeling of rebirth after catastrophe makes them cherish their lives even more.

There are still many things, many wishes unfulfilled.

At this moment, their hearts are full of gratitude to the gods who saved them.

"Thank you! Thank you, Lord God! Thank you for your help!"

The people of the Neon Kingdom do not know where the gods are, nor do they know if the gods have shot.

Anyway, he knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing in the direction of the magic capital.

The tsunami wiped out most of the neon country, and the power supply and network were interrupted.

However, Tang Ke's satellite sent a signal fluctuation, allowing Neon Kingdom to obtain a temporary signal again.

The Internet has exploded.

"Fuck?! What happened?!"

"Isn't there really a god? What was the blue light you just got?"

"It's like a laser cannon in a sci-fi movie, but this energy beam is too huge, a hundred times bigger than the laser cannon in the North Country!"

"At that moment, the live broadcast screen was turned white."

"Who is in control of such an ability, this thing is more powerful than a nuclear bomb!"

"I have a guess, but I'm not quite sure..."

"Uh, I also have a guess. If it's correct, it should be similar to what you think."

"Could it be the one who made it out?"

"If it's really him, then it's invincible..."

While netizens were shocked, they were also guessing who the shot was.

The first thing they thought of was the creator of this era - Tang Ke!

As for what the gods did, it was all bullshit.

When the people of the Neon Kingdom recover, they will definitely think rationally, what kind of gods are there?

It must have been someone who helped and saved them.

Although two-thirds of the neon country sank to the bottom of the sea, it became an underwater city.

But the surviving one-third is enough to make them grateful for the rest of their lives.

Is it really Tang Ke?

Speaking of Tang Ke, people's first impression is that of a black technology expert.

He created several eras and successfully changed the name of this era to Tang Ke.

But his technology is all commercial technology used to benefit mankind.

But never heard of him researching weapons.

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