My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 248 energy tower construction, steam kingdom\r

The first half of the lieutenant general's words changed the expressions of countless people, and he was about to swear.

But he was shocked by the commander's eyes.

The commander-in-chief looked at the lieutenant general and said lightly, "Go ahead, but if you are talking nonsense, I will let you be deprived of your military rank like this guy!"

The lieutenant general nodded: "I went to the White House site to investigate. The energy there is quite abundant, and it continues to emit warm currents. It is an extremely suitable place to avoid the cold."

"The bombing of the space-based artillery has made it an abyss. As long as we transform that place, we can easily build a dungeon for a large number of northerners to live in."

"I have thought about the conditions required to live in. One is for the rich to pay the money, and the other is for the poor to do the excavation work."

The lieutenant general opened his mouth to be an old capitalist.

His eyes flickered, and he saw admiring glances from the people around him.

The more he said, the more excited he became: "In this way, we will not only have funds, but also have free labor. If we continue to expand, we will be able to let the people of the entire northern country live in."

"Once the extreme cold is over, we will use the funds we earn to invest in scientific research to strengthen our country's scientific and technological level and revive the country's prestige!"

Having said that, he took a deep breath and calmed down his excited heart.

The people around them widened their eyes, feeling very incredible.

This guy is really a condescending man to be a soldier!


"Clap clap! clap clap..."

I don't know who started the first applause, and the applause sounded one after another.

The conference room was full of applause, and the lieutenant general did not forget to pretend to be low-key and modest while looking satisfied.

"Very good!" The commander shouted, the smile on his face never been so bright.

At such a time when no one can think of a plan, it is truly the light of the North that such a talent appears!

"You will be an admiral in the future, and I can even recommend you to be the new president. I believe no one will have any opinion!"

While the commander-in-chief laughed, he patted the lieutenant general on the shoulder.

Up to now, who is the president, is it not the military who have the final say?

"This method is good. I didn't expect that there are such geniuses in the army."

"The military is really talented, and he can think of such wonderful ideas."

"That's amazing, I agree with the plan to build a dungeon!"

"I agree!"


The people around nodded in agreement.

The dungeon plan is officially implemented in the Northland!


The major cities of the Dragon Kingdom.

The huge project was officially launched, and the heavy industrial sound attracted many people hiding at home.

Seeing that it was so lively outside on a blizzard day, it seemed that the weather was not so cold anymore.

"The national army has come out, what is this going to do?"

"I don't know. It seems to be building something. It should be a tall tower in shape."

"I bet a dime, it is definitely because the country asked Tang Ke for something, so the construction was carried out in such an environment."

Having said that, someone immediately picked up the phone and looked at it.

"Sure enough! All the cities in the country have troops coming over with robots for construction. The scene is no smaller than the construction of the ecological building."

"Great, this is definitely the black technology of Tang Ke, and it is the black technology used to help us survive the extreme cold!"

"Old Tang is such a good man, I love Lao Tang~"

"I love Lao Tang so much, I really want to marry him!"

"Old Tang already has Sister Yaxuan, please step aside."

"He only has a wife, but he doesn't have a husband yet."

"Dude, another online gay, really scary."

When the discussion on the Internet was in full swing, the national news also announced the energy tower.

All of a sudden, the national carnival.

As soon as they hear Tang Ke's name, two words will appear in everyone's heart: Steady!

The atmosphere in Long's country became relaxed, and the original fears also dissipated.

With Tang Ke taking action, why should they worry about extreme cold?

The people of the Dragon Kingdom are very fortunate that they are a member of the Dragon Kingdom, not from other countries.

The construction efficiency of Longguo is extremely high. Dabai rides a smart flying car to the ground and clears the snow that reaches waist height.

Carloads of materials are transported in, and dense micro-magnetic robots roll the materials to drive piles on the ground.

At the same time, the outer frame of the energy tower is formed on the other side.

When the holes are drilled in the ground, the frame of the energy tower is directly embedded in the ground and connected to the circuit.

Dark yellow light emerged from the energy tower, and the miniature magnetic robot quickly climbed over the energy tower.

Layers of steel rose up, like armor covering the energy tower.

The light of the energy tower became more and more dazzling. With the superposition of the number of shells of the energy tower, the dark yellow light gradually became golden.

A comfortable warm current radiates from the inside of the energy tower.

The surrounding Dabai kept shoveling coal into the bottom of the energy tower, emitting a raging flame like a stove.


The blizzard fell on the walls of the energy tower, emitting a hazy gas.

The snow near the energy tower also melted in an instant, and a large amount of steam rose on the ground, bringing a comfortable warm current to the soldiers around.

The hot temperature is not emitted from the surface of the energy tower, but from the ground.

It absorbs cold and turns it into heat to burn coals.

At the same time, the elements of Ke are constantly colliding inside, interweaving with the coal to generate more heat, and then all pouring into the ground.

The ground also radiated surging heat, evaporating a meter of snow.


A large amount of water vapor began to bubble up in the city, warming most of the city.

The construction of energy towers emitting golden rays of light has been completed, making the Dragon Kingdom a country of steam.

People living in the house noticed the warming and went out one after another.

Although it is not as warm inside the house, the temperature outside has been maintained at about minus 20 degrees!

The temperature nearby has risen by more than 30 degrees!

The closer to the energy tower, the warmer it is.

This kind of technology has convinced the people of Long Kingdom and sincerely admired Tang Ke's ability.

The construction of Dabai and the magnetic robot is not over yet.

They take the energy tower as the center and create a circle of Koalloy ground.

At the same time, on the bottom wall of the energy tower, a three-meter-high Koalloy retaining wall was built.

The purpose is to prevent the floor of the energy tower from getting too hot and burning your feet.

It also prevents someone from accidentally touching the wall of the energy tower and being scalded.

I have to say that the design of the energy tower is very thoughtful, fully taking into account the naughty children of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Everyone goes to the city center, and the state will rebuild houses to provide a warm environment for every citizen. Please cooperate carefully!"

Soldiers started from the outskirts of the city and led people from all over the country to the city center to escape the cold.

In the future, the food in the Longguo Ecological Building will also be delivered directly to the city center.

It is convenient for the people to buy, and it is also convenient for the country to deliver goods.

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