My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 265 Collision of mechanical armies\r

The military commander of the North Country was full of unwillingness.

For the battle that followed, a trace of fear rose in my heart.

Just when he was in a trance, Tian Qi suddenly spoke and gave him a reassurance pill.

"His space-based cannon has entered the cooldown period, and even Kodjin can't bear the heat of the space-based cannon. It's time for us to attack!"

As soon as Tian Qi's words came out, the military commander of the Northern Kingdom suddenly came to his senses.


They survived Tang Ke's shot, and it was time to fight back.

As long as Tang Ke is taken down before the next shot lands, then everything will be fine!

Without space-based guns, what are they afraid of?

Now these surviving soldiers are not simple soldiers, but brand new human beings who have passed the super soldier transformation plan!

The viewers who watched the live broadcast also noticed the differences between these soldiers.

Their clothes were soaked in the sea water, and they were a little hindered from moving.

So these soldiers took off their clothes directly, revealing their weird bodies!

"Look at their chests!"

"What is that, with spots and machinery?"

"It's disgusting, like a worm squirming."

"Those spots look like cheetahs, and some people have tiger stripes on them!"

"My God, that man... looks like a dog..."

Everyone exclaimed, carefully observing the bodies of these people.

Their bodies are made of machinery and flesh and blood, as if fused together.

Inhuman, it feels like a simulated robot that is not fully installed.

But they have flesh and blood and internal organs within them.

At the same time, they have some quirky traits about them.

For example, someone's stomach is bulging, from time to time.

The mouth also expands and contracts with the belly, changing regularly.

Like a toad, breathing in and out.

There are also people with tiger-like patterns on their bodies, with a lot of body hair, showing an orange-yellow color.

Strong muscles as if they could kill an elephant with one punch.

It looks like a tiger has turned into a human, and it is a mechanical tiger.

There are even people who have something like fish gills.

On both sides of the waist, open and close slowly.

There is no gap between the soles of the hands and feet, just like the soles of ducks and goose.

The speed of these people swimming in the sea has subverted the limits of human beings.

All kinds of strange-looking soldiers, located on submarines and on the sea.

The strange appearance and the mechanical body made audiences all over the world startled.

"Those seem to be super soldiers, right?"

Zhang Yaxuan fixed the live broadcast equipment on the railing and said to Tang Ke.

"It should be right, implanting mechanical and biological genes into the human body will make humans have stronger physical fitness."

Tang Ke said flatly: "However, in my opinion, these things are failures."

"The process of implanting the machine into the human body has to endure the pain, and this method is also stupid."

"Heike armor can perfectly replace these machines, and its capabilities far exceed these mechanical enhancements."

"And using animal genes to strengthen the human body is even more stupid. It is better to study human genetic medicine directly, which is more suitable for human beings."

Tang Ke smiled contemptuously, feeling sympathy for these northern soldiers.

"But the North Country has to implant animal genes into the human body. Can such a human being still be called a human?"

It's a real tragedy to be in a country like this.

"Origin, how is your situation?"

"Report to the master, all the carriers left by Apocalypse elsewhere have been removed!"

Wearing the origin of the Heike armor, levitating in front of Tang Ke, salutes like a soldier.

"I have surrounded 80% of the global network, and within an hour, I can absolutely wipe out the apocalypse on the network!"

"One hour?"

Tang Ke said: "It's too long, give me half an hour to get the other party!"

"Let all the robots in the magic capital attack with me!"


With the fall of the voice, one after another silhouettes rose into the sky on the flying skateboard.

The big white robot and the simulated robots locked onto the fighter planes in the sky and fired directly with laser guns.

call out! call out! call out!

The laser swept across the air, and the fighter jets that were hit exploded into flames with a rumble.

The battle between the two sides is about to break out, just like the battle scene of a sci-fi movie.

Such a battle scene can only be staged in the magic capital sea area.

The main force of the mechanical army's attack is all on the side of the magic capital sea area, and the battle situation is also the most intense.

Apocalypse's combat power seems to be vulnerable, but it is like endless.

No matter how many fighters Tang Ke's robots destroy, there will always be fighters flying in from afar.

Every fighter plane is a death squad, and they don't care about their lives at all.

At the moment when the fighter plane is about to be hit, the people inside will eject themselves.

It fell directly from the sky and attacked with the laser spear in its hand.

boom! boom! boom!

One after another plane crashed into the sea, and some smashed into the barrier of the magic capital.

There are also some diving robots, trying to sneak ashore.

However, it was precisely hit by the electromagnetic tower and turned into dust with a screeching sound!

"I'll come when I go, don't run around." Tang Ke said to his wife.

Zhang Yaxuan nodded obediently and pointed the live broadcast device at Tang Ke.

The audience was still exclaiming this sci-fi war scene, and suddenly saw Tang Ke fall into the live broadcast room.

Before they could react, Tang Ke tapped his shirt twice with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, a small clanging sound like glass shattering came from Tang Ke.

His clothes began to change at this moment, from cotton to steel.

Layer after layer of Coalloy expands, overlaps, stretches...

In less than two seconds, the Heike armor suddenly formed on Tang Ke, and the mask covered his face with a clanging sound.

A whole new perspective appeared in front of Tang Ke's eyes.

In an instant, the people were stunned by the scene in front of them.

What the hell is this?

"What the hell?! What kind of technology is this? It's a black technology that I've seen for the first time!"

"Good guy, how many hole cards did Tang Ke hide?"

"What a handsome armor, this is more fragrant than a robot, bring it to you!"

"May I ask if this armor is sold? I can buy it for any amount."

"I'm going, can I still fly?!"

Under the dumbfounded gaze of the audience, Tang Ke flew straight into the air and rushed towards the sea below.

He turned into a silver rainbow, and under the advancement of Ke's energy, it slammed into the submarine with a loud bang.


The heavy force made the tail of the submarine lift up suddenly, setting off a surging wave.

The super soldiers on the submarine were not afraid, and they rushed towards Tang Ke.

The man with the cheetah gene came whistling with a strong wind.

Five fingers formed claws, and the sharp nails drew five cold lights in the air, grabbing at Tang Ke.

The power of this claw can crush a person's skull with his bare hands.

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