My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 269 Mysterious potion, explore the deep sea\r


As soon as the laboratory door opened, a monkey ran out from the researcher.

The researcher pushed down his glasses and saw that the monkey quickly disappeared from sight, and he didn't bother to care.

Anyway, other people will definitely see it outside, this monkey can't escape the dungeon at all.

The lighting in the laboratory is dim, which is very different from other laboratories.

There are more than a dozen large-scale instruments stacked on the walls on both sides, which contain the corpses of various animals, which are soaked in a green liquid medicine, exuding fluorescence.

This is the Institute of Biological Gene. In the past, only Apocalypse was here to study genetic medicine.

Apocalypse said that he is a robot and does not need lights.

So there are no lamps installed in this lab, which is quite dim.

In fact, this makes many people puzzled. After all, isn't it better to have light, and have to use its own night vision function?

Although they felt strange in their hearts, they didn't think too much about it.

Only the green medicinal liquid in this place emits a faint light, which makes people barely able to see the surrounding scene.

The researcher with glasses came in for the first time and felt that the place was a bit infiltrating.

Before Apocalypse did not die, this place was forbidden to enter.

"Tsk, it's really a strange place. I knew I would call Ethan over here."

The researcher wearing glasses showed disgust, and was about to move out a large box of medicines in front of him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a bottle of scarlet potion that was placed on the table independently.

The color of this potion is extremely coquettish, as if full of fatal temptations.

In addition to the dim environment, and the contrast of the green shimmer.

It made this bottle of potion seem even more bizarre, but it made people unable to take a closer look.

"What kind of animal genetic medicine is this?"

The researcher with glasses looked around and found that only this bottle of medicine was released alone.

Is there something special about it?

"Take it out and show it to someone who knows it, maybe there is something new to discover."

He pushed down his glasses and had a bold idea in his mind: Could it be that this is a genetic medicine designed to enhance human abilities?

Good guy, if that's the case, you'll make a lot of money!

The researcher couldn't wait, picked up the potion and went out.

Unexpectedly, because it was too dark, I accidentally kicked something under my feet,



The researcher fell to the ground and his glasses flew out.

He looked down at the potion in his hand and found that it was intact, so he was relieved.

"I almost broke the potion..."

The researcher breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he was extremely cautious just now.

I was about to pick up my glasses, but the surroundings were too dim and myopia was high.

He could only judge from the sound of the glasses falling just now, and groped for a while on the ground.

I don't know why, but when I touched it, I felt a pool of water stains.

At the moment of doubt, a pair of eyes emitting dim light appeared in the darkness!

The researcher was shocked, and before he had time to react, the other party had already pounced on him.


The harsh sound sounded in vain, and the researcher only felt a pain in his neck, and hurriedly grabbed the other party with his hands.

This is an Eastern Green Mamba that was originally sealed in a jar.

But there are many live animals in the laboratory, and the monkey who just ran out of the laboratory is one of them.

The monkey escaped from its cage and knocked over the jar of the Eastern Green Mamba.

"Shet! What is this!"

The researcher was bitten by the eastern green mamba.

He pulled away the Eastern Green Mamba with force, but the wound became bigger and blood was flowing.

His vision became blurred at this moment, and his consciousness began to lose consciousness.

He stood up in pain, and the bottle of scarlet potion in his hand fell off his hand unconsciously.


The crimson potion shattered on the ground, and a stench spread out.

The researcher didn't have time to understand where the stench came from. The blood and toxins made him feel like he might be cold.

I just hope that someone can pass by here and treat him.

But just two steps away, he made a muffled sound and fell to the ground...

At this moment in the laboratory, it fell into dead silence!

Even the East Green Mamba Snake just now, I don't know why.

It became unusually quiet, not even breathing, as if it were dead.

After an unknown amount of time, the researcher lying on the ground suddenly trembled a few times.

The body actually stood up at a strange angle and walked out of the laboratory.

An unknown disaster quietly spread in the Northland dungeon!


Castle in the Sky.

Tang Ke was ready to go, packed all kinds of luggage, as if he was going on a trip.

The black-tech submarine, which has been studied for so long, is finally about to set off.


A huge submarine fell into the sea from the city of the sky, like a depth charge, shaking several meters of waves.

In such a rude way, only Tang Ke dared to do it.

"It's time to go, baby, don't miss me too much!" Tang Ke stood in the courtyard and laughed.

Zhang Yaxuan stood in front of him, helping him straighten his collar and smooth out the wrinkles.

"You know, I won't miss you stinky treasure!"

Zhang Yaxuan pouted slightly, pretending not to care.

In fact, my heart is still very sad.

Tang Ke looked helpless, but there was something special about this ocean trip.

Before that, he had done several experiments.

In order not to be separated from his wife, he asked Butler Glory to explore the depths of the sea for him.

However, a strange phenomenon appeared, and the signal of the Glory Steward was cut off.

You know, Tang Ke's satellites are very good.

Logically speaking, as long as it is in the earth.

No matter which corner of Tang Ke and Glory Butler, there will be a signal.

As a result, when Butler Glory dived 15,000 kilometers into the deep sea, the signal was cut off!

When it returns to 10,000 meters in the deep sea, the signal will be reconnected.

Tang Ke, who did not believe in evil, even went down there in person, and the result was exactly the same as what happened to Glory.

Whether it is glory or origin, it will automatically become offline.

There seems to be some strange energy in the deep sea that interferes with satellite signals.

The electromagnetic field cannot affect Tang Ke's satellite signal, that is to say, it must be an unknown energy.

In desperation, Tang Ke could only let Glory go home and make better preparations.

In this sea exploration operation, Tang Ke intends to explore with Glory.

I don't know how long this trip will last, it may be a day or two, it may be a month.

In addition, there is no signal, and he can't contact the outside.

In other words, once he entered the deep sea to explore, he was completely cut off from the outside world.

This is why Zhang Yaxuan is reluctant, she doesn't like the feeling of being separated from Tang Ke.

"This operation is a bit dangerous, I dare not take you with me." Tang Ke said helplessly.

"It's okay, I can understand." Zhang Yaxuan smiled softly.

For a while, the two fell silent.

Tang Ke didn't leave, and Zhang Yaxuan didn't go back to the house to paint.

The two just stood there, looking at each other.

All kinds of emotions are revealed, only each other can understand.

"Do you want to go?" Tang Ke suddenly asked.

Zhang Yaxuan nodded: "I want to..."

"Let's go together then." Tang Ke chuckled.

"Hey, my husband is so nice~"

Zhang Yaxuan smiled sweetly, kissed Tang Ke on the face, and immediately turned around and ran into the house to pack her clothes.

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