My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 278 Civilization of the sea clan\r

"Too strong! Is this really the technology of the people of the Earth?"

"How is this possible? In history, the Atlantis civilization has led the tribes for centuries, and their technology is clearly in our hands, why are we no match?!"

"This is definitely alien technology, and it is impossible for the Terran people to master such technological capabilities."

"Damn, some kind of come out and fight us, damn clansmen!"

The people of the sea clan shouted angrily, but their roar was just to cover up the panic in their hearts.


Just when the Hai people were terrified, there was a sudden sound of bad news in their base camp.

The terrifying flame waves exploded and spread in the center of the deep sea!

The controllable nuclear fusion reactor of the Hai people was accidentally hit by the Ke Neng cannon.

The reactor burst open on the spot, the roar resounded throughout the world, and the monstrous fire spread in the deep sea, like a blooming flame peony.

Even in the deep sea where the temperature is extremely low, the spread of the flames cannot be suppressed.

On the ground of the deep sea 30,000 miles, a raging fire was burning.

At such a temperature, even humans on the surface would be burned to ashes.

What's more, the sea people who are afraid of high temperature don't need to burn their bodies with flames.

The high temperature in the water alone scalded a large number of Hai people to death.

"The reactor was hit, everyone evacuated!" The Hai people in the research center hurriedly shouted.

At the same time, layers of energy shields are released, trying to resist the explosion of the reactor.

But the energy of the reactor is too powerful, and the energy shield is like a thin layer of paper in front of it, which can be easily broken.

The nearby sea tribesmen held tridents and wanted to control the sea to stop the disaster.

However, it was all in vain, the sea was unable to swallow the flames, and the explosive flames were ravaging the world like a ferocious dragon.

The screams echoed in the deep sea, and the leader of the sea clan was incompetent and furious, and rushed to the top of the submarine with a trident in hand.

With his powerful and excellent genes, he endured the attack of the electromagnetic tower and constantly attacked the submarine.

He is like a primitive man, holding a stick and desperately attacking the tank.

No matter how strong his genes are, he will not be able to open a hole.

"Come out for me! Give me something to come out! If you don't have this kind of technology, I can crush you with one hand!"

The leader of the sea clan shouted loudly, everything in their sea clan today was caused by this submarine.

But no matter how hard they tried, it was in vain.

This sense of powerlessness deeply affected the pride of the Hai people.

Tang Ke in the submarine looked at the scene in front of him indifferently, and the distant fire was spreading at an alarming speed.

"Genes are really powerful. The strength may be similar to that of me wearing Heike armor. It seems that my genetic medicine needs to be released sooner!"

Tang Ke sighed in his heart that the genes of the Hai people are really powerful.

Genes are not impossible to change, the premise is to have such technology and ability.

With the help of the black technology system, Tang Ke believes that he can definitely develop it.

"Origin, how was the information collected?"

"It has been collected, and all the data of the cosmic signal wave has been loaded into the background."

"After collecting, let's go."

Tang Ke chuckled lightly, raised his head and drank the Coke in his hand.

During the submarine attack on the sea clan base camp, Yuanyuan was not idle.

While firing the Konen Cannon, she collected and adopted the surrounding signal waves.

Just detect how the sea people use this kind of cosmic fluctuations, and then study it by yourself, you can fully grasp it.

With Tang Ke's order, a Koneng cannon was aimed at the leader of the sea clan.

The vast power shot out in a hurry, and the corpse of the leader of the sea clan flew upside down, and was instantly engulfed by the spreading flames.

The submarine then passed through the vortex diaphragm and rose to the surface.

The sea tribe's territory is completely over, and the energy of the reactor is expected to explode for a long time.

Before leaving, Origin detected that there were multiple reactors in the Sea Race territory.

Under the devouring of this fire, a more terrifying series of explosions was triggered.

Between 20,000 and 30,000 meters of the seabed, they were all submerged by the explosion of fire.

The dark and dead deep sea was turned into a magma zone at this moment.

"I am afraid that the sea clan will be exterminated. Under such an explosion, it is absolutely difficult to survive."

Zhang Yaxuan stared at the ray of light behind her in a daze.

Tang Ke nodded and said: "It is estimated that it is gone. It is estimated that it will take a year or two to extinguish the flame."

According to the feedback from the submarine, the temperature of the whole sea has increased as a result.

The low temperature of the deep sea is long gone, and the temperature even exceeds the sea surface.

Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan did not expect that this trip to the ocean would destroy a civilization.

Zhang Yaxuan was lying on the window sill and asked in confusion, "Little Kezi, do you think we have become executioners?"

It is so easy to say that a civilized creature will be destroyed, which makes people feel very unreal.

It turns out that life is so fragile in the face of technology?

Tang Ke can understand Zhang Yaxuan's feelings, after all, this short moment has wiped out hundreds of millions of living beings.

As long as it's not a ruthless killer, there will be a burst of discomfort in the heart.

He reached out and stroked his wife's long straight black hair, and smiled lightly: "Don't think so much, there are wars between countries, not to mention the collision between civilizations."

"This world is inherently prey to the weak. If we don't do anything, the other party will come to oppress us."

If Tang Ke's submarine is not strong enough, it is not the sea clan that will be destroyed, but them.

They will even be arrested for in vivo research, struggling to die in pain.

"Their demise was not all caused by me, but more by the explosion of their reactor."

Tang Ke also didn't expect that the Koneng Cannon bombarded the enemy's shell vehicle, and it would hit their nuclear fusion reactor.

What made him speechless was that these Hai people didn't even have any countermeasures.

That's why Tang Ke felt that the other party's controllable nuclear fusion was actually confinement fusion.

Because the sea people have not fully controlled nuclear fusion.

They just confine energy within a range, allowing them to manipulate and output.

Once an external element causes fusion energy to escape from the device, the fusion energy will go out of control on the spot.

In Tang Ke's view, the real controllable nuclear fusion.

It's not just the energy within the device that can be controlled.

Instead, the energy is output to the outside, and it can still be controlled.

This is the most perfect controllable nuclear fusion!

Obviously, the controllable nuclear fusion of the Hai people did not consider external factors.

I have not considered how to control the output energy.

This also led to a series of explosions of the nuclear fusion reactor, which directly destroyed the Hai Clan base camp.

"Well, I understand the reasoning, but there is a feeling that I can't tell." Zhang Yaxuan nodded slightly, still looking at the glowing deep sea.

Tang Ke didn't say anything more, this is a normal phenomenon, and his wife will be relieved after a while.

The submarine continued to rise and came to a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea.

This place was once again plunged into darkness, and neither the fires beneath the deep sea nor the sunlight on the sea could be seen.

The satellite signal was connected again, but a lot of news followed, which made Tang Ke feel a little stunned.

Why so much information, could it be that something is wrong?

Tang Ke frowned slightly and asked the origin of the connection network to briefly report the situation.

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