My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 267 Northern Army defeated\r

It took less than ten minutes from the arrival of the mechanical army to the present.

The robots and super soldiers in the northern country were all unilaterally beaten by Tang Ke.

The sea is full of mechanical wreckage, a messy scene, declaring that the attack of the mechanical army has failed!

They were annihilated before they even landed on the beach in the magic capital.

The space-based space capsule in space once again condensed energy, this time the second-speed Keneng space-based cannon was turned on!

The world-destroying white light condensed on the muzzle, and before the energy was emitted, there was already a suppressed energy coming from the sky.

The fighter jets in the air crashed into the sea one after another with fire and smoke.

Some big whites and simulated robots also shattered in this war.

The azure sea is now a scarlet color, and the robots of the north country are falling down.

There are hundreds of laser cannons and cannons on the sky city, constantly firing at enemy aircraft carriers and fighter planes.

Each blow can cause a roar, shaking the waves howling.

Looking at the magic capital not far away, a transparent barrier shrouded the prosperous city, so that it did not suffer any harm.

The commander-in-chief of the North Army stood sluggishly on the submarine.

If it weren't for genetic modification and mechanical implantation, he would be completely dead now.

But no matter how tenacious his vitality, it was also doomed to his death.

Having lost half of his body, he was only looking at the world for the last time.

"Did you win?" the global audience asked blankly.

"It seems to have won. Once Apocalypse dies, the mechanical army will also lose its function and become the most common robot."

"So easy? That's it? Is this too fast?"

"Good guy, as expected of the big boss Tang Ke, slaughtered unilaterally!"

"6666666, is this Tang Ke who stands shoulder to shoulder with one country, love love."

"Look, there seems to be a white light in the sky."

"What is that? Could it be a space-based gun again?"

Through Zhang Yaxuan's live viewing angle, someone saw a dazzling white light coming from the sky, and most of the sky turned from blue to pure white.

"This... come again?"

"Fuck, is it so ruthless, it's only been ten minutes! Another shot?"

"Good guy, I'm direct good guy!"

The audience around the world was a little messy with the second space-based cannon that was about to be launched.

One bombardment is enough, but there is still a second shot? !

And looking at this posture, the power seems to be stronger than the last shot, this is the rhythm of destroying the opponent!

Above the sea, Tang Ke was driving a giant Heike armor suspended in mid-air.

"Have you felt the energy fluctuations in the sky, you have already lost." Tang Ke looked down at the crowd and said indifferently.

As more and more Ke energy gathers in space, there is no need to fight anymore.

There are also mobile Dabai and the simulated robots, and they have already begun to retreat to the magic capital and the city of the sky.

The second space-based cannon is about to fall, and both the wreckage and the surviving enemies will be wiped out under this cannon!


Apocalypse suddenly laughed, stood on the few remaining submarines and said with a smile: "I did lose, but I haven't lost completely, and humanity will surely perish, because you are a group of arrogant and arrogant races, pitifully weak."

Tang Ke said lightly: "If this is your last words, it's really boring."

Dabai and the simulation robots have all retreated.

The energy in the air became more and more restless, and I could vaguely feel a trace of heat.

"My plan has not failed. Humanity will only go to extinction in the end. Although I cannot witness the extinction of human beings, I feel unprecedented joy when I think that human beings are about to perish!"

Apocalypse's stiff face twitched, and his laughter was a bit harsh.

Tang Ke frowned, not understanding what the other party was saying, but he always felt that there was something in the words.

He flew back to the city in the sky with the Heike armor, and the Kenen space-based gun struck the earth with a devastating blow.

Dazzling white light came from the sky, as if the holy light illuminated the world.

The military of the northern country recalled that time, the destruction of the white palace by the space-based artillery!


With the humming sound resounding through the sky, whether it was Zhang Yaxuan and Tang Ke at the scene, or the people of the Magic City not far away.

Even the global audience watching the live broadcast.

All fell into a brief tinnitus at this moment, and everything in front of them was covered by white light.

The whole world turned pure white, and the sound and vision felt a little blurry.

After an unknown amount of time, the white light gradually dimmed, and a buzzing sound appeared in my ears.

Gradually, the whistling sound of the ocean waves sounded, and the strong energy aftermath turned into an air wave.

Even the people on the Divine Land felt this energy fluctuation.


The bombardment of the sky-based artillery set off a tsunami as high as 100 meters, engulfing the capital of the devil and the land of the gods.

The giant force field shields in two places sensed the danger and immediately propped up a kilometer-high transparent energy wall.

Puff puff puff!

The tsunami hit the force field shield with a dull rumbling sound.

The people of Modu sitting in the snack street were so frightened that their chopsticks fell to the ground.

Originally, I was sitting here eating and drinking, watching this world-class war with the mentality of eating melons.

As a result, the aftermath of the space-based artillery set off a super tsunami, which is really terrifying.

"Good guy, I almost seemed to be drowning just now."

"My Nima, there is a super tsunami after the white light, which scares you to death."

"Thank you Tang Ke for saving your life."

"Hahahahaha! It's so exciting, take a look at the live broadcast, how is the situation in the sea?"

"Oh, that's right, I almost forgot!"

The white light gradually dimmed, and a huge deep pit appeared in the live broadcast!

This deep crater is made of sea water, and the azure ko energy flickers slightly on the surface of the sea.

For a time, the seawater was blocked by energy, and it was delayed to fill up.

Like a mysterious force, it forcibly opened up an area in the sea.

The submarine is gone, the wreckage of the aircraft carrier and warplane is gone, and the apocalypse is gone.

There are no living creatures on the sea, and even the mechanical wreckage is only a palm-sized fragment.

The army of machines encountered by countries around the world lost their mobility at the same moment.

They have no leader, as if their souls have been taken away, and they just stand there.

All countries in the world are fighting against the mechanical army. Although it is not the main army, the battle situation is countless times more painful than that in the Magic Capital Sea.

The robots that are not afraid of death, and the soldiers of the North who also wear mechanical exoskeletons, have caused devastating damage to countries.

In some places, the Northland directly used nuclear weapons, polluting large areas.

Except for a few big powers, all other countries have lost both sides with the North.

When the mechanical army all stopped, only the soldiers of the Northland were left.

The whole world cheered and shouted at the same moment, and the soldiers shouted and rushed out.

After insisting on the war for so long, these countries finally ushered in the opportunity to counterattack.

They beheaded all the northern soldiers on the spot, leaving no prisoners of war.

Because the behavior of the North Country this time was too brutal, it was impossible to get the forgiveness of the people.

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