My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 244 Tang Ke has shown mercy\r

The bombardment of this space-based artillery affected a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

The damage range of space-based weapons is too large, but fortunately Origin will condense and output energy.

It was mainly the surface near the White Palace that was bearing the energy, and the surrounding cities were only hit by the aftermath.

But this small aftermath caused the tall building to collapse.

Fortunately, the weather is cold now, and no one walks near the Beiguo City Building.

The poor Northlanders live on the outskirts of the city, and the rich live in villas.

Low-rise buildings are stronger against earthquakes and energy shocks.

The first floor was also left intact, allowing most people to survive.

However, some northerners were still killed because of this, and luckily they were trapped under the ruins of the building.

These are relatively wealthy northerners.

They live in the city center and take over most of the resources.

Ironically, they called for most of the day and no rescue team showed up.

Instead, it was the poor who marched and rescued them from the rubble.

It's just that the poor people in the Northland are not so good-natured.

The reason why they rescued each other is to let the rich give them supplies.

Otherwise, they will be thrown back into the ruins.

Let them enjoy the hunger and cold of the poor, and some people even beat and torture them with stones.

Until these people are willing to hand over the supplies.



The most anticipated smart flying car is about to go on sale.

While waiting, netizens read news from all over the world.

However, looking at it, an absurd news spread wildly on the global network.

[The White Palace of the North Country has disappeared! 】

The person who posted the information was a Beiguo netizen. According to his description, he was taken away by a white light.

"Fuck, this Beiguo brother, can you describe the scene at that time, you won't lie about this news, right?" Longguo netizens questioned.

The Beiguo netizen responded immediately: "No, no, every sentence is true! I still have photos!"

With that said, he sent eleven pictures of the White Palace scene.

The original white palace address has now turned into a dark pit, like an abyss.

There was a lot of snow in the sky, but it didn't make this dark pit appear a trace of pure white.

This is a photo he took in the severe cold. After taking the photo, he ran home tremblingly and continued his life with heating.

After posting the photo, he continued:

"Let me tell you, it was snowing and windy at the time, and it was as cold as an ice palace.

Suddenly, a white light pierced the sky and broke through the sky, and the momentary youth affected the world.

Then there was a loud bang, accompanied by the reflection of white light, and soon I fell into a brief tinnitus.

When I came back to my senses again, there were ruins outside the window.

I was stunned at the time, and only looked up when I felt cold.

It turns out that the roof of my house has already been slashed by unknown energy!

It's really cold to me. I just sent you a message after the house was repaired. "

Having said that, the Beiguo netizen didn't say anything.

Countless people made up the pictures at that time, and it felt a bit unreal.

But the photos taken by this Beiguo netizen really proved that the White House really disappeared!

Some people do not believe in evil, and even let the origin analyze it to see if there are any traces of fraud.

However, the origin judgment is a real photo, and there is no trace of fraud.

At the same time, more and more Northlanders came out to testify, making this incident continue to ferment.

"Good guy, this Northlander's speech is really charming. Is it because the translation function has become stronger, or is he really speaking in such a dragon-like style?"

"His English has the style of the Dragon Kingdom. I can guarantee that if I learn English, he is definitely a fan of Dragon Kingdom novels, otherwise he would not be able to say such words."

"666666, I especially like this kind of foreigner."

The culture of the Dragon Kingdom is gradually exported, and many foreigners like the culture of the Dragon Kingdom very much.

The Beiguo netizen who shared this is obviously a fan of Longguo novels.

Netizens were shocked by the news, but many people still didn't take it seriously.

After all, it was the White Palace, the most sacred place in the Northern Kingdom, how could it be easily destroyed.

And it's still white light from the sky, could it be an alien raid?

But not long after the news came out, news from various countries also reported this...

The White Palace really disappeared!

According to media news reports, the disappearance of the White Palace may be related to Tang Ke!

Some people broke the news that the Divine Land was divided into two factions.

Tang Ke asked the housekeeper to send all those who did not support him to the Northland.

As a result, the housekeeper was attacked by the Northland military. In a rage, Tang Ke launched a black technology weapon.

That white light that devoured the white palace is exactly Tang Ke's black technology weapon!

In an instant, it took the lives of all the high-level officials of the North Country!

As soon as the news was broadcast, it immediately caused a global sensation.

Originally the hottest topic tonight was the upcoming smart flying car.

But because of the disappearance of the White Palace, the whole world is boiling, and the topic has become Tang Ke and the North Country!

"My God, Lao Tang really went to blow up the White Palace? Do you want to be so violent?"

"Actually, it has been officially recognized. The satellite map looks like a big hole. What kind of weapon is this?"

"Is it the black technology weapon that the butler brought over? Was it the rail gun that bombed the tsunami last time?"

After Tang Ke's railgun was exposed, the news was no longer hidden.

When Long Guo asked about the origin, they got what they wanted to know.

Therefore, the fact that Tang Ke has a rail gun is already known all over the world.

But the railgun is so huge that it is inconvenient to take on a plane, and it cannot bombard the North Country on the other side.

That's why the North Country was so brave that they were qualified to attack the Glory Steward.

"It's definitely not a rail gun. The rail gun can't bombard the North Country at all."

"That's right, and according to the satellite map, this shock wave has affected hundreds of kilometers away. If it weren't for this energy to focus on the surface strike, it might directly wipe out all the human beings hundreds of kilometers away!"

"So, Tang Ke is actually showing mercy?"

"How can a railgun be so terrifying? Big Brother Tang Ke has secretly developed an unknown technology, waiting for the big brother to announce the name of the technology."

"It's incredible, before you know it, has Tang Ke come this far?"

"Such a level of technology is completely above the country!"

People all over the world are sighing and sighing. Looking back on what happened in the past two years, it feels like such a dream.

A person who broke novels suddenly became a black technology expert.

Then he went from being an expert to being a big guy.

Now it is suddenly standing on top of the world!

Everyone felt it was very unreal, as if they were talking about a myth.

When a person surpasses others by a trace, it will lead to the jealousy and competition of others.

But when a person reaches a state beyond the reach of others, he will become an existence that others admire.

There used to be foreigners who looked down on Tang Ke and even thought he was a fictional character.

At this moment can not help but feel awe!

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