My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 281 Powerful Apocalypse Virus\r

The head of the Dragon Kingdom took the initiative to step forward and lightly grasped Tang Ke's armored palm.

"Meet again, Mr. Tang Ke!"

The chief spoke first with a smile on his face: "I was a little surprised by the way you appeared."

Tang Ke laughed and said, "The chief is joking, I'm just a protective suit, take me to the laboratory to have a look."

On the way here, he informed Long Kingdom of his arrival.

Therefore, wearing the black armor, there was no misunderstanding.

When the people around heard that Tang Ke was a protective suit, they secretly complained in their hearts.

This is simply a bull's knife for killing chickens. Wearing black armor to study viruses, there is no one else.

Those who didn't know thought that Tang Ke was going to attack the research institute.

"Let's go, let's go in together." The head of Long Guo made a gesture of invitation.

A group of people walked into the research institute and soon came to the door of the laboratory.

"It is the laboratory of the Apocalypse virus. I am inconvenient to enter. I am very sorry." Chief Long Guo apologized.

Tang Ke nodded, expressing his understanding.

It's not that the chief is afraid of death, but that his identity is here.

Even if he is willing to go in, the high-level people around him will not agree.

Not afraid of 10,000, but just in case, if there is any accident, the Dragon Kingdom will be headless.

Each term of the head is only after rigorous assessment before taking office.

This is also one of the important reasons why the Dragon Kingdom has prospered for so many years.

Tang Ke walked into the isolation room alone, the front and rear doors were closed, and a large amount of disinfection gas was released around.

Then the front door opened, and there were more than a dozen people in chemical protective suits, who were concentrating on studying the apocalypse virus placed in front of them.

When someone saw Tang Ke in black armor walking in, he immediately stepped forward.

"Mr. Tang Ke, please, let me introduce to you the data we have learned so far."

Without any polite words, the researcher swiped two gestures in the air and unfolded a holographic projection screen.

He took the initiative to tell the current research situation, one by one.

Tang Ke stared at the data on the screen, and while he was thinking, Yuanyuan was also scanning the information.

These figures are all up-to-date and have not yet been published on the web.

Tang Ke followed the researcher to a separate laboratory.

"Mr. Tang Ke, what is in this container is the Apocalypse virus. It has been stored for fifteen days and is still active."

Tang Ke looked into the container, through the built-in magnification function of Heike's armor.

Like a microscope, the virus was seen jumping around in the container, trying to escape from the container.

"You go out, let me come here alone."

Tang Ke is also no nonsense, let these people not bother themselves.

The researcher nodded, and after leaving the place, only Tang Ke was left.

He asked Origin to scan the virus, and according to the research road laid by the researchers of Longguo, he directly tested the virus with nano-machine bugs.

Dragon Kingdom has also been treated with a nanomedical cabin.

But the apocalypse virus is very fierce, like a nano-cell with consciousness.

It will resist the attack of nanoworms.

It even manipulates cell tissue to directly seal the muscle tissue of the whole body to prevent nanoworms from entering the body again.

The body and face of the zombies look hungry and thin, not the lack of nutrients in the human body.

Rather, the virus manipulates muscle tissue to contract, preventing other things from entering the body.

So the zombie looks very thin, but the weight has not lost any weight.

On the contrary, they who ate a lot of human flesh gained more weight than before.

Those zombies whose mouths are full of oil and are bloated and fat are all extremely fierce existences.

Because they eat too many people, they are still so fat when the muscles are contracted.

It's enough to show how terrifying the combat power of fat zombies is.

While Tang Ke was researching, he also asked Dabai from home to carry some instruments.

Long Guo's research instruments alone can't do much.

He has a lot of high-tech equipment in his home, which can do more things.

After Dabai delivered the instrument, Tang Ke devoted himself to virus research again.

He found that the apocalypse virus was not the most primitive, but an apocalypse virus that had been mutated many times.

It enters the human body from the very beginning, and after a week of circulation, it will mutate and become more powerful.

When the zombie exhales this virus and is absorbed by the second human, it will undergo a second round of mutation.

The more they invade the human body, the stronger these viruses become.

In addition, if a zombie has not been eliminated, the virus in the body will become stronger and stronger.

A zombie that has survived for ten days is ten times stronger than a newly born zombie!

Those two million Dragon Country zombies should have evolved very powerfully at this moment.

"It's hard to do now..."

Tang Ke frowned slightly, it wasn't these viruses that made him embarrassed, it was time waiting for no one.

Long Kingdom has contained the spread of the virus, but not abroad.

Until the day he develops the antidote, the people of Long Kingdom may be saved, but those abroad will...

"Origin, how is the global situation now?"

At the end of the day's research, Tang Ke flew back to the Sky City from the research institute after sterilizing his whole body armor.

"At present, the Dragon Kingdom virus has been perfectly controlled. There are no infected people in the land of God, but infected people have appeared in other countries, and they are increasing at an alarming rate."

Origins unfolds a global map with red dots representing global infections and white representing no infected people.

Among them, the land in the northern kingdom has all turned red, and no place is left blank.

There are also a few small countries that remain white, and others that have more or less red punctuation.

"Alas, it can only depend on their own survivability."

Tang Ke sighed and closed the screen.

He is not God and cannot save everyone.

And the spread of the virus has a lot to do with the rule of the country.

They don't work hard themselves, they just wait for Tang Ke to save them.

You can save once, but not forever.

In any case, there is only one relationship between these countries and Tang Ke.

That is the identity of earthlings.

Other than that, they have nothing to do with Tang Ke.

After this virus passes, I am afraid more people will die.

The global population is bound to plummet again.

Tang Ke fell outside the yard, and he didn't rush into the house.

Instead, he walked into the disinfection room that Glory helped build, and disinfected it again.

He put away the Heike armor and put it in the disinfection room.

Then, after another whole body disinfection, I could enter the yard of the mansion with confidence.

Regarding the safety of his family, Tang Ke is still quite cautious.

Zhang Yaxuan stood gracefully at the door and smiled softly, "I'm back, looking at you, you seem a little tired."

She reached out and stroked Tang Ke's face, her eyes full of love.

Tang Ke grinned and pressed his wife's fair-skinned jade hand: "I'm a little tired, this time the virus is a little tricky."

No matter how tired you are, seeing Meimei's wife waiting at home, all the tiredness will be swept away.

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